Category listing for region Gangwondo in Korea

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52 Waymarks have been posted in 22 categories for the Gangwondo region in Korea.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Gangwondo appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
611.54 Abstract Public SculpturesCulture23.08
11.92 Artistic Welcome SignsSigns20.00
11.92 Burger Shops - Regional ChainsBusiness50.00
11.92 Bus StationsBuildings20.00
11.92 Compass RosesTechnology33.33
11.92 Earth GlobesTechnology33.33
11.92 Epic Beings and CreaturesOddities100.00
11.92 Established Rock Climbing AreasRecreation50.00
1834.62 Figurative Public SculptureCulture69.23
11.92 Highway Rest AreasBuildings20.00
11.92 Ice Cream ParlorsBusiness50.00
23.85 Insect SculpturesCulture7.69
59.62 Municipal Parks and PlazasNature100.00
35.77 Neon SignsSigns60.00
11.92 Odd-Shaped BuildingsBuildings20.00
11.92 Outdoor AmphitheatersStructures100.00
11.92 Public PlaygroundsRecreation50.00
11.92 Science MuseumsEntertainment100.00
11.92 Scouts Monuments and MemorialsMonuments100.00
23.85 Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersBuildings40.00
11.92 Town ClocksTechnology33.33
11.92 'You Are Here' MapsSigns20.00