Category listing for region Veszprém in Hungary

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54 Waymarks have been posted in 33 categories for the Veszprém region in Hungary.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Veszprém appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
11.85 AnchorsTechnology14.29
23.70 ArboretumsNature18.18
11.85 Bed and BreakfastBusiness50.00
47.41 CastlesBuildings57.14
11.85 Cave Entrances (Natural)Nature9.09
11.85 Christian CrossesMonuments33.33
23.70 Coin-Op BinocularsTechnology28.57
35.56 European Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksMeasurement Standards100.00
59.26 Exceptional TreesNature45.45
23.70 Extraterrestrial LocationsWaymarking Multifarious50.00
11.85 FountainsStructures20.00
11.85 Hand Operated Water PumpsTechnology14.29
11.85 Insect SculpturesCulture10.00
11.85 Lion StatuesCulture10.00
11.85 LocomotivesTechnology14.29
35.56 Look-Out TowersStructures60.00
11.85 Medieval ChurchesBuildings14.29
11.85 Natural LakesNature9.09
712.96 Outdoor Stations of the CrossCulture70.00
11.85 Picture Perfect PostcardsWaymarking Multifarious25.00
23.70 Places of Geologic SignificanceNature18.18
11.85 Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsHistory100.00
11.85 Recommended AccommodationBusiness50.00
11.85 Sit-by-me StatuesCulture10.00
11.85 Spring HousesBuildings14.29
11.85 Statues of Religious FiguresMonuments33.33
11.85 SundialsTechnology14.29
11.85 Tourist Stamps PhotosWaymarking Multifarious25.00
11.85 Town ClocksTechnology14.29
11.85 Water MillsBuildings14.29
11.85 Weather StationsStructures20.00
11.85 Welcome SignsSigns100.00
11.85 Worldwide CemeteriesMonuments33.33