Category listing for British Virgin Islands

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35 Waymarks have been posted in 30 categories in British Virgin Islands.

Categories with Waymarks posted for British Virgin Islands appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
12.86 1000 Places to See Before You DieWaymarking Multifarious25.00
12.86 AirportsBuildings12.50
12.86 AnchorsTechnology16.67
12.86 Anglican and Episcopal ChurchesBuildings12.50
12.86 Astronomical ObservatoriesBuildings12.50
25.71 BeachesRecreation66.67
12.86 Coin-Op BinocularsTechnology16.67
12.86 Cruise Ship PortsTechnology16.67
12.86 Dockside RestaurantsBusiness50.00
12.86 FountainsStructures100.00
12.86 Independent BookstoresBusiness50.00
12.86 Internet CafesTechnology16.67
12.86 Lion StatuesCulture100.00
12.86 Municipal Parks and PlazasNature100.00
38.57 Philatelic PhotographsWaymarking Multifarious75.00
12.86 Police StationsBuildings12.50
12.86 Red Cross and Red Crescent MovementBuildings12.50
12.86 Retired PrisonsBuildings12.50
12.86 Roman Catholic ChurchesBuildings12.50
25.71 Rotary International MarkersMonuments33.33
12.86 Sailing and Yacht ClubsRecreation33.33
12.86 Satellite Imagery OdditiesOddities50.00
12.86 SimulacraOddities50.00
12.86 Static Artillery DisplaysMonuments16.67
25.71 Statues of Historic FiguresMonuments33.33
12.86 This Old ChurchBuildings12.50
12.86 Web CamerasTechnology16.67
12.86 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology16.67
12.86 Worldwide CemeteriesMonuments16.67
12.86 'You Are Here' MapsSigns100.00