Open Regions List (Water Mills)

On this page are the waymarks of the category 'Water Mills' with an empty region (or missing country) entry at, that were corrected by the import program. Clicking on the WM code leads you to the waymarks page in a new window, so that officers and waymark owners can correct the data. Corrected waymarks will be updated by the next full run of the import program.


WM-CodeCountry and region as found by the import programWM-OwnerWM-Title
WM12H02Denmark, Region MidtjyllandkallehaugerneTvis Mølle, Denmark
WM17PXBDenmark, Region MidtjyllandkallehaugerneGudum Klostermølle, Denmark
WMVPRNDenmark, Region SyddanmarkSvendborgChristiansminde stampemølle
WM12ENZDenmark, Region SyddanmarkKlabautermandenGrubbe Mølle - Faaborg, Denmark
WMF4VEFinland, LappiTeam SieniKoivarovan mylly, Rauhala, Lapland, Finland
WMF4VFFinland, LappiTeam SieniÄkäsmylly mill, Lapland, Finland
WMM704Finland, UusimaaTorgutWater Mill in Seurasaari - Helsinki, Finland
WMXK0VFinland, Varsinais-SuomiCatra84Mommolanjoen Sahankulmankoski / Kaunistonkoski, Kisko, Finland
WMFW5FFrance, Centre-Val-de-LoireChickilimLe Grand Moulin de Loches (37)
WMFW5NFrance, Centre-Val-de-LoireChickilimLes Moulins du Breuil et des Fleuriaux à Monts (37)
WM4656France, Hauts-de-FranceRakeInTheCacheLe Moulin dans le parc du Château de Chantilly
WMYMK8France, Nouvelle-Aquitainesara et gegeMoulin de Montaillon - Mougon,France
WMAZM6Ireland, UlstertmobAnnalong Cornmill - Annalong, Northern Ireland
WM3HD9United Kingdom, East MidlandsthepanterasEaglethorpe mill
WM3HDYUnited Kingdom, East MidlandsthepanterasPerio mill
WM54K3United Kingdom, Eastern EnglandthepanterasFlatford mill
WM3G45United Kingdom, Eastern EnglandthepanterasAlwalton water mill
WM35BNUnited Kingdom, North West EnglandmartlakesHeron Corn Mill - Beetham, Cumbria UK
WM4HYZUnited Kingdom, South East EnglandRocketRon47Isfield water mill