Category listing for region Gyeonggido in Korea

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45 Waymarks have been posted in 35 categories for the Gyeonggido region in Korea.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Gyeonggido appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
36.67 Abstract Public SculpturesCulture60.00
12.22 BandshellsEntertainment33.33
12.22 BellsTechnology20.00
12.22 Bicycle ShopsBusiness14.29
24.44 Bicycle TendersRecreation50.00
12.22 CityscapesBuildings10.00
12.22 Coin Operated Children's RidesEntertainment33.33
12.22 Direction and Distance ArrowsSigns33.33
24.44 Dunkin Donuts'Business28.57
12.22 FirehousesBuildings10.00
12.22 FountainsStructures33.33
12.22 GazebosStructures33.33
12.22 Geodesic DomesBuildings10.00
12.22 Highway Rest AreasBuildings10.00
12.22 HospitalsBuildings10.00
12.22 Insect HotelsAnimals100.00
12.22 Internet CafesTechnology20.00
12.22 LocomotivesTechnology20.00
12.22 Military Ground Equipment DisplaysMonuments50.00
12.22 MosaicsCulture20.00
12.22 Municipal Parks and PlazasNature50.00
12.22 MuralsCulture20.00
12.22 Outdoor Interactive Science DisplaysNature50.00
12.22 Pedestrian Suspension BridgesStructures33.33
24.44 Pizza Hut RestaurantsBusiness28.57
12.22 Police StationsBuildings10.00
12.22 Public PlaygroundsRecreation25.00
12.22 Science MuseumsEntertainment33.33
12.22 SkateparksRecreation25.00
24.44 Starbucks StoresBusiness28.57
12.22 Statues of Religious FiguresMonuments50.00
48.89 Train Stations/DepotsBuildings40.00
12.22 Unique Manhole CoversTechnology20.00
12.22 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology20.00
24.44 'You Are Here' MapsSigns66.67