Category listing for Guadeloupe

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278 Waymarks have been posted in 63 categories in Guadeloupe.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Guadeloupe appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
72.52 Art Deco - Art NouveauBuildings14.58
10.36 Baroque ArchitectureBuildings2.08
145.04 BeachesRecreation58.33
41.44 Bell TowersStructures66.67
10.36 Blue PlaquesSigns9.09
10.36 Burger King RestaurantsBusiness20.00
10.36 CathedralsBuildings2.08
10.36 Christian CrossesMonuments8.33
10.36 Churchyard CemeteriesMonuments8.33
31.08 City and Town HallsBuildings6.25
10.36 CityscapesBuildings2.08
31.08 Civil Rights MemorialsMonuments25.00
20.72 Coastal LighthousesBuildings4.17
10.36 Cruise Ship PortsTechnology1.56
10.36 Dive SitesRecreation4.17
10.36 Drawing WaymarksCulture33.33
10.36 Farmers' MarketsBusiness20.00
10.36 Fitness TrailsRecreation4.17
207.19 French BenchmarksMeasurement Standards100.00
10.36 Garage Door ArtCulture33.33
41.44 Hiking and walking trailheadsRecreation16.67
10.36 Hindu TemplesBuildings2.08
41.44 Histoires de France (French historical markers)History9.76
31.08 Historic FortsHistory7.32
10.36 History MuseumsEntertainment4.00
10.36 Human Migration MonumentsMonuments8.33
10.36 Immortalized in LyricsCulture33.33
10.36 Indoor MallsBusiness20.00
10.36 Inside AirportsBuildings2.08
10.36 Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsBusiness20.00
10.36 La Famille BonaparteHistory2.44
10.36 McDonald's RestaurantsBusiness20.00
3211.51 Monuments Historiques FrançaisHistory78.05
10.36 Municipal Parks and PlazasNature12.50
20.72 National Parks of the WorldNature25.00
10.36 News Article LocationsWaymarking Multifarious100.00
238.27 Official Local Tourism AttractionsEntertainment92.00
10.36 Omnivorous TreesNature12.50
20.72 Places for RecyclingBuildings4.17
10.36 Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsHistory2.44
10.36 Public PlaygroundsRecreation4.17
20.72 Retired PrisonsBuildings4.17
20.72 Roadside AttractionsRecreation8.33
155.40 Roman Catholic ChurchesBuildings31.25
103.60 Satellite Imagery OdditiesOddities100.00
10.36 Seventh-day Adventist ChurchesBuildings2.08
10.36 Statues of Historic FiguresMonuments8.33
20.72 Statues of Religious FiguresMonuments16.67
10.36 There's a Book About ItEntertainment4.00
93.24 This Old ChurchBuildings18.75
10.36 Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersBuildings2.08
10.36 Uncommon Crossing SignsSigns9.09
10.36 UNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere ReservesNature12.50
10.36 VelodromesRecreation4.17
10.36 Volcano WatchingNature12.50
20.72 WaterfallsNature25.00
10.36 WaychapelsBuildings2.08
10.36 Web CamerasTechnology1.56
6222.30 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology96.88
20.72 WindmillsStructures33.33
20.72 World War I Memorials and MonumentsMonuments16.67
10.36 Worldwide CemeteriesMonuments8.33
93.24 'You Are Here' MapsSigns81.82