This Old Church

See category This Old Church on .
Last import of category containing 12965 waymarks in 91 different countries with 285 regions was on 2025-01-30, there are 456 waymarks with missing region in this category.

573 different waymarkers contributed to this category.

GURUGU 136310.51
pmaupin 8146.28
T0SHEA 5123.95
BruceS 4603.55
Master Mariner 3462.67
razalas 2992.31
Don.Morfe 2952.28
WalksfarTX 2822.18
sara et gege 2752.12
YoSam. 2752.12
neoc1 2531.95
Ariberna 2341.80
Dorcadion Team 2241.73
Marine Biologist 2201.70
veritas vita 2081.60
Weathervane 1891.46
blingg 1831.41
SMacB 1741.34
nomadwillie 1711.32
silverquill 1681.30
The_Senior_Crabbes 1661.28
YvesProvence 1651.27
bluesnote 1551.20
Norfolk12 1481.14
Alfouine 1441.11
QuarrellaDeVil 1401.08
ripraff 1401.08
Math Teacher 1260.97
fellsmanhiker 1220.94
denben 1180.91
Blanko36 1090.84
Iris & Harry 1060.82
Sir Lose-a-lot 960.74
Brentorboxer 950.73
superstein 940.73
jonathanatpsu 910.70
kaschper69 900.69
Metro2 830.64
CADS11 820.63
flipflopnick 820.63
Ddraig Ddu 790.61
luzzi-reloaded 780.60
xeocach 780.60
Noe1 760.59
dvddragon 740.57
lumbricus 720.56
NorStar 690.53
Grahame Cookie 620.48
iconions 590.46
bobfrapples8 540.42
fi67 510.39
Benchmark Blasterz 500.39
dtrebilc 490.38
Tuena 480.37
showbizkid 470.36
greysman 460.35
Poole/Freeman 450.35
Eibacher Kuckuck 420.32
dreamhummie 400.31
onfire4jesus 400.31
Mike_bjm 380.29
saopaulo1 380.29
deano1943 340.26
linkys 310.24
manchanegra 310.24
prussel 310.24
Sneakin Deacon 310.24
Bono2333 300.23
André de Montbard 280.22
NW_history_buff 280.22
BluegrassCache 270.21
hamquilter 270.21
PetjeOp 260.20
Tante.Hossi 260.20
WrightStuff 260.20
Raven 250.19
Smithbats 250.19
kallehaugerne 230.18
lynx36 230.18
gemeloj 220.17
puczmeloun 220.17
ted28285 220.17
The Snowdog 220.17
100stress 210.16
ChapterhouseInc 210.16
PISA-caching 210.16
Trail Blaisers 210.16
Volcanoguy 210.16
briansnat 200.15
Chasing Blue Sky 200.15
jiggs11 200.15
wireworm 200.15
g300td 190.15
PeterNoG 190.15
S5280ft 190.15
Becktracker 180.14
buffalohiker 180.14
Dunbar Loop 180.14
geotrouvtou59 180.14
JMRetSB 180.14
oiseau_ca 180.14
UberHOKIE 180.14
bill&ben 170.13
AngelPick 160.12
davidb11 160.12
Lightnin Bug 150.12
thegorilla23 150.12
Andre 61 140.11
brwhiz 140.11
hummerstation 140.11
jkozik 140.11
kJfishman 140.11
Vermontish 140.11
4spring 130.10
KC9PDY 130.10
NevaP 130.10
Outspoken1 130.10
stinger503 130.10
xptwo 130.10
Dáin & Olík 120.09
dave-harris 120.09
ddtfamily 120.09
JDandDD 120.09
Walking Boots 120.09
Windsocker 120.09
Dirkjogt 110.08
hotshoe 110.08
libbykc 110.08
Loonwatcher 110.08
94RedRover 100.08
arby101ca 100.08
ashberry 100.08
Dragontree 100.08
FamilieFrohne 100.08
ggmorton 100.08
GT.US 100.08
Hikenutty 100.08
plymplodder 100.08
Smurffaaja 100.08
Team Smokey 100.08
the federation 100.08
Caty1723 90.07 90.07
RakeInTheCache 90.07
argus1972 80.06
Barthax 80.06
JimmyEv 80.06
macleod1 80.06
paulspaper 80.06
Squirreleen 80.06
Team RAGAR 80.06
Velicenstvo 80.06
wildernessmama 80.06
wildwoodke 80.06
Bear and Ragged 70.05
Big B Bob 70.05
blackjack65 70.05
DougK 70.05
dremoto 70.05
DudleyGrunt 70.05
DukeRoom 70.05
HitchinLookers 70.05
LeBourguignon 70.05
Olii05 70.05
Team Boon 70.05
bcrockcrawler, xstitcher, & BMXer 60.05
Bernd das Brot Team 60.05
debbado 60.05
FSU*Noles 60.05
garmin_geek 60.05
GeoLog81 60.05
gypsie2 60.05
JacobBarlow 60.05
Kladings 60.05
Mair Wales 60.05
PaulLassiter 60.05
Punga and Paua 60.05
Roman_Jaromer 60.05
sagefemme 60.05
seal13 60.05
sernikk 60.05
Szuchie 60.05
TeamYakara 60.05
Tharandter 60.05
ucdvicky 60.05
Windschattenwanderer 60.05
Andrex228 50.04
BackBrakeBilly 50.04
Bon Echo 50.04
Cacher_Alec 50.04
DieCacherGirls 50.04
Forsyte 50.04
Infra-Blue 50.04
La de Boheme 50.04
McBack 50.04
model12 50.04
Mooroid 50.04
MoreOutdoor 50.04
OLapis 50.04
PalgravePosse 50.04
Tashington 50.04
timcoplin 50.04
Vedot67 50.04
vhasler 50.04
WayExplorer 50.04
"Paws"itraction 40.03
3l diesel 40.03
CrippledBlindSquirrel 40.03
gparkes 40.03
Harko72 40.03
jhuoni 40.03
Kickeux 40.03
kishin 40.03
kittyposse 40.03
Kubickovi 40.03
Lazer 40.03
lindeye 40.03
Manville Possum 40.03
miatabug 40.03
monkeys4ever 40.03
msrubble 40.03
Nature Noggins 40.03
NCDaywalker 40.03
NJBiblio 40.03
PersonsMD 40.03
PTCrazy 40.03
swizzle 40.03
T-Team! 40.03
WanderingAus 40.03
WascoZooKeeper 40.03
Web-ling 40.03
*Team Krombaer* 30.02
adgorn 30.02
Arne1 30.02
Arogant 30.02
Axel-F 30.02
bpom 30.02
Captain Spaulding 30.02
Deadjesters 30.02
flyingmoose 30.02
Geojeepsters 30.02
Georgioturino 30.02
gpsblake 30.02
HaricotVert_52 30.02
ipln 30.02
Janila 30.02
jeredim 30.02
KaPsTeam 30.02
kjohn73 30.02
Klabautermanden 30.02
L@Troj 30.02
Lat34North 30.02
Laval K-9 30.02
lyturmel 30.02
martlakes 30.02
matefreund 30.02
Meirion 30.02
mikemtn 30.02
Mr. 0 30.02
muffy53 30.02
Ourspolaire&Gemeloj 30.02
Riblit 30.02
robbdogg120 30.02
rogueblack 30.02
sfwife 30.02
shadow101 30.02
Titansfan 30.02
Tromel 30.02
vraatja 30.02
Windego1 30.02
401Photos 20.02
79scouts 20.02
archway 20.02
Beagle-1 20.02
Bluejacket01 20.02
bluelamb03 20.02
Cavernario 20.02
cldisme 20.02
cmiller38 20.02
CraigInCT 20.02
Crazy4horses 20.02
CTBruce 20.02
DaveGoliath 20.02
davidbruce 20.02
dawgs 20.02
die_sonnenkoeppe 20.02
fatcat161 20.02
FBBHaegar 20.02
Firefrog69 20.02
fluson 20.02
FRESH AIR53 20.02
frivlas 20.02
FRLK 20.02
Go Boilers! 20.02
god_herodes 20.02
GroVicking 20.02
Hawaiian Ninja 20.02
Hertogh 20.02
hoekraam 20.02
IJAdventures 20.02
IlGattito 20.02
ištván 20.02
Jagman714 20.02
Johnny_Quest 20.02
Keldar5 20.02
LadyKarine 20.02
lazyCachers 20.02
lenron 20.02
LightRich1 20.02
lilluckyclover 20.02
lonewolf5929 20.02
Lord Mot 20.02
me.toString 20.02
misfitt 20.02
moelsla 20.02
No Fixed Aboder 20.02
Papichon 20.02
Phronimos 20.02
ras258 20.02
Rayman 20.02
Rose Red 20.02
RuiJSDuarte 20.02
Saureus 20.02
schwalbe 20.02
Semper Questio 20.02
snfromky 20.02
Sprinterman 20.02
Superted 20.02
Team Glandouillage 20.02
team Hebbes 20.02
teeoff2 20.02
TerraViators 20.02
The-DuHawks 20.02
TheBeanTeam 20.02
Thorny1 20.02
Throsbyonchurch 20.02
TOMSTAR66 20.02
tontonlou 20.02
Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking 20.02
TurndAround 20.02
txoilgas 20.02
Ulit7 20.02
V70PDB 20.02
vulture1957 20.02
Wampa-One 20.02
Wayfinder Zukon 20.02
5erBande 10.01
7ofclubs 10.01
8Nuts MotherGoose 10.01
adenium 10.01
Adrian_S 10.01
AirV 10.01
AlexEmilie 10.01
alynx 10.01
Ambrosia 10.01
angellica 10.01
AnthemRose 10.01
Archived2012 10.01
ASS3755 10.01
Atlanta Highland Bagpiper 10.01
BakaGaijin 10.01
BeJan52 10.01
Berseg 10.01
BGen&cie 10.01
Biglailo 10.01
bklock 10.01
BlazingOtters 10.01
Blue J Wenatchee 10.01
bob29 10.01
Bolle007 10.01
bpratt 10.01
calgriz 10.01
Captain Chaoss 10.01
carolina1 10.01
carptrash 10.01
cat herders 10.01
celene37 10.01
CoinsAndPins 10.01
Cruiseologist 10.01
Cruz Jr 10.01
D1k74 10.01
darkMS 10.01
davmllr 10.01
dejf75 10.01
Denfire et Veda 10.01
denmother4 10.01
denverchickenfarmer 10.01
Der Leger 10.01
DerSchnelleLinus 10.01
DesG 10.01
dieSulzer 10.01
djdomin 10.01
dkestrel 10.01
DnRseekers 10.01
DopeyDuck 10.01
DrJay 10.01
DyverDown 10.01
dzrt1st 10.01
ECPirates 10.01
elyob 10.01
endeavour3 10.01
entogeek 10.01
eremmel65 10.01
esslpt02100 10.01
exeli 10.01
FamilyTrees 10.01
Fingolfin_UK 10.01
FolsomNatural 10.01
franketmuriel 10.01
fredevils 10.01
FunnyNose 10.01
GatoRx 10.01
GCEdo 10.01
GEO*Trailblazer 1 10.01
geobwong2k 10.01
GeoGrands 10.01
GeoKen 10.01
GeoRams 10.01
Grammy42 10.01
graylling 10.01
Gryffindor3 10.01
GwenanDu 10.01
hacze_losy 10.01
HappyFrog (& gang) 10.01
Harriet the Spy 10.01
haxepaxe 10.01
howarthe 10.01
hyperheidi 10.01
h_raky 10.01
Influence Waterfowl Calls 10.01
InGodsHands 10.01
J.A.R.S. 10.01
jcurtis55 10.01
JDogMonkey 10.01
jhauser42 10.01
jrav 10.01
JSDAFM 10.01
justus1 10.01
Kallicrates 10.01
karlmurch 10.01
KDubs 10.01
keillec 10.01
Kelgorthon 10.01
klucas 10.01
Kroeby 10.01
Lady_Hawke 10.01
LeonW 10.01
lison55 10.01
Lissy04 10.01
m&m O 10.01
machard 10.01
Maisi2 10.01
Manaies 10.01
mar&ed 10.01
marcius 10.01
marioafonso 10.01
Maris & Baiba 10.01
mars888 10.01
mazzmn 10.01
Mcm.90 10.01
Megrim1888 10.01
meralgia 10.01
Mesozoic 10.01
michael3900 10.01
MightyReek 10.01
Mike-LDK 10.01
mikr 10.01
Mirtilli 10.01
Mom the Cook & cashnhubby 10.01
MoOzarksRegionalExplorers 10.01
Mother Wolf 10.01
Mountain_Wanderer 10.01
Mouse Jockey 10.01
mouton+chaton 10.01
MrCachly 10.01
mrjcanger 10.01
msamsom 10.01
MTBpointer 10.01
mTn_biKer65 10.01
muddawber 10.01
Narayan, 10.01
new8812 10.01
nneuman 10.01
northernpenguin 10.01
OceanicCrew815 10.01
ODragon 10.01
okgranny49 10.01
okrutnyb 10.01
pa3ems 10.01
paulohercules 10.01
PaulPosition 10.01
Payneboys 10.01
Pensive Travellers 10.01
PFF 10.01
PharmD93 10.01
Piglet&Tigger&Pooh 10.01
pink 84 10.01
polecat42 10.01
prairie_hills_kid 10.01
pruppi 10.01
Prying Pandora 10.01
pstidsen 10.01
Q-Hullu 10.01
QuesterMark 10.01
r.e.s.t.seekers 10.01
Rachel83642 10.01
RaďousCZ 10.01
renruts 10.01
reSep 10.01
Rikitan 10.01
River_Cat16 10.01
ronjean 10.01
RvrRnr 10.01
Saddlesore1000 10.01
SafeRad 10.01
Sakidoo 10.01
sanders3 10.01
Scael 10.01
Schwerttraeger07 10.01
Scott Cache Seekers 10.01
scrambler390 10.01
ScroogieII 10.01
Shorelander 10.01
Simplenfun 10.01
Siren Hunter 10.01
Slyyy 10.01
small oaks 10.01
sundevil1994 10.01
SUp3rFM & Cruella 10.01
sW` 10.01
tatie 10.01
Team AMW 10.01
Team B Squared 10.01
Team Min Dawg 10.01
Team Roberson 10.01
Team Sieni 10.01
TeamBPL 10.01
TeamDJ* 10.01
techiegrl64 10.01
The A-Team 10.01
The Burrow 10.01
The Cache Hoppers 10.01
The Spindoctors 10.01
theHostas 10.01
TheWildRoots 10.01
The_Simpsons 10.01
tmob 10.01
Todak 10.01
tofixe 10.01
Torgut 10.01
ToRo61 10.01
trekkerz 10.01
TumbleWeed 10.01
turnersrugs 10.01
Tygress 10.01
viperunderground 10.01
waiiti20 10.01
waypointazoid 10.01
Wilbert67 10.01
XeresDan 10.01
YukonWolf 10.01
ZenPanda 10.01
Zubulus 10.01
[somnambulist] 10.01