Category listing for region Jönköping in Sweden

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41 Waymarks have been posted in 33 categories for the Jönköping region in Sweden.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Jönköping appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
12.44 Abstract Public SculpturesCulture33.33
24.88 AnchorsTechnology22.22
12.44 Antarctic Points of InterestHistory20.00
12.44 Artistic Welcome SignsSigns100.00
12.44 BandshellsEntertainment33.33
12.44 Bear StatuesCulture33.33
12.44 Bell TowersStructures33.33
12.44 Billiards and Pool HallsRecreation50.00
12.44 CampgroundsRecreation50.00
12.44 Carriages and Coaches on Permanent DisplayTechnology11.11
12.44 Churchyard CemeteriesMonuments25.00
12.44 Churchyard CrossesMonuments25.00
12.44 Doorways of the WorldBuildings16.67
12.44 Elevated Everyday ObjectsOddities50.00
12.44 European Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and BenchmarksMeasurement Standards100.00
12.44 Hand Operated Water PumpsTechnology11.11
12.44 Historic Preservation AwardsHistory20.00
12.44 Independent Coffee ShopsBusiness100.00
12.44 Landlocked BoatsTechnology11.11
24.88 Lutheran ChurchesBuildings33.33
12.44 Medieval ChurchesBuildings16.67
12.44 Natural LakesNature100.00
24.88 Nordic HeritageHistory40.00
24.88 Photo CutoutsEntertainment66.67
12.44 Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsHistory20.00
12.44 Realistic Object SculpturesCulture33.33
12.44 Religious Buildings MultifariousBuildings16.67
24.88 Runestones WorldwideMonuments50.00
12.44 This Old ChurchBuildings16.67
12.44 Unique SteeplesStructures33.33
12.44 Urban Legends and SuperstitionsOddities50.00
12.44 Water TowersStructures33.33
49.76 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology44.44