Category listing for region Pohjanmaa in Finland

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63 Waymarks have been posted in 40 categories for the Pohjanmaa region in Finland.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Pohjanmaa appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
11.59 Accessible-Designed Recreational LocationsRecreation33.33
11.59 AnchorsTechnology20.00
11.59 Astronomical ObservatoriesBuildings5.26
11.59 BattlefieldsHistory33.33
23.17 Birdwatching LocationsAnimals100.00
11.59 Bus StationsBuildings5.26
11.59 Charnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and OssuariesMonuments50.00
11.59 City and Town HallsBuildings5.26
11.59 CityscapesBuildings5.26
11.59 Coastal LighthousesBuildings5.26
11.59 Direction and Distance ArrowsSigns20.00
34.76 FirehousesBuildings15.79
11.59 FountainsStructures11.11
11.59 Highway Rest AreasBuildings5.26
11.59 Historic ReenactmentsEntertainment20.00
34.76 History MuseumsEntertainment60.00
11.59 HospitalsBuildings5.26
11.59 Impact CratersNature100.00
11.59 Independent Pizza RestaurantsBusiness16.67
11.59 LibrariesBuildings5.26
34.76 McDonald's RestaurantsBusiness50.00
11.59 MuralsCulture100.00
11.59 Official Local Tourism AttractionsEntertainment20.00
23.17 Philatelic PhotographsWaymarking Multifarious100.00
11.59 Plane Crash SitesHistory33.33
11.59 Police StationsBuildings5.26
11.59 Public and Private Golf CoursesRecreation33.33
11.59 Public Swimming PoolsRecreation33.33
11.59 Static Artillery DisplaysMonuments50.00
11.59 Subway RestaurantsBusiness16.67
11.59 Suspension BridgesStructures11.11
11.59 The Local Neighborhood GrocerBusiness16.67
57.94 This Old ChurchBuildings26.32
34.76 Time and Temperature SignsSigns60.00
23.17 Train Stations/DepotsBuildings10.53
11.59 Water TowersStructures11.11
46.35 Web CamerasTechnology80.00
69.52 WindmillsStructures66.67
11.59 World Heritage SitesHistory33.33
11.59 'You Are Here' MapsSigns20.00