Category listing for region Schaffhausen in Switzerland

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41 Waymarks have been posted in 29 categories for the Schaffhausen region in Switzerland.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Schaffhausen appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
12.44 Abbeys, Convents and MonasteriesBuildings16.67
24.88 Ancient Roman CivilizationHistory28.57
49.76 Austrian and Swiss National Heritage SitesHistory57.14
12.44 Bear StatuesCulture20.00
12.44 BellsTechnology11.11
24.88 CastlesBuildings33.33
12.44 CityscapesBuildings16.67
12.44 Dog StatuesCulture20.00
37.32 FountainsStructures75.00
24.88 Immortalized in LyricsCulture40.00
12.44 Independent BookstoresBusiness50.00
12.44 Lucky 7Waymarking Multifarious33.33
12.44 McDonald's RestaurantsBusiness50.00
12.44 MosaicsCulture20.00
12.44 Municipal FlagsHistory14.29
24.88 Official Local Tourism AttractionsEntertainment100.00
12.44 Outdoor StairwaysStructures25.00
12.44 Photos Then and NowWaymarking Multifarious33.33
12.44 Roman Catholic ChurchesBuildings16.67
12.44 Static Artillery DisplaysMonuments100.00
37.32 SundialsTechnology33.33
12.44 SuperlativesOddities100.00
12.44 Tourist Stamps PhotosWaymarking Multifarious33.33
12.44 Town ClocksTechnology11.11
12.44 Train Stations/DepotsBuildings16.67
12.44 Unique Manhole CoversTechnology11.11
12.44 WaterfallsNature100.00
12.44 Web CamerasTechnology11.11
24.88 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology22.22