Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants

See category Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants on .
Last import of category containing 1358 waymarks in 52 different countries with 147 regions was on 2025-01-30, there are 22 waymarks with missing region in this category.

363 different waymarkers contributed to this category.

saopaulo1 32323.78
bluesnote 735.38
retail96 705.15
Grahame Cookie 402.95
outdoorboy34 322.36
wildwoodke 322.36
PeterNoG 221.62
stinger503 221.62
ucdvicky 211.55
ChapterhouseInc 201.47
silverquill 161.18
walkingwildly 161.18
Ariberna 151.10
Keškovatel 130.96
YoSam. 130.96
GT.US 110.81
Ianatlarge 110.81
xeocach 110.81
jiggs11 100.74
bobfrapples8 90.66
Max93600 90.66
rmikelyons 80.59
nvtriker 70.52
Firefrog69 60.44
pmaupin 60.44
QuarrellaDeVil 60.44
denben 50.37
Dorcadion Team 50.37
lovorn 50.37
Max and 99 50.37
monkeys4ever 50.37
RakeInTheCache 50.37
ripraff 50.37
Savoy 50.37
T-Team! 50.37
T0SHEA 50.37
blingg 40.29
brwhiz 40.29
chrissyml 40.29
Don.Morfe 40.29
dreamhummie 40.29
elyob 40.29
gypsie2 40.29
Norfolk12 40.29
PeanutsParents 40.29
PTCrazy 40.29
SMacB 40.29
The Blue Quasar 40.29
thegorilla23 40.29
The_Senior_Crabbes 40.29
Andre 61 30.22
Arne1 30.22
BackBrakeBilly 30.22
deano1943 30.22
DougandSandra 30.22
Hawaiian Ninja 30.22
kaschper69 30.22
Kin9sPanK 30.22
lilluckyclover 30.22
luzzi-reloaded 30.22
macleod1 30.22
mcc_ 30.22
Narayan, 30.22 30.22
NW_history_buff 30.22
Pensive Travellers 30.22
sernikk 30.22
Team--B 30.22
The A-Team 30.22
The Snowdog 30.22
theHostas 30.22
Throsbyonchurch 30.22
Torgut 30.22
vhasler 30.22
WanderingAus 30.22
Web-ling 30.22
XeresDan 30.22
7ofclubs 20.15
Alfouine 20.15
André de Montbard 20.15
Becktracker 20.15
bonkers18 20.15
Brentorboxer 20.15
bronco busters 20.15
cabefly 20.15
Captain Spaulding 20.15
creg-ny-baa 20.15
Dáin & Olík 20.15
dave-harris 20.15
David Taylor 20.15
Ddraig Ddu 20.15
DougK 20.15
FamilieFrohne 20.15
fatcat161 20.15
fi67 20.15
Forsyte 20.15
Free2bme29 20.15
GA Cacher 20.15
geotrouvtou59 20.15
graylling 20.15
Gryffindor3 20.15
H to the Bizzle! 20.15
Hatti75 20.15
hoekraam 20.15
IceCreamMan 20.15
iconions 20.15
kallehaugerne 20.15
Keldar5 20.15
Lat34North 20.15
linkys 20.15
Metro2 20.15
Mom the Cook & cashnhubby 20.15
Nomiker 20.15
ODragon 20.15
paulspaper 20.15
POCrow222 20.15
Poole/Freeman 20.15
prussel 20.15
RaďousCZ 20.15
Rayman 20.15
rjm1 20.15
sara et gege 20.15
Scott Cache Seekers 20.15
scrambler390 20.15
sfwife 20.15
Siren Hunter 20.15
Tante.Hossi 20.15
techiegrl64 20.15
The Burrow 20.15
The Spindoctors 20.15
Trail Blaisers 20.15
UtahSteve 20.15
veritas vita 20.15
Walking Boots 20.15
00M 10.07
3Bobs 10.07
401Photos 10.07
4pear 10.07
4spring 10.07
8Nuts MotherGoose 10.07
AA&C 10.07
ahight 10.07
Arogant 10.07
Astartus 10.07
Aussiebrian 10.07
Axel-F 10.07
b.b.wolf 10.07
BakaGaijin 10.07
BalloonPilot07 10.07
bcrockcrawler, xstitcher, & BMXer 10.07
Beeklust 10.07
Benchmark Blasterz 10.07
Beorngar 10.07
Berkut 10.07
Bernd das Brot Team 10.07
BluegrassCache 10.07
bmon419 10.07
bpratt 10.07
BruceS 10.07
Cache Sleuth 10.07
CADS11 10.07
Cammac25 10.07
Cargoman 10.07
carolina1 10.07
Cavernario 10.07
CayenneTS 10.07
charlietd 10.07
Chasing Blue Sky 10.07
cherubin 10.07
chettech 10.07
Chickilim 10.07
Chris777 10.07
cldisme 10.07
ColleIsarco 10.07
Country_Wife 10.07
CraigInCT 10.07
CrAzYoTa 10.07
dalls 10.07
DangerousDale 10.07
DarkDodo 10.07
ddtfamily 10.07
debbado 10.07
deel 10.07
DerSchnelleLinus 10.07
digger9 10.07
dkestrel 10.07
DopeyDuck 10.07
Draghkar 10.07
Dragontree 10.07
dream chaser 10.07
dtrebilc 10.07
dvddragon 10.07
ECPirates 10.07
eilers1 10.07
Facedances 10.07
flyingmoose 10.07
fresgo 10.07
froghoppin 10.07
FSU*Noles 10.07
GBFind 10.07
GCEdo 10.07
GEO*Trailblazer 1 10.07
GEO-VLK 10.07
geobwong2k 10.07
Geojeepsters 10.07
GeoRams 10.07
ggmorton 10.07
GIDEON-X 10.07
Go Boilers! 10.07
GPComd 10.07
Grimlock 10.07
GURUGU 10.07
GwenanDu 10.07
h35per05 10.07
hacze_losy 10.07
HaricotVert_52 10.07
Headstone Hunter 1 10.07
Hikenutty 10.07
horizon seeker 10.07
hotshoe 10.07
IlliniPhil 10.07
iluvfire 10.07
Influence Waterfowl Calls 10.07
Infra-Blue 10.07
InGodsHands 10.07
Iris & Harry 10.07
JacobBarlow 10.07
James0116 10.07
JamesA60 10.07
JDandDD 10.07
JMRetSB 10.07
junior ' 10.07
kbarhow 10.07
KC9PDY 10.07
KDubs 10.07
Kickeux 10.07
kingbee 10.07
Klabautermanden 10.07
Kladings 10.07
LadyKarine 10.07
Laura.Beldavs 10.07
lazyCachers 10.07
LeBourguignon 10.07
Lightnin Bug 10.07
Lord Mot 10.07
lp5324 10.07
Lucky_Al 10.07
lulu_et_compagnie 10.07
m&m O 10.07
machard 10.07
Mafushwa 10.07
MAMOUE 10.07
manchanegra 10.07
marcius 10.07
Marine Biologist 10.07
Master Mariner 10.07
Math Teacher 10.07
mcmeunier 10.07
meatmanfamily 10.07
Merlin-N-Mim 10.07
Modestia 10.07
Mountain_Wanderer 10.07
mTn_biKer65 10.07
muffy53 10.07
n8bing 10.07
Narniaexpert 10.07
natural9 10.07
NCDaywalker 10.07
NGComets 10.07
Noe1 10.07
NorStar 10.07
northernpenguin 10.07
Odyssey Posse 10.07
oiseau_ca 10.07
okgranny49 10.07
onfire4jesus 10.07
Outspoken1 10.07
pa3ems 10.07
PatrickValerie 10.07
paulohercules 10.07
PersonsMD 10.07
PetjeOp 10.07
Phoneguy Canuck 10.07
PISA-caching 10.07
Poehunters 10.07
poildecarot 10.07
Postells 10.07
pseudoprime 10.07
pstidsen 10.07
Queens Blessing 10.07
r.e.s.t.seekers 10.07
ras258 10.07
razalas 10.07
redhead3434 10.07
redheadsrule 10.07
rsc_cz 10.07
run26.2 10.07
Rupert2 10.07
S10 10.07
sagefemme 10.07
scotian 10.07
seapanda 10.07
Shimski 10.07
Simplenfun 10.07
Six Little Spookies 10.07
Skyecat 10.07
SM741 10.07
Smurffaaja 10.07
Spesbona 10.07
SpockProf 10.07
Sprinterman 10.07
StefandD 10.07
sumpteretc 10.07
SUp3rFM & Cruella 10.07
superstein 10.07
Superted 10.07
SweetPea57 10.07
tatie 10.07
Team Farkle 7 10.07
TeamXW 10.07
Team_Watkins 10.07
ted28285 10.07
teeoff2 10.07
TerraViators 10.07
the federation 10.07
The Wild Road 10.07
TheBeanTeam 10.07
TheLoneWanderer 10.07
TheMayfieldFamily 10.07
themd 10.07
TheWildRoots 10.07
Thorny1 10.07
TikTokOfOz 10.07
tmob 10.07
tofixe 10.07
tontonlou 10.07
Tooms et Jess 10.07
torfik 10.07
ToRo61 10.07
Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking 10.07
TucsonThompsen 10.07
Tuena 10.07
txoilgas 10.07
uccacher 10.07
Velicenstvo 10.07
Vermontish 10.07
Voices 10.07
Volcanoguy 10.07
vraatja 10.07
vulture1957 10.07
Wandering Spirits 10.07
wildernessmama 10.07
Windsocker 10.07
Woody Figtree 10.07
xptwo 10.07
zarbol 10.07
zdeziz 10.07
Zork V 10.07
[somnambulist] 10.07