Category listing for region Satakunta in Finland

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50 Waymarks have been posted in 42 categories for the Satakunta region in Finland.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Satakunta appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
12.00 Abstract Public SculpturesCulture25.00
12.00 All Things Star WarsEntertainment100.00
24.00 AnchorsTechnology25.00
12.00 BeachesRecreation50.00
24.00 Bear StatuesCulture50.00
24.00 Bell TowersStructures40.00
12.00 Blacksmith ShopsBuildings10.00
12.00 BreweriesBusiness20.00
24.00 BrewpubsBusiness40.00
12.00 CairnsMonuments20.00
24.00 Coastal LighthousesBuildings20.00
12.00 Disc Golf CoursesRecreation50.00
12.00 Doorways of the WorldBuildings10.00
12.00 Elevated Everyday ObjectsOddities100.00
12.00 Figurative Public SculptureCulture25.00
12.00 Foucault PendulumsTechnology12.50
12.00 Free Community Book ExchangesStructures20.00
12.00 Guest BooksHistory16.67
12.00 Hand Operated Water PumpsTechnology12.50
12.00 Historic Preservation AwardsHistory16.67
12.00 Historic Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsBuildings10.00
12.00 Ice Cream ParlorsBusiness20.00
12.00 Kids Eat FreeBusiness20.00
12.00 LocomotivesTechnology12.50
36.00 Lutheran ChurchesBuildings30.00
12.00 MilestonesSigns50.00
12.00 Milk Platforms - MaitolaituritStructures20.00
12.00 Municipal FlagsHistory16.67
12.00 Occupational MonumentsMonuments20.00
12.00 Old TractorsTechnology12.50
12.00 Out of Place GravesMonuments20.00
12.00 OuthousesBuildings10.00
12.00 Scenic OverlooksNature100.00
12.00 Signs of HistoryHistory16.67
12.00 Static Artillery DisplaysMonuments20.00
12.00 Statues of Historic FiguresMonuments20.00
12.00 This Old ChurchBuildings10.00
12.00 Unique Manhole CoversTechnology12.50
12.00 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology12.50
12.00 WindmillsStructures20.00
24.00 World Heritage SitesHistory33.33
12.00 'You Are Here' MapsSigns50.00