Category listing for Syria

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29 Waymarks have been posted in 16 categories in Syria.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Syria appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
13.45 Ancient Roman CivilizationHistory12.50
13.45 Antique HotelsBusiness33.33
13.45 CastlesBuildings33.33
13.45 Ghost TownsHistory12.50
13.45 Grave of a Famous PersonMonuments100.00
13.45 Great Buildings of the WorldBuildings33.33
13.45 Juice and Smoothie BarsBusiness33.33
13.45 Numismatic PhotographsWaymarking Multifarious100.00
26.90 Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsHistory25.00
827.59 Public PlaygroundsRecreation100.00
13.45 Recommended AccommodationBusiness33.33
13.45 Retired PrisonsBuildings33.33
13.45 Scenic OverlooksNature100.00
13.45 SuperlativesOddities100.00
310.34 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology100.00
413.79 World Heritage SitesHistory50.00