Category listing for region Etelä-Savo in Finland

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32 Waymarks have been posted in 31 categories for the Etelä-Savo region in Finland.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Etelä-Savo appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
13.13 BellsTechnology16.67
13.13 Bicycle RentalsBusiness100.00
13.13 Birdwatching LocationsAnimals100.00
13.13 CastlesBuildings33.33
13.13 City Names in Giant LettersSigns100.00
13.13 Concert HallsEntertainment25.00
13.13 Dinosaur StatuesCulture50.00
13.13 Famous Fictional FiguresCulture50.00
13.13 Giants of CommerceOddities20.00
13.13 Great Buildings of the WorldBuildings33.33
13.13 Guinness World RecordsOddities20.00
13.13 History MuseumsEntertainment25.00
13.13 It's All About TintinEntertainment25.00
13.13 LocomotivesTechnology16.67
13.13 MegachurchesBuildings33.33
13.13 National Scenic BywaysHistory100.00
13.13 Official Local Tourism AttractionsEntertainment25.00
13.13 Philatelic PhotographsWaymarking Multifarious33.33
13.13 Photos Then and NowWaymarking Multifarious33.33
13.13 Picture Perfect PostcardsWaymarking Multifarious33.33
13.13 Places of Geologic SignificanceNature33.33
13.13 Railroad BridgesStructures50.00
13.13 Satellite Imagery OdditiesOddities20.00
13.13 Scenic Roadside Look-OutsNature33.33
13.13 Static Aircraft DisplaysTechnology16.67
13.13 SuperlativesOddities20.00
13.13 Themed Homemade MailboxesOddities20.00
13.13 UNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere ReservesNature33.33
13.13 Unique Bird HousesStructures50.00
26.25 Web CamerasTechnology33.33
13.13 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology16.67