Category listing for region Campeche in Mexico

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67 Waymarks have been posted in 33 categories for the Campeche region in Mexico.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Campeche appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
11.49 3D Map Models of Our World and BeyondTechnology10.00
11.49 AirportsBuildings10.00
11.49 BandshellsEntertainment12.50
34.48 Bell TowersStructures50.00
45.97 BellsTechnology40.00
11.49 Burger King RestaurantsBusiness100.00
11.49 CathedralsBuildings10.00
11.49 City Names in Giant LettersSigns33.33
11.49 Coats of ArmsSigns33.33
57.46 Figurative Public SculptureCulture71.43
22.99 FountainsStructures33.33
11.49 GazebosStructures16.67
11.49 Guest BooksHistory11.11
11.49 Historic FortsHistory11.11
11.49 LibrariesBuildings10.00
22.99 Municipal Parks and PlazasNature100.00
45.97 News Article LocationsWaymarking Multifarious100.00
22.99 Occupational MonumentsMonuments50.00
710.45 Official Local Tourism AttractionsEntertainment87.50
11.49 PiratesHistory11.11
34.48 Roman Catholic ChurchesBuildings30.00
22.99 Scenic at NightCulture28.57
45.97 Signs of HistoryHistory44.44
11.49 Static Artillery DisplaysMonuments25.00
11.49 Statues of Historic FiguresMonuments25.00
11.49 Stone Church ArtefactsBuildings10.00
34.48 SuperlativesOddities100.00
34.48 This Old ChurchBuildings30.00
11.49 Town ClocksTechnology10.00
11.49 Uncommon Crossing SignsSigns33.33
11.49 Wi-Fi HotspotsTechnology10.00
34.48 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology30.00
22.99 World Heritage SitesHistory22.22