Category listing for Maldives

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42 Waymarks have been posted in 36 categories in Maldives.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Maldives appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
12.38 1000 Places to See Before You DieWaymarking Multifarious25.00
12.38 AirportsBuildings10.00
12.38 Beach HutsBuildings10.00
24.76 BeachesRecreation40.00
12.38 BloggersTechnology12.50
24.76 Burger King RestaurantsBusiness40.00
12.38 Dive ShopsRecreation20.00
12.38 Dive SitesRecreation20.00
12.38 Drawing WaymarksCulture50.00
37.14 Elevated BuildingsBuildings30.00
12.38 Extraterrestrial LocationsWaymarking Multifarious25.00
12.38 Figurative Public SculptureCulture50.00
12.38 FountainsStructures25.00
12.38 Hiking Path FootbridgesStructures25.00
12.38 Inside AirportsBuildings10.00
12.38 Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsBusiness20.00
12.38 Lucky 7Waymarking Multifarious25.00
12.38 News Article LocationsWaymarking Multifarious25.00
12.38 People-Named PlacesMonuments100.00
12.38 Permanent Geographic CoordinatesSigns50.00
12.38 Pizza Hut RestaurantsBusiness20.00
12.38 Places for RecyclingBuildings10.00
12.38 Police StationsBuildings10.00
12.38 Public PlaygroundsRecreation20.00
12.38 Radio and Television Transmitter TowersStructures25.00
12.38 Satellite Imagery OdditiesOddities100.00
12.38 Solar PowerTechnology12.50
12.38 Thatch CottagesBuildings10.00
12.38 Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersBuildings10.00
24.76 Town ClocksTechnology25.00
12.38 Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)Business20.00
12.38 Weather StationsStructures25.00
12.38 Web CamerasTechnology12.50
24.76 Wi-Fi HotspotsTechnology25.00
12.38 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology12.50
12.38 'You Are Here' MapsSigns50.00