Category listing for region Opolskie in Poland

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30 Waymarks have been posted in 23 categories for the Opolskie region in Poland.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Opolskie appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
13.33 Abandoned CemeteriesMonuments16.67
13.33 Bell TowersStructures16.67
13.33 CathedralsBuildings25.00
13.33 Churchyard CemeteriesMonuments16.67
13.33 Churchyard CrossesMonuments16.67
13.33 Czech Geodetic PointsMeasurement Standards50.00
13.33 Dinosaur StatuesCulture33.33
13.33 European Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksMeasurement Standards50.00
310.00 FountainsStructures50.00
13.33 McDonald's RestaurantsBusiness100.00
13.33 MosaicsCulture33.33
13.33 MuralsCulture33.33
13.33 Public PlaygroundsRecreation50.00
26.67 Roman Catholic ChurchesBuildings50.00
26.67 Statues of Religious FiguresMonuments33.33
26.67 SuperlativesOddities100.00
13.33 This Old ChurchBuildings25.00
26.67 Town ClocksTechnology50.00
13.33 Unique SteeplesStructures16.67
13.33 Way of St. JamesRecreation50.00
13.33 Wayside shrinesStructures16.67
26.67 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology50.00
13.33 Worldwide CemeteriesMonuments16.67