Category listing for region Rogaland in Norway

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53 Waymarks have been posted in 38 categories for the Rogaland region in Norway.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Rogaland appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
11.89 Artificial Climbing WallsRecreation14.29
11.89 BattlefieldsHistory14.29
23.77 Bicycle ShopsBusiness33.33
11.89 Blue PlaquesSigns100.00
11.89 Burger King RestaurantsBusiness16.67
23.77 City and Town HallsBuildings33.33
11.89 Coordinate PalindromesWaymarking Multifarious100.00
11.89 Cruise Ship PortsTechnology12.50
11.89 Ferries and Ferry LandingsTechnology12.50
11.89 Figurative Public SculptureCulture33.33
23.77 GlaciersNature25.00
47.55 History MuseumsEntertainment80.00
11.89 Luftwaffe Radar RuinsHistory14.29
23.77 McDonald's RestaurantsBusiness33.33
11.89 Medieval ChurchesBuildings16.67
11.89 Miniature GolfRecreation14.29
23.77 Mountain SummitsNature25.00
11.89 Musical InstrumentsCulture33.33
35.66 Norway Historical SitesHistory42.86
11.89 Octagon BuildingsBuildings16.67
11.89 Odd-Shaped BuildingsBuildings16.67
11.89 Official Local Tourism AttractionsEntertainment20.00
11.89 PictographsHistory14.29
11.89 Places of Geologic SignificanceNature12.50
11.89 Police StationsBuildings16.67
35.66 Public and Private Golf CoursesRecreation42.86
11.89 Red Telephone BoxesTechnology12.50
11.89 Scenic HikesRecreation14.29
23.77 Scenic OverlooksNature25.00
11.89 Starbucks StoresBusiness16.67
11.89 Statues of Historic FiguresMonuments100.00
11.89 Statues of LibertyCulture33.33
11.89 Summit RegistersRecreation14.29
23.77 Unique Manhole CoversTechnology25.00
11.89 WaterfallsNature12.50
23.77 Web CamerasTechnology25.00
11.89 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology12.50
11.89 World War II SitesHistory14.29