Category listing for region Pohjois-Pohjanmaa in Finland

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29 Waymarks have been posted in 25 categories for the Pohjois-Pohjanmaa region in Finland.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Pohjois-Pohjanmaa appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
26.90 AirportsBuildings33.33
13.45 Artificial Climbing WallsRecreation25.00
13.45 City and Town HallsBuildings16.67
13.45 Disc Golf CoursesRecreation25.00
13.45 Draw WellsStructures20.00
13.45 Drawing WaymarksCulture50.00
13.45 Figurative Public SculptureCulture50.00
13.45 Geographic High PointsNature50.00
13.45 Human Migration MonumentsMonuments100.00
13.45 Inside AirportsBuildings16.67
13.45 Lifeboats and Rescue StationsTechnology16.67
13.45 Lighthouse Bed and BreakfastsBusiness33.33
13.45 McDonald's RestaurantsBusiness33.33
310.34 Milk Platforms - MaitolaituritStructures60.00
13.45 National Parks of the WorldNature50.00
13.45 Nautical Flag PolesStructures20.00
13.45 Punishment and Disciplinary DevicesTechnology16.67
13.45 Recommended AccommodationBusiness33.33
13.45 Scenic HikesRecreation25.00
13.45 Static Aircraft DisplaysTechnology16.67
13.45 This Old ChurchBuildings16.67
13.45 Train Stations/DepotsBuildings16.67
26.90 Web CamerasTechnology33.33
13.45 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology16.67
13.45 Winter Sports LocationsRecreation25.00