
See category Superlatives on .
Last import of category containing 3974 waymarks in 93 different countries with 256 regions was on 2025-01-30, there are 69 waymarks with missing region in this category.

First in
CountryRegionOwnerApproved onWM-CodeTitle
starsAland IslesWalking Boots2023-08-21WM18M5JLARGEST - Stonechurch - Aland Islands
starsAlbaniaPISA-caching2019-12-28WM11WE9OLDEST -- active mosque in Albania
starsAndorradenben2016-02-07WMQD11HIGHEST - Capital City in Europe - Andorra la Vella, Andorra
starsArgentinadenben2011-06-12WMBQ76SOUTHERNMOST - City in the World - Ushuaia, Argentina
starsArubadenben2019-01-18WMZX63OLDEST - Statue of Aruba - Oranjestad, Aruba
starsAustraliaNew South WalesQueens Blessing2009-11-02WM7JRBFIRST--PreFab Lighthouse in Australia, Wollongong, NSW
AustraliaQueenslandfathrtime2011-08-01WMC5EBLARGEST -- Painting on an easel in the Southern Hemisphere
AustraliaSouth Australiabucketeer2010-01-15WM813QSOUTHERN-MOST Point in South Australia - Cape Northumberland
AustraliaVictoriablingg2021-02-06WM13QJGONLY - Mainland Gannet Colony in Australia
AustraliaWestern Australia3l diesel2012-06-08WMEJVFLongest straight road in Australia (Eastern End)
AustriaKärntenDesert_Eagle2010-08-29WM9H3QHIGHEST - - Paved moutain pass of Austria - Hochtor
AustriaNiederösterreichpuczmeloun2015-03-12WMNG2ASmallest town in Austria - Hardegg, Austria
AustriaSalzburgsuperstein2023-09-21WM18RTBLARGEST Ice cave - Werfen - Austria
AustriaTirolluzzi-reloaded2011-03-04WMAWHAHIGHEST - Waterfall Tyrol - Stuibenfall
starsAustriaVorarlbergspeedwalkers2008-12-16WM5BXYSMALLEST -- 57 cm the smallest House of Europe - Bregenz (A)
AustriaWienBakaGaijin2009-11-07WM7M51SMALLEST -- house in Vienna, Austria
starsBahamaskJfishman2011-10-29WMCZAXOldest operating lighthouse in the West Indies - Nassau
starsBahrainAlfouine2023-07-25WM18FJFBEST - Airport for bagage devilvery in 2023 - Bahrain
BelgiumAntwerpenT-Team!2022-01-28WM15NGZOLDEST - Building in Turnhout, Belgium
BelgiumBrusselspmaupin2019-01-04WMZTH2TALLEST - Tour du Midi - Saint-Gilles (Bruxelles-Capitale), Belgique
starsBelgiumLiègeAxel-F2013-10-11WMJ8M8SMALLEST - cemetary of Belgium
BelgiumLimburgTeamYakara2018-09-16WMZ63QLONGEST--Plastic Bridge in Belgium, Mal, Tongeren, Limburg, Belgium
BelgiumWest-Vlaanderenpmaupin2021-07-05WM14GMJLARGEST -- Monument of peace in Europe - Dixmude, Belgium
starsBermudaErnmark2008-01-23WM30XQSmallest - Drawbridge in the World - Sandys Parish, Bermuda
starsBoliviapmaupin2023-03-04WM17KG9LARGEST salt desert in the world - Uyuni, Bolivia
starsBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBonairedenben2019-01-24WMZYGGOLDEST - Building in Bonaire - Kralendijk, Bonaire
starsBosnia and HerzegovinaPISA-caching2021-08-14WM14R7XTALLEST -- Bell Tower in southeast Europe
starsBotswanadenben2023-02-02WM17DMCOLDEST - National Park in Botswana - Kasane, Botswana
BrazilBahiadenben2024-06-22WM1A51FONLY - Spanish Baroque Style Building in Brazil - Salvador, Brazil
BrazilDistrito FederalTorgut2024-10-08WM1APX6OLDEST Church in masonry in Brasilia - Brasilia, Brazil
BrazilRio de Janeiropmaupin2023-03-16WM17NMVLARGEST - collection of Portuguese literature outside of Portugal - Rio de Janiero, Brazil
BrazilRio Grande do Nortesaopaulo12007-07-28WM1XN8LARGEST - Cashew tree in the world - Parnamirim, Brazil
starsBrazilSão Paulosaopaulo12007-07-11WM1V80LARGEST - Beach Front Garden - Santos, Brazil
starsBulgariaNoe12016-11-06WMTDH2OLDEST - building in Sofia, Bulgaria
starsCambodiadenben2012-04-28WMEAJALARGEST - Religious Monument in the World - Angkor, Cambodia
starsCanadaAlbertawildwoodke2007-06-24WM1PHJTALLEST - Saamis Teepee - Medicine Hat
CanadaBritish Columbiawildwoodke2007-07-11WM1V26LONGEST - Free ferry ride in the world - Kootenay Lake, British Columbia
CanadaManitobaPeterNoG2010-06-23WM93KJLARGEST - - Pumpkin in the world - Roland MB
CanadaNew BrunswickPeterNoG2010-05-16WM8V5GLongest Covered Bridge in the World - Hartland NB
CanadaNewfoundland and LabradorTrail Blaisers2013-01-06WMG366MOST EASTERLY - Point of land in North America - Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador
CanadaNorthwest Territorieswildwoodke2008-01-05WM2X50OLDEST - Catholic Church Still in Use in the Northwest Territories - Canada
CanadaNova Scotiaoiseau_ca2014-11-01WMMRTMOLDEST Canadian Geocache - East River, Nova Scotia
CanadaOntarioTeam Farkle 72008-01-23WM3161LONGEST Street in the World - Yonge St - Toronto, ON, Canada
CanadaPrince Edward IslandT0SHEA2015-06-26WMP3VAOLDEST - Catholic Church on Prince Edward Island
CanadaQuébecBeagle-12008-02-02WM319FOLDEST -- Canadian Exchange, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
CanadaSaskatchewanwildwoodke2007-06-24WM1QF0LARGEST - Moose Statue in the World - Moose Jaw, Saskatachewan
CanadaYukon TerritoryPeterNoG2007-11-14WM2HZPSMALLEST - Desert in the World - Carcross, Yukon
starsChiledenben2019-10-27WM11HJ3LARGEST - Religious Monument in South America - Coquimbo, Chile
starsChinaNarniaexpert2010-01-17WM82PXLARGEST -- LED Screen in Asia
starsCosta RicaQueens Blessing2010-01-15WM81KGLARGEST Painted Ox Cart in the World, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica
starsCroatiaRaven2013-03-01WMGG33MOST EXPENSIVE -- Bridge in Croatia
starsCubadenben2017-03-13WMV8B3OLDEST - Hotel in Cuba - La Habana, Cuba
starsCuraçaoRaven2013-03-19WMGM6BHIGHEST -- Bridge in the Caribbean - Willemstad, Curacao
CzechiaHlavní město PrahaDorcadion Team2010-04-17WM8B1MNARROWEST -- Street in Prague... / Nejužší pražská ulicka...
CzechiaJihočeský krajToRo612011-10-08WMCR3CLARGEST -- water reservoir in Czech Rep., Lipno, Czech Republic
CzechiaJihomoravský krajToRo612012-08-30WMF6CBSMALLEST -- sundial in the World, Hysly, Czech Republic
CzechiaKarlovarský krajToRo612012-08-11WMF275ONLY -- Martin Luther Statue in Austro-Hungarian monarchy, As, Czech Republic
CzechiaKraj VysočinaArne12012-01-07WMDEXDSMALLEST - cemeteries / hrbitov, Hluboké, Czech Republic
CzechiaKrálovéhradecký krajToRo612013-10-15WMJ95FOLDEST -- Wooden Church at Czech Republic, Broumov.
CzechiaLiberecký krajToRo612012-07-22WMEX3GLARGEST -- Rock Castle in Czech Republic
CzechiaMoravskoslezský krajToRo612011-08-30WMCEZ8LARGEST -- Erratic Boulder - Ostrava, Czech Republic
CzechiaOlomoucký krajpuczmeloun2012-04-06WME5H1DEEPEST -- abbys in central Europe - Hranická propast - Hranice, Czech Republic
starsCzechiaPlzeňský krajtorfik2009-11-15WM7NGXHIGHEST -- Church tower in the Czech Republic.
CzechiaStředočeský krajToRo612012-03-05WMDX8COLDEST -- Building in Bohemia, Budec, Czech Republic
CzechiaÚstecký krajDorcadion Team2010-04-30WM8MZQNARROWEST -- street in the Czechia (Katova ulicka v Kadani / The Headsman's Lane) - Kadan (North-West Bohemia)
DenmarkKlabautermanden2020-09-19WM134X9ONLY - Tow cable ferry in Denmark - Udbyhøj, Denmark
DenmarkRegion HovedstadenToRo612012-07-13WMEVWCLONGEST -- pedestrian shopping area in Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark
DenmarkRegion Midtjyllandkallehaugerne2013-11-26WMJJXZLARGEST collection of prison items
DenmarkRegion Nordjyllandkallehaugerne2016-09-05WMT0RKOLDEST -- brick lighthouse in Denmark
DenmarkRegion SjællandKlabautermanden2021-05-30WM14AEPSMALLEST museum in Denmark - Lodshuset Møllestangen - Nyord, Denmark
starsDenmarkRegion Syddanmarkelrecke2010-09-16WM9PPRWESTERNMOST -- point in Denmark(Jutland) is Blåvandshuk
starsDominican Republic401Photos2023-06-02WM1856MOLDEST - Control Tower in Latin America Transformed to Public Art - Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
starsEgyptg300td2014-11-11WMMVV9OLDEST - Monumental structure made of stone
starsEstoniaMarine Biologist2015-10-08WMPQFPOLDEST -- Operational Cafe in Tallinn and Estonia
starsFaroe IslandsWalking Boots2022-05-29WM167WFTALLEST - Waterfall in Faroe Island, Faroe Islands
FinlandEtelä-KarjalaGarmingeo2011-03-19WMB07XOLDEST - Building in Lappeenranta, Finland
FinlandEtelä-PohjanmaaNeofytos2010-12-12WMAA0KNORTHERNMOST Wooden roller coaster in the world - Kauhava, Finland
starsFinlandEtelä-Savosmall oaks2010-04-30WM8B1DLARGEST - Wooden Church in the world - Kerimäki, Finland
FinlandPäijät-Hämemarcius2021-08-02WM14NTVTALLEST - Structure in Finland - Hollola, Finland
FinlandPirkanmaamarcius2021-08-02WM14NV5TALLEST - Building and observation tower in Finland - Tampere, Finland
FinlandUusimaaNeofytos2010-12-13WMAA9WLARGEST Orthorox church in Northern and Western Europe - Helsinki, Finland
FinlandVarsinais-SuomiSmurffaaja2020-12-28WM13JZHLONGEST - Rope Factory - Turku, Finland
FranceAuvergne-Rhône-Alpesdenben2014-01-22WMJZFHOLDEST - Lycée in Grenoble, Isère, France
FranceBourgogne-Franche-ComtéGwenanDu2017-02-28WMV5RPDEEPEST Puits de la citadelle, Besançon, Franche Comté, France
FranceBretagnecacher.ella2022-05-09WM165CELARGEST - Menhir in Bretagne - Dol-de-Bretagne, France
FranceCentre-Val-de-LoireAlfouine2021-08-29WM14VYZBIGGEST - Drive-in Movie Theater in France - Blois - France
FranceCorseAlfouine2021-06-10WM14CEALARGEST Church in Corsica - France
FranceGrand-EstInfra-Blue2013-08-23WMHX6VBIGGEST -- Figurative stained glass window in France
FranceHauts-de-FranceAlfouine2023-10-16WM18XDJLARGEST - Chinese cemetery in Europe - France
FranceÎle-de-FranceInfra-Blue2014-07-02WMM1DHLARGEST -- Tethered balloon in the world
FranceNormandieToRo612014-09-01WMMCPNHIGHEST -- tide in Europe - Mont Saint-Michel, France
FranceNouvelle-AquitaineAlfouine2018-09-14WMZ5R1BIGGEST - Labyrinthe Géant des monts de Guéret - France
FranceOccitanieg300td2014-12-13WMN2BZTallest -- Bridge in the world, Millau-Creissels, France
FrancePays de la LoireInfra-Blue2015-02-03WMNABYTALLEST - Chateau of France
starsFranceProvence-Alpes-Côte d'AzurDirkjogt2011-07-21WMC3M0BIGGEST -- Spring in France
GermanyBaden-Württembergfi672011-05-18WMBG65LONGEST - Covered Wooden Bridge of Europe - Bad-Säckingen, BW, Germany
GermanyBayernlumbricus2012-04-03WME4H8HÖCHSTER -- Backsteinturm der Welt, Landshut, Bayern, D
GermanyBerlinMarine Biologist2014-08-06WMM7WRTALLEST - Structure in Germany
GermanyBrandenburgme.toString2013-08-03WMHNG5LARGEST - free-standing hall in the world - the Tropical Island Dome, Germany
GermanyHamburgme.toString2013-08-03WMHNGVLARGEST - model railway in the world - Miniaturwunderland, Hamburg, Germany
GermanyHessenEibacher Kuckuck2013-04-29WMGZT4LARGEST -- Cave System in Hessen
GermanyMecklenburg-VorpommernBianka112014-05-15WMKQ58The first upside down house in Germany - 17449 Trassenheide/ Mecklenburg/ Deutschland
GermanyNiedersachsenelrecke2010-09-19WM9Q9PMOSTEXPENSIVE -- book in the world, displayed in a library
GermanyNordrhein-Westfalenluzzi-reloaded2012-05-09WMED0MOldest Church City Dortmund - Germany
starsGermanyRheinland-PfalzGandalfMZ2009-04-01WM64JELARGEST and most accurate sandglass of the world
GermanySachsenluzzi-reloaded2012-07-05WMERZ5GREATEST Kopfbahnhof in Europe
GermanySachsen-Anhaltg300td2014-11-11WMMVTVOLDEST- Solar observatory in the world
GermanySchleswig-Holsteing300td2014-12-18WMN365Highest - toprope-safe climbing wall in Europe, Fehmarn, Germany
GermanyThüringenBianka112013-03-30WMGQ0MLongest Bench in Thuringia - Germany
starsGreeceCADS112018-04-15WMY3T3LARGEST - International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" - Athens - Greece
starsGreenlandPetjeOp2024-08-26WM1AJCJOLDEST -- fountain in Greenland - Qaqortoq, Greenland
starsHong Kong401Photos2022-01-10WM15HVYLONGEST Bi-Cable Ropeway in Asia - Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car - Tung Chung, Hong Kong
starsHungaryBudapestmirotiro2011-03-19WMB008LARGEST - Synagogue in Europe - Budapest, Hungary
starsIcelandNorfolk122010-02-25WM84B3TALLEST - building in Iceland
starsIndiaV70PDB2008-04-06WM3FDGLARGEST - Sundial in the World - Jaipur, India
starsIndonesiaBecktracker2020-02-25WM124GYLARGEST Volcanic lake, Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia
IrelandDublinMaster Mariner2016-04-05WMQWC0OLDEST - Continuously Operating Maternity Hospital in the World - Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
starsIrelandMunsterBruceS2011-01-01WMADM2LARGEST - Carillon In Ireland and Britain
IrelandUlsterSMacB2017-02-05WMV12RLARGEST - Public Art Sculpture in Belfast
starsIsle of Manfellsmanhiker2008-06-03WM3XWHLargest- Working Waterwheel in the world-Lady Isabella.- Isle of Man.
starsIsraeldenben2013-02-28WMGFPEOLDEST - Islamic Monument in the World - Jerusalem, Israel
ItalyAbruzzodenben2024-12-26WM1B8J7HIGHEST -- summit of the Apennines - Abruzzo, Italy
ItalyEmilia–RomagnaCADS112018-12-26WMZR2RLARGEST built of bricks - San Petronio Basilica - Bologna - ER - Italy
starsItalyLazioSUp3rFM & Cruella2010-04-30WM44VWOLDEST - McDonalds Restaurant in Italy
ItalyLombardiaMetro22013-10-05WMJ73QLargest Church in Italy - The Duomo - Milan, Italy
ItalyPiemonteRakeInTheCache2019-09-14WM119KPLARGEST - Elliptical Dome in the world - Sanctuary of Vicoforte, Italy
ItalyToscanarazalas2014-08-07WMM7Z1TALLEST - Tower of the city - San Gimignano, Italy
ItalyTrentino–Alto Adigeluzzi-reloaded2012-07-23WMEWPELARGEST -- Lake in Italy
ItalyVenetoluzzi-reloaded2012-07-22WMEWP9LARGEST -- Amusement Park in Italy
starsJamaicaAriberna2021-11-23WM15AKAOLDEST cave in the world - Jamaica
JapanHyogodenben2023-11-11WM19225LARGEST - Castle in Japan - Himeji, Japan
JapanIshikawadenben2023-03-16WM17NPKOLDEST - Fountain in Japan Operating by Natural Water Pressure - Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
JapanKanagawanetdust2014-09-17WMMGE9BUSIEST pedestrian crossing in the world - Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo
JapanKyotodenben2018-10-09WMZAHXLONGEST - Wooden Structure in Japan - Kyoto, Japan
JapanNaganodenben2023-03-25WM17QJDOLDEST - Surviving Wooden Keep in Japan - Matsumoto, Japan
JapanNaraMom the Cook & cashnhubby2011-05-18WMBGD0LARGEST - Wooden Building in the World - Nara, Japan
JapanOsakadenben2018-10-16WMZBXWHIGHEST - Escalator in the World - Osaka, Japan
JapanTochigisilverquill2011-05-11WMBE2DHIGHEST - Lake in Japan - Lake Chuzenji
starsJapanTokyosilverquill2010-12-31WMADD8TALLEST - Ferris Wheel in Japan - Diamond & Flower Ferris Wheel - Tokyo, Japan
starsJordang300td2014-11-15WMMWFQLOWEST - Geocache on Earth
starsKoreasilverquill2009-05-08WM6BDCOLDEST - Observatory in East Asia, Cheomseongdae - Gyeongju, Korea
KoreaSeoulsilverquill2010-11-14WMA454LOWEST: Subway Station in Seoul - Yeouinaru Station, Line 5 - Seoul, Korea
starsLaosIanatlarge2012-08-20WMF35YLARGEST -- Jar, "Plain of Jars"—Xiengkhouang Province, Laos
starsLatviaMarine Biologist2015-09-15WMPKFCOLDEST -- Church in Riga, Latvia
starsLithuaniaMarine Biologist2017-07-02WMW2QGOLDEST -- Academic Library in Lithuania
starsLuxembourgQueens Blessing2014-11-01WMMT0WOLDEST church in Luxembourg
starsMalaysiaMetro22014-01-16WMJYB3Oldest Functioning Protestant Church in Malaysia.- Malacca, Malaysia
starsMauritiusgod_herodes2009-10-25WM7GW2HIGHEST - Chamarel Waterfall, Mauritius
MexicoBaja Californiabluesnote2013-12-23WMJQX8BUSIEST -- Land Border Crossing - Tijuana, BC
starsMexicoBaja California SurChasing Blue Sky2011-10-29WMCZ2TLARGEST - Blue Marlin ever caught - Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
MexicoCampecheAlfouine2024-08-18WM1AGT7OLDEST - building in Campeche - Campeche - Mexico
MexicoDistrito FederalAlfouine2023-01-27WM17CQ8OLDEST - Convent exclusively for indigenous people - Mexico ciudad - Mexico
MexicoMéxicoAlfouine2023-11-12WM191ZAHIGHEST - Piramide de Teotihuacan - Mexico
MexicoQuintana Roodenben2017-03-04WMV6CZSMALLEST - Hard Rock Cafe in the World - San Miguel de Cozumel, Mexico
MexicoYucatánAlfouine2024-05-01WM19X63LARGEST - Freestanding Mayan arch - Kabah - Mexico
starsMontenegropuczmeloun2013-04-18WMGWY6DEEPEST -- River Canyon in Europe, Tara River Canyon - Montenegro
starsNepalpmaupin2024-08-19WM1AH3QLARGEST -- temple in Nepal - Janaki Mandir - Janakpur, Népal
NetherlandsDrenthedreamhummie2015-06-22WMP2X8LARGEST - Water Art Work Cascade - Hoogeveen NL
NetherlandsFrieslandsuperstein2012-02-25WMDN16Oldest lighthouse in The Netherlands
NetherlandsGelderlandeilers12014-01-15WMJY7WSMALLEST Church in the Netherlands - Kerkje "de Rietstap" - Dinxperlo
NetherlandsLimburgkaschper692018-01-23WMXK9JLARGEST factory outlet center in Northern Europe - Roermond, Limburg, NL
NetherlandsNoord-Brabantsuperstein2012-04-23WME9HNOLDEST tree in the Netherlands
NetherlandsNoord-HollandMetro22014-02-28WMK686Most - Visited Museum in the Netherlands - Amsterdam, Netherlands
NetherlandsOverijsseleilers12023-04-13WM17RQKLARGEST -- Egg in the World - Giethoorn - the Netherlands
NetherlandsUtrechtnaj162013-06-15WMHAGFHIGHEST- Tower in the Netherlands
starsNetherlandsZeelandCA*2009-09-24WM5QFNLONGEST - bridge in the Netherlands
NetherlandsZuid-Hollandteam Hebbes2013-08-03WMHQ1BCOLDEST - Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory - Leiden, the Netherlands
starsNew ZealandNorth IslandPunga and Paua2009-03-25WM6379LARGEST - - Lake in New Zealand, Lake Taupo.
New ZealandSouth IslandDunbar Loop2009-09-04WM751JSOUTHERNMOST — Starbucks — Invercargill, New Zealand
starsNorwayFinnmarkNeofytos2010-05-10WM8T88NORTHERNMOST Fortress in the World - Vardo Fortress - Finnmark, Norway
NorwayNordlandWalking Boots2021-11-29WM15B4QSTRONGEST --Tidal current - Saltstraumen - Bodø, Norway
NorwayOsloToRo612012-07-10WMEVDQOLDEST -- Ski Museum in the World, Oslo, Norway
NorwayRogalandWalking Boots2024-11-12WM1B055LARGEST - Chess game in the world - Stavanger, Norway
NorwayTromsSMacB2013-07-21WMHJY2NORTHERNMOST -- Protestant Cathedral in the World - Tromso, Norway
starsPalestinedenben2013-02-28WMGF4QOLDEST - Continuously Operating Christian Church in the World - Bethleem, Palestine
starsPhilippinessilverquill2011-02-21WMAT1CLARGEST - Mall in the Philippines - Mall of Asia - Pasay City, Philippines
PolandDolnośląskiekallehaugerne2018-11-02WMZFCFLARGEST -- wooden baroque church in the world
PolandMazowieckieGeoLog812015-04-20WMNP09HIGHEST -- electric pole in Poland
PolandOpolskieluzzi-reloaded2012-09-06WMF7M6LARGEST -- Cathedral in Poland
starsPolandPomorskietmob2011-02-14WMAPN3LONGEST -- Wooden pier in Europe - Sopot, Poland
PolandWielkopolskiesernikk2021-02-25WM13VP0OLDEST - Sign post in the country - Konin, Poland
PortugalArquipélago da Madeiradenben2024-11-25WM1B323OLDEST - Museum in the Madeira archipelago - Funchal, Portugal
PortugalAveirorazalas2010-05-23WM8WAYHIGHEST Lighthouse in Portugal
PortugalÉvorarazalas2013-03-21WMGMQMLARGEST -- Megalithic enclosure on the Iberian Peninsula - Evora, Portugal
PortugalFaroh_raky2010-11-30WMA7HTSouthwestmost Point of Europe - Cabo de São Vicente, Portugal
PortugalLeiriamanchanegra2011-07-26WMC3X5LARGEST -- Church in Portugal
starsPortugalLisboaRakeInTheCache2007-05-20WM1JJDWESTERNMOST -- Point in Mainland Europe
PortugalPortorazalas2011-02-14WMANNZLARGEST - Centro Comercial do Grupo IKEA na Europa, Mar Shopping
PortugalSantarémrazalas2013-01-17WMG61QBIGGEST - collection of matches in Europe - Tomar, Portugal
PortugalSetúbalGURUGU2024-03-07WM19JCYONLY - Roca de arenisca ferraginosa - Setúbal, Portugal
PortugalViana do Castelorazalas2010-05-19WM8W35LONGEST & HIGHEST Funicular in Portugal - Elevador de Santa Luzia
starsPuerto RicoDon.Morfe2023-07-15WM18E0CONLY - Tropical rainforest in the U. S. National Forest System - El Yunque National Forest - Rio Grande PR
starsRomaniaTorgut2010-12-23WMAC51One of the Narrowest Streets in Europe, Brasov, Romania
starsRussiaCADS112016-10-11WMT7GZTALLEST - Cathedral of Christ the Saviour - Moscow - Russia
starsSaint Luciadenben2015-03-09WMNFQ3Oldest - Tree in Saint Lucia - Castries, Saint Lucia
starsSaint Martindenben2015-02-24WMNDWDOldest - Restaurant in Saint Martin - Marigot, Saint Martin
starsSenegalAriberna2023-09-01WM18MVROLDEST - building in Gorée - Ílle de Gorée, Senegal
starsSerbiaPISA-caching2020-09-26WM13687FIRST -- Starbucks coffeehouse in Serbia
starsSingaporehorizon seeker2008-02-14WM35JESOUTHERN MOST - Point in Asia - Sentosa, Singapore
SlovakiaKošický krajDorcadion Team2013-10-31WMJBZ0OLDEST- restaurant in Slovakia: "Levocský dom" in Košice
SlovakiaPrešovský krajTodak2015-03-09WMNFTHLARGEST & DEEPEST -- Lake in Slovakia
SlovakiaTrenčiansky krajdavidb112019-10-30WM11J21THE TALLEST wooden sculpture made of one piece of wood in Slovakia, Cachtice
SlovakiaTrnavský krajArne12012-04-10WME6MHHIGEST Cross in Slovakia
starsSlovakiaŽilinský krajhaggaeus2010-08-31WM9KKJNORTHERNMOST - point of Slovakia
starsSloveniaSMacB2016-09-28WMT565OLDEST - Department store in Ljubljana, Galerija Emporium - Prešernov trg, Ljubljana
South AfricaEastern Capedenben2023-01-24WM17C5VTALLEST - Flagpole in South Africa - Gqeberha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
South AfricaGautengdenben2013-11-24WMJJ01TALLEST - Building in Africa - Johannesburg, South Africa
South AfricaKwazulu NatalThePacman2015-05-26WMNYW3SMALLEST - church in the southern hemisphere
starsSouth AfricaWestern CapeQueens Blessing2013-10-13WMJ8T1OLDEST producing grape vine in Southern Hemisphere, Cape Town
SpainAndalucíadenben2014-04-02WMKEQQLARGEST - Wooden Structure in the World - Seville, Spain
SpainAragónGURUGU2024-04-04WM19RATSMALLEST población de capital de provincia de España - Teruel, España
SpainCantabriaGURUGU2024-03-28WM19PQCOLDEST localidad española en disponer de luz eléctrica - Comillas, Cantabria, España
SpainCastilla y León4spring2015-12-27WMQ3NVOLDEST -- University in Spain - Salamanca, Spain
SpainCastilla-La ManchaAriberna2024-05-07WM19XZKEurope's LONGEST double urban zip line - Cuenca, Castilla La Mancha, España
starsSpainCataluñadtrebilc2011-10-08WMCR3MLONGEST range lighthouse on Catalan Coast – Llafranc, Spain
SpainComunidad de Madridbluesnote2014-04-21WMKJ3EOLDEST -- Restaurant - Madrid, Spain
SpainComunidad ValencianaGURUGU2023-04-08WM17VGJONLY - Templo católico donde se representa una obra teatral - Elche, Alicante, España
SpainExtremaduraAriberna2022-04-19WM162B3LARGEST - medieval tank in Iberian Peninsula - Cáceres, Extremadura, España
SpainGaliciarazalas2015-06-23WMP3CQONLY -- Church in Spain dedicated to the Apostle James mother, Santa María Salomé - Santiago de Compostela, Spain
SpainIslas BalearesWindschattenwanderer2018-01-17WMXHZELARGEST - Beach on the island of Mallorca - Can Picafort, Mallorca, Spain
SpainIslas Canariasarby101ca2015-12-12WMQ38YOLDEST-- Dragon Tree in the World
SpainPaís VascoAriberna2022-11-29WM172XCMOST COMPLETE Municipal Food Market - Bilbao, Vizcaya, País Vasco, España
SpainPrincipado de AsturiasAriberna2021-10-23WM15622OLDEST - building in Avilés - Avilés, Asturias, Galicia
SpainRegión de MurciaGURUGU2024-06-28WM1A607OLDEST Construcción Cristiana de Cieza - Cieza, Murcia, España
SwedenDalarnaFamilieFrohne2020-10-16WM138T1LARGEST - Dalecarlian horse - Avesta, Dalarna, Sweden
starsSwedenKalmarToRo612012-07-08WMEV2PLARGEST -- alvar in Europe, Öland, Sweden
SwedenÖstergötlanddenben2014-05-28WMKTE5LONGEST - known runic inscription in stone - Rök , Ostergötland, Sweden
SwedenSkåneNoe12017-01-23WMTY9WTALLEST skyscraper in Sweden and the Nordic countries - Malmö, Sweden
SwedenStockholmMarine Biologist2015-08-17WMPE5JOLDEST -- Public Park in Stockholm, Sweden
SwedenUppsalaPISA-caching2018-03-24WMXZNRLARGEST -- Cathedral in Sweden
SwedenVärmlandToRo612012-07-24WMEWE0LARGEST -- lake in the European Union, Vänern, Sweden
SwedenVästra GötalandToRo612012-07-22WMEWGRLARGEST -- floating museum in the World, Gothenburg, Sweden
SwitzerlandAargaufi672012-08-28WMF5V8LARGEST -- Dome of Europe - Saldome2 - Rheinfelden, AG, Switzerland
starsSwitzerlandBasel Landschaftfi672009-09-19WM78G1LONGEST - Dinosaur Model in the World - Münchenstein, BL, Switzerland
SwitzerlandBasel Stadtfi672016-04-18WMQZ78TALLEST Buiding of Switzerland - Roche Bau 1 - Basel, Switzerland
SwitzerlandBernToRo612015-07-15WMP7C7HIGHEST -- Railway Station in Europe - Jungfraujoch, Switzerland.
SwitzerlandGraubündenfi672014-12-10WMN1VHLARGEST - Wooden Fountain of Europe - Valendas, GR, Switzerland
SwitzerlandLuzernmanchanegra2011-12-25WMDBCYOLDEST -- Wooden Bridge in Europe - Lucerne, Switzerland
SwitzerlandSchaffhausenfi672013-07-12WMHHGPLARGEST - Plain Waterfall in Europe - Rheinfall - Neuhausen, SH, Switzerland
SwitzerlandSolothurnfi672024-03-26WM19PAGLARGEST Hindu Temple in Switzerland - Sri Manonmani Ammbal Temple - Trimbach, SO, Switzerland
SwitzerlandSt. Gallenhacze_losy2024-06-05WM1A251LONGEST - wooden bridge in Switzerland - Rapperswil, Switzerland
SwitzerlandTicinofi672013-08-15WMHTJ4HIGHEST -- Commercial Bungee Jump Site with a Single Cord - Tenero-Contra, TI, Switzerland
SwitzerlandUriT-Team!2022-09-01WM16N45LONGEST - Road tunnel in Switzerland - Göschenen, Uri, Switzerland
SwitzerlandValaisToRo612015-07-15WMP7C5HIGHEST -- altitude karst cave in Europe, Jungfraujoch, Switzerland
SwitzerlandZürichfi672015-04-16WMNPZMHEAVIEST - Building ever Moved in Europe - MFO Head Office - Zürich-Oerlikon, Switzerland
starsSyriag300td2014-11-11WMMVVHLONGEST - Colonnade in the Roman World
starsTaiwanriston22007-12-10WM2QT5TALLEST - Building in the World, Taipei 101
starsTanzaniakallehaugerne2023-03-16WM17NMXHIGHEST free standing mountain in the world -- Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
starsThailandIanatlarge2011-03-26WMB27YLONGEST - Place Name—Bangkok, Thailand
starsTunisiaBecktracker2021-01-04WM13KHGLARGEST salt pan of the Sahara - Chott el-Djerid - Tunisia
starsTürkiyepuczmeloun2013-02-05WMGABDBIGGEST -- Wooden Building in Europe - Büyükada, Istanbul, Turkey
starsUnited Arab EmiratesNorfolk122009-03-15WM611FTALLEST - Hotel Building in the World, Burj Al Arab - Dubai
United KingdomEast MidlandsDragontree2011-04-11WMB67HOLDEST -- Workers Co-operative in the UK
United KingdomEastern Englandbill&ben2010-08-21WM9DZYLARGEST - Thatched Roof in Hertfordshire
United KingdomLondonNorfolk122008-07-08WM4479LARGEST- Dome construction in the World
United KingdomNorth East EnglandMaster Mariner2015-04-03WMNMCCLARGEST - Working Transporter Bridge in the World - Middlesbrough, UK
United KingdomNorth WalesNorfolk122011-04-12WMB6RRLONGEST- Place name in the British Isles
United KingdomNorth West EnglandNorfolk122008-11-06WM53T2LAST - Manned Lightship - Liverpool
United KingdomNorthern Scotlandkallehaugerne2013-04-29WMGZEXOLDEST -- Fish and chips restaurant - Glasgow, UK
United KingdomSouth East EnglandNorfolk122008-02-02WM32KFFirst - Church to be rebuilt in England in Reformed Norman Style
United KingdomSouth WalesDdraig Ddu2011-06-30WMBX7WLAST - Independent King of Wales
starsUnited KingdomSouth West EnglandBrentorboxer2007-08-17WM20NJHIGHEST - High Willhays Devon UK
United KingdomSouthern EnglandDragontree2008-10-12WM4XK5SMALLEST - Town Hall Building in England, UK
United KingdomSouthern Scotlandflipflopnick2012-02-14WMDQ6DHIGHEST -- Point in Dumfries and Galloway, Merrick
United KingdomWest MidlandsDdraig Ddu2011-07-09WMBZKRLARGEST - Roman Amphitheater in the UK
United KingdomYorkshiredtrebilc2011-05-09WMBDCKHIGHEST – Individual English Test Match Cricket Score – Fulneck, UK
United StatesAlabamaThorny12008-07-03WM43A6OLDEST - building continuously used for Jewish Worship in Alabama
United StatesAlaskaMegadrile2008-01-12WM2YP7FARTHEST North -- Girl Scout Council in America
United StatesArizonaBackPak2007-09-11WM251NSMALLEST -- Piloted Bi-Plane in the world, Tucson, AZ
United StatesArkansasBruceS2008-02-23WM37VDOLDEST - African-American Church In Arkansas
United StatesCaliforniasilverquill2007-06-26WM1QT3LONGEST - Pier on the West Coast - San Diego, CA
United StatesColoradoTeam Min Dawg2008-11-25WM5818HIGHEST -- Suspension Bridge In The World
United StatesConnecticutCraigInCT2008-08-26WM4H38FIRST - Nuclear Submarine - Groton, CT
United StatesDelawareODragon2008-10-28WM521RTALLEST - Lighthouse in Delaware, Middletown, DE
United StatesDistrict of Columbiaveritas vita2012-04-04WME4XMTALLEST - World's tallest Obelisk
United StatesFloridasfwife2007-11-19WM2KTHLARGEST -- Suffleboard Club - St. Petersburg, FL
United StatesGeorgiaMarine Biologist2008-02-23WM37JDOLDEST - Church in Charlton County - Folkston, GA
United StatesHawaiiODragon2009-05-13WM6CFCLARGEST - Daily News Paper in Hawaii
United StatesIdahoBruceS2007-10-11WM2BE6OLDEST -- Building in Idaho - Old Mission of the Sacred Heart
United StatesIllinoisBruceS2007-04-27WM1FFKTALLEST -- Man in the World, Robert Pershing Wadlow - Alton, Illinois
United StatesIndianakbarhow2007-11-14WM2J3DMadison Incline: The steepest standard gage main track ascended by wheel-adhesion locomotives in the US
United StatesIowa8Nuts MotherGoose2007-03-30WM1C1NLARGEST Half-Sphere Dome in the World.
United StatesKansasQueens Blessing2010-06-06WM8ZW4The World's Largest Hand-Dug Well, Greensburg, Kansas
United StatesKentuckyChapterhouseInc2009-08-03WM6XVKGREATEST - Cave Explorer Ever Known
United StatesLouisianaGeojeepsters2009-03-10WM604TLake Ponchartrain Causeway - New Orleans LA
United StatesMaineneoc12011-10-16WMCVBFLARGEST - Rotating and Revolving Globe - Yarmouth, ME
United StatesMarylandMath Teacher2008-08-03WM4B4AOLDEST Continuously Running Bar in the North America , Fells Point - Baltimore, MD
United StatesMassachusettssilverquill2007-06-27WM1QXPLARGEST - Copyrighted Work of Art in the United States
United StatesMichiganTeam Farkle 72007-08-14WM20AJLARGEST Drive-In Theater in the World - Dearborn, MI
United StatesMinnesotaBruceS2007-08-07WM1Z3XLARGEST - Smokey Bear in Country - International Falls, Minnesota
United StatesMississippiBruceS2008-02-18WM366WFIRST - Legal Liquor Store in Mississippi - Greenville, Mississippi
United StatesMissouriBruceS2007-05-05WM1GN6OLDEST - Continuously Operating Greenhouse in United States - St. Louis, Missouri
United StatesMontanaBruceS2007-08-29WM23FQCOLDEST - Official Temperature Recorded in Continental United States
United StatesNebraskaPrying Pandora2007-06-10WM1NCKHIGHEST -- Point in Nebraska
United StatesNevadafishingwishing2008-04-10WM3J3TBIGGEST - Little City in the World - Reno, Nevada
United StatesNew Hampshiresilverquill2007-04-20WM1EHHYOUNGEST - Colonel in the U.S. Army Air Force
United StatesNew JerseyMath Teacher2008-07-08WM448JLARGEST - Elephant in the World
United StatesNew Mexicolinkys2009-11-24WM7QKFLARGEST - Pistachio Nut in the World - Alamogordo, NM
starsUnited StatesNew YorkPTCrazy2007-03-20WM1B21OLDEST - Original Chrysler Dealer in the USA - Rink Bros. Chrysler
United StatesNorth CarolinaECPirates2007-08-11WM1ZTZLARGEST - Duncan Phyfe Armchair in the World, Thomasville NC
United StatesNorth DakotaBruceS2007-11-22WM2MV5LARGEST - Man-Made Lake in the United States
United StatesOhioMr. 02007-06-03WM1MMJSHORTEST - Street in the World - Bellefontaine, OH
United StatesOklahomaTeam Farkle 72007-10-27WM2FPMLONGEST - Pony Truss Bridge on Route 66 - Bridgeport, OK
United StatesOregonPrying Pandora2007-08-26WM22QKOLDEST continuous U.S. settlement west of the Mississippi - Astoria, OR
United StatesPennsylvaniaonfire4jesus2008-04-26WM3M5POLDEST - Continuously Operating Funicular in the USA - Monongahela Incline - Pittsburgh, PA
United StatesRhode IslandSneakin Deacon2009-08-26WM73DZOLDEST - Tavern in America, Newport, Rhode Island
United StatesSouth CarolinaMarine Biologist2008-08-26WM4GBPOLDEST - Church Edifice in the City of Charleston - Charleston, SC
United StatesSouth DakotaBruceS2007-08-25WM22RASMALLEST - Union Depot in World - Hot Springs, South Dakota
United StatesTennesseeChapterhouseInc2009-07-20WM6TBMLARGEST - monument in the Chickamauga-Chattanooga Military Park
United StatesTexasggmorton2007-06-18WM1PVTTALLEST - Monument in the world
United StatesUtahBruceS2008-11-09WM549DOLDEST- Operating LDS Temple
United StatesVermontVermontish2009-04-19WM67RAHIGHEST Elevation on I-91
United StatesVirginiaarchway2010-01-15WM80A3OLDEST - College Building in U.S. - Williamsburg, VA
United StatesWashingtonHikenutty2007-04-28WM1FJJLARGEST -- Totem Pole in the World
United StatesWest Virginiasilverquill2009-01-28WM5P3PLONGEST - Simple Truss Bridge in North America - Chester, WV
United StatesWisconsinonfire4jesus2007-08-31WM2400LARGEST - Round Barn in the world
United StatesWyominglazyCachers2008-06-07WM3Y8DLARGEST -- Hot spring in Yellowstone National Park
starsUruguayGURUGU2024-06-28WM1A687OLDEST Iglesia de Uruguay - Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
starsUS Virgin Islandsdenben2015-02-18WMNCZPOLDEST - Congregation in the Virgin Islands - Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI
starsVanuatuPunga and Paua2009-09-25WM79WJTHE ONLY - - Underwater Post Office in the World. Vanuatu.
starsVatican City StateMetro22013-10-06WMJ75VLargest - Church in the World - St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican City State
starsVietnamdenben2012-01-26WMDJN9OLDEST - Pagoda in Hanoi , Vietnam