Category listing for region Kanta-Häme in Finland

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45 Waymarks have been posted in 34 categories for the Kanta-Häme region in Finland.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Kanta-Häme appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
12.22 Animal HospitalsAnimals50.00
12.22 Bear StatuesCulture50.00
36.67 Bell TowersStructures33.33
12.22 Birdwatching LocationsAnimals50.00
12.22 Butterfly GardensNature100.00
12.22 CastlesBuildings8.33
12.22 City and Town HallsBuildings8.33
12.22 Coats of ArmsSigns100.00
12.22 Figurative Public SculptureCulture50.00
12.22 Free CampsitesRecreation50.00
12.22 History MuseumsEntertainment25.00
12.22 HospitalsBuildings8.33
12.22 Kugel BallsStructures11.11
12.22 Live Stage TheatersEntertainment25.00
12.22 LocomotivesTechnology20.00
36.67 Look-Out TowersStructures33.33
511.11 Lutheran ChurchesBuildings41.67
12.22 McDonald's RestaurantsBusiness33.33
24.44 Medieval ChurchesBuildings16.67
12.22 Miniature GolfRecreation50.00
12.22 Official Local Tourism AttractionsEntertainment25.00
12.22 PetrosomatoglyphsHistory100.00
12.22 Philatelic PhotographsWaymarking Multifarious100.00
12.22 Railroad BridgesStructures11.11
12.22 Recommended AccommodationBusiness33.33
12.22 Rotary International MarkersMonuments100.00
12.22 Satellite Imagery OdditiesOddities100.00
36.67 Static Aircraft DisplaysTechnology60.00
12.22 Subway RestaurantsBusiness33.33
12.22 This Old ChurchBuildings8.33
12.22 Train Stations/DepotsBuildings8.33
12.22 War and Military MuseumsEntertainment25.00
12.22 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology20.00
12.22 WindmillsStructures11.11