Something about categories
Currently a catgory has the average size of 1044 waymarks (1181589 waymarks / 1131 categories rounded down).
There are 254 categories with more than the average number of 1044 waymarks, these represent 22.46% of all categories.
The median category (#566) is "Infamous Crime Scenes" with 411 waymarks.
1/4 (=295397) of all posted waymarks are in the 22 largest categories, which is 1.95% of all categories.
1/3 (=393863) of all posted waymarks are in the 37 largest categories, which is 3.27% of all categories.
1/2 (=590794) of all posted waymarks are in the 87 largest categories, which is 7.69% of all categories.
2/3 (=787726) of all posted waymarks are in the 187 largest categories, which is 16.53% of all categories.
3/4 (=886191) of all posted waymarks are in the 270 largest categories, which is 23.87% of all categories.
That means that the remaining 861 small categories contain 1/4 of all the waymarks.
The category with the most officers is Libraries with 16 officers, followed by Literary Sites with 11 officers and U.S. National Register of Historic Places with 11 officers.
In the table below are the same statistics for the previous years.