Illuminated School Sports Fields

See category Illuminated School Sports Fields on .
Last import of category containing 247 waymarks in 12 different countries with 58 regions was on 2025-01-30, there are 1 waymarks with missing region in this category.

First in
CountryRegionOwnerApproved onWM-CodeTitle
CanadaAlbertawildwoodke2011-11-23WMD4Z2Ernest Manning Fields - Calgary, Alberta
CanadaBritish ColumbiaT0SHEA2013-03-28WMGKARButler Park - Trail, British Columbia
starsCanadaManitobaPeterNoG2010-03-18WM8DM8St Paul's High School's Connolly Field - Winnipeg MB
CanadaOntarioDougandSandra2012-06-18WMEGG4Windsor Stadium - Windsor, Ontario
CanadaQuébectatie2014-04-17WMKHMCLe terrain de Football du Collège Letendre - Laval, Québec, Canada
starsCzechiaMoravskoslezský krajdavidb112023-03-08WM17FP4Football field - Vratimov, Czech republic
starsFinlandVarsinais-Suomizeepia2022-09-27WM16N1DRungon koulun kenttä
FranceCentre-Val-de-LoireBlanko362022-11-12WM17012Stade Municipal Gaston Jamet, Saint-Août, France
starsFranceNouvelle-Aquitainesara et gege2014-11-17WMMVJRla Venise Verte - Niort, FR
FrancePays de la LoireBono23332019-04-25WM10ENKPlaine des Sports du Sourdy - Les Magnils Reigniers, Pays de la Loire, France
GermanyHamburgWindschattenwanderer2018-07-22WMYTC7Kunstrasenplatz der Stadtteilschule Winterhude - Hamburg, Deutschland
starsGermanyHessen4spring2017-09-06WMWG5CAm Wiesenborn, Bad Homburg, Germany
GermanyNordrhein-WestfalenNarayan,2019-04-21WMZVJJPreuschoff-Stadion - Meckenheim, Germany
GermanyRheinland-PfalzCADS112020-08-06WM12YBMSportplatz der Loreleyschule - St. Goarshausen - RLP - Germany
starsIsle of ManMike_bjm2018-12-23WMZNCRRGS - "All-weather sports pitch" - Ramsey, Isle of Man
starsLuxembourgBecktracker2023-08-11WM18JGHStade Martbusch - Berdorf, Luxembourg
NetherlandsDrentheAndre 612023-07-07WM18AJ5Tennis vereniging - Sleen - NL
NetherlandsGroningenPetjeOp2022-11-14WM170A2Universitair sportcentrum - Nijmegen, NL
NetherlandsNoord-BrabantT-Team!2022-10-30WM16Y3RNEO 25 - Waalwijk, NL
starsNetherlandsUtrechtAndre 612022-03-30WM15XHHSportlust 46 - woerden - NL
NetherlandsZuid-HollandAndre 612022-10-30WM16WVVTennisvereniging Wiericke - Nieuwerbrug aan den Rijn - NL
PortugalLeiriatofixe2017-08-03WMVGPPCampo do IPL, Leiria - Portugal
starsPortugalLisboaSUp3rFM & Cruella2011-02-12WMAQ37Campos de desporto, Salesianos de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
starsSenegalAriberna2023-10-27WM18XHPStadium of Bargni - Bargni, Senegal
United KingdomEastern EnglandDragontree2009-12-10WM7VZTSharnbrook Upper School and Community College - Odell Road, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, UK
starsUnited KingdomSouthern EnglandDragontree2009-11-05WM7KAEKingsbrook Business & Enterprise School Sports Field - Stratford Road, Deanshanger, Buckinghamshire, UK
United StatesArizonaMax and 992010-09-28WM9M5XWinslow High School Football Field - Winslow, AZ
United StatesCaliforniasaopaulo12009-03-05WM5YMDGustine High School field - Gustine, CA
United StatesColoradoronjean2009-03-19WM61KGGrace Center Athletic Complex- Colorado Springs, CO
United StatesConnecticutKDubs2009-09-22WM78MRSouthington High School - Southington, CT
United StatesDelawarebluesnote2023-01-28WM1761FDelaware Stadium - Newark, DE
United StatesFloridaMarine Biologist2009-03-07WM5ZEVProvidence School Field - Jacksonville, FL
United StatesGeorgiaLat34North2010-06-29WM94PPThe Granite Bowl - Elbert Co., GA
United StatesIllinoiscldisme2010-04-16WM8KQEWildcat Stadium; Plainfield Central High School - Plainfield, IL
United StatesIndianaGo Boilers!2009-07-06WM6PQCLeonard Douglas Stadium - Gary, IN
United StatesIowadigger92009-02-27WM5XZZThe Home Of The TIGERS - Marengo, Iowa
United StatesKansasiconions2009-09-15WM77N3Shawnee Mission District Stadium - North Location - Overland Park, Kansas
United StatesKentuckyWallyum2009-07-25WM6VVCDavid Cecil Stadium - Highlands High School - Ft. Thomas, KY
United StatesLouisianaTrailH4x2010-06-04WM8ZBAGeisler Stadium
United StatesMarylandbluesnote2018-09-26WMZ7EJMaryland Stadium - College Park, MD
United StatesMassachusettsNorStar2010-05-05WM8Q7NMemorial Park - Needham, MA
United StatesMichiganGT.US2009-03-21WM629JClawson High School Football Field - Clawson, Michigan
United StatesMinnesotaSiren Hunter2010-07-27WM9AY2John Marshall High School Stadium - Rochester, MN
United StatesMississippiCommander X2009-11-14WM7NK9Oak Grove High Football Stadium-Hattiesburg, MS
United StatesMissouriCarpe Diem592009-06-11WM6JPPAdkins Stadium, Home of the Jays --Jefferson City, MO
United StatesMontanaT0SHEA2014-12-15WMN2GDWashington-Grizzly Stadium - U of M - Missoula, MT
United StatesNew Hampshirecache_test_dummies2009-09-14WM77GFStellos Stadium, Nashua, New Hampshire
United StatesNew Mexicolinkys2009-12-05WM7T6XDe Bremond Athletic Field - Roswell, NM
United StatesNew YorkPTCrazy2009-03-30WM641AFulton Red Raiders Athletic Complex - Fulton, New York
United StatesNorth Carolinamacleod12009-03-23WM62C7Ashe County High School - Jefferson, North Carolina
United StatesOhioWeb-ling2011-10-10WMCRX6Fairfield High School Stadium
United StatesOklahomaMax and 992009-10-02WM79J7Edmond High Schools' football field at Wantland Stadium - Edmond, OK
United StatesOregonshadow1012009-03-19WM61N3McKay High School Field - Salem, Oregon
United StatesPennsylvaniaTheWildRoots2009-03-01WM5Y71The Wellsboro Green Hornets - Wellsboro, PA
United StatesRhode Island401Photos2019-05-18WM10JB5Cimini Stadium at La Salle Academy - Providence, Rhode Island USA
United StatesSouth Dakotastlee2011-12-05WMD78EHoward Wood Field - Sioux Falls, SD
United StatesTennesseevhasler2009-05-17WM6DAASullivan South High School - Colonial Heights, TN
starsUnited StatesTexastxoilgas2009-02-27WM5XXBPennington Field - Bedford, Texas
United StatesUtahMom the Cook & cashnhubby2011-02-10WMAP4ZJordan High School the home of the Beetdigger's
United StatesVirginiabluesnote2020-01-17WM11WEWZable Stadium - Williamsburg, VA
United StatesWashingtonddtfamily2014-02-12WMK2QBOlympic Stadium - Hoquiam, Washington