Category listing for region Guanajuato in Mexico

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25 Waymarks have been posted in 21 categories for the Guanajuato region in Mexico.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Guanajuato appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
14.00 Art MuseumsEntertainment20.00
14.00 BattlefieldsHistory25.00
28.00 BellsTechnology50.00
14.00 Bus StationsBuildings33.33
14.00 Christian CrossesMonuments25.00
14.00 Citizen MemorialsMonuments25.00
14.00 Eternal FlamesMonuments25.00
14.00 Funerary ArtCulture100.00
14.00 Grave of a Famous PersonMonuments25.00
28.00 History MuseumsEntertainment40.00
14.00 Independent PharmaciesBusiness100.00
28.00 Latin American BenchmarksMeasurement Standards100.00
14.00 MillstonesTechnology25.00
14.00 Photos Then and NowWaymarking Multifarious100.00
14.00 Preserved Machines on Public DisplayTechnology25.00
14.00 Specific Wars Monuments and MemorialsHistory25.00
14.00 TimelinesHistory25.00
14.00 Train Stations/DepotsBuildings33.33
14.00 Universities and CollegesBuildings33.33
14.00 Vintage Movie TheatersEntertainment20.00
14.00 Wax MuseumsEntertainment20.00
14.00 World Heritage SitesHistory25.00