User Chickilim 

Chickilim  posted 585 waymarks in 211 different categories within 3 countries and 10 regions, of these were 137 posted-first-in-region and also 54 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has 10 waymarks with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

France (567 waymarks / 195 categories)

Centre-Val-de-Loire (538 waymarks / 179 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
 starsAbandoned Dead VehiclesAbandoned Dead Vehicles1WMHEAQPolice's Bus à Monts, Centre, France2013-07-21
 starsAccessible-Designed Recreational LocationsAccessible-Designed Recreational Locations1WMN2ZDWheelchair-Accessible Fishing Pier -Chambray-lès-Tours, France2015-03-18
 starsAirportsAirports1WMJ236Aéroport Tours Val de Loire - Tours, France2013-09-20
 starsAmateur Baseball FieldsAmateur Baseball Fields1WMNH31Stade de Baseball de Beaulieu - Joué-lès-Tours, Centre, France2015-03-18
  Animal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals3---
 starsArt VehiclesArt Vehicles1WMKPJPLe Ford Transit du Petit Faucheux - Tours, Centre, France2014-06-17
 starsBait ShopsBait Shops1WMJ6TVPacific Pêche - Chambray-lès-Tours, Centre, France2013-12-12
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
 starsBicycle ShopsBicycle Shops1WMJ6V0Veloland - Chambray-lès-Tours, Centre, France2013-10-29
 starsBirdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations2WMGMJKObservatoire Ornithologique du Louroux - Centre - France2013-03-23
 starsBotanical GardensBotanical Gardens1WMJ0V3Jardin Botanique de Tours2013-09-07
 starsBottle SculpturesBottle Sculptures1WMFDJNLa grande bouteille de Cravant2012-11-09
 starsBridgeless Water CrossingsBridgeless Water Crossings1WMNR03Le Gué de Cousse - Vernou-sur-Brenne, Centre, France2015-04-22
 starsBroken Column HeadstonesBroken Column Headstones3WMV9HJGuillemain - Cimetière de la Salle - Tours, France2017-03-19
 starsBuffet RestaurantsBuffet Restaurants1WMN0X2Royal Buffet - Tours, Centre, France2014-12-04
  Chinese RestaurantsChinese Restaurants1---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms1---
  Coin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1---
 starsComic Book ShopsComic Book Shops1WMJ8FVJ'ai les Bulles - Tours, France2013-10-11
 starsCommunity GardensCommunity Gardens1WMKQ90Les Jardins Communautaires de Tours Sud, Centre, France2014-05-19
 starsConcert HallsConcert Halls1WMJ1K8Le Vinci - Tours, France2013-09-14
 starsCoordinate PalindromesCoordinate Palindromes1WMJ71EN47°20.400 E00°40.274 - Joué-lès-Tours, France2013-10-04
  Covered WagonsCovered Wagons1---
  Dance ClubsDance Clubs2---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials1WMV1N4Birthplace of Jules Moinaux - Tours, France2017-02-09
  Death Mask GravestonesDeath Mask Gravestones1---
  Dinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1---
 starsDog Friendly HotelsDog Friendly Hotels1WMN0T3Hôtel Mirabeau - Tours, Centre, France2014-12-08
 starsDog-Friendly RestaurantsDog-Friendly Restaurants1WMN0T6La Table du Grand Marché - Tours, Centre, France2014-12-08
 starsE85 Fuel PumpsE85 Fuel Pumps1WMK8NASuper U - Montlouis-sur-Loire - Centre - France2014-03-01
  Earth HomesEarth Homes1---
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1WMJ8G3Ikea Store Charging Station - Tours, Centre, France2013-10-10
  Epic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1---
  European Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices1---
  Exceptional TreesExceptional Trees3---
 starsFerris WheelsFerris Wheels1WMHZ9NLa Grande Roue du Pont Wilson, Tours, France2013-09-01
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture2---
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles1WMJ286Fire pump - Musée Maurice Dufresne - Azay-le-Rideau, France2013-09-12
 starsFish LaddersFish Ladders1WMKQ8FPasse à Poisson sur le Cher - Tours, Centre, France2014-05-15
 starsFlora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs1WMN42BFlore et Faune de la Forêt de Chambray-lès-Tours - France2014-12-22
 starsFramed ViewsFramed Views1WMQMB8Le Château de Cheverny - Cheverny, Centre, France2016-03-02
 starsFree Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges2WMN0Y2Little Free Library of Saint-Benoit La Forêt, Centre, France2014-12-04
  French BenchmarksFrench Benchmarks212---
  Frieze ArtFrieze Art1---
 starsGates of DistinctionGates of Distinction1WMHZ9GButterfly's Gate - Saint-Epain, France2014-05-01
 starsGender Separated EntrancesGender Separated Entrances2WMKM9ML'École Guillaume Louis de Montbazon, Centre, France2014-05-04
 starsGeocaching Tour GuidesGeocaching Tour Guides1WMJ0R8Geocaching & Waymarking with Chickilim2013-09-17
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs1---
 starsGhosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings1WMKPY5La Maison Qui n'Oublie Pas - Montbazon, Centre, France2014-05-14
 starsGiant Board GamesGiant Board Games1WMN2DZLes Jeux de la Gloriette - Tours, Centre, France2014-12-13
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person1---
 starsGraves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death1WMNRH5François Boileau - Tours, Centre, France2015-04-25
  Hand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps5---
  Histoires de France (French historical markers)Histoires de France (French historical markers)3---
  Historic Transformer Sub-Stations BuildingsHistoric Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings1---
 starsHistoric Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage BlocksHistoric Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage Blocks1WMN374Blue Unicorn - Saint-Avertin, Centre, France2014-12-17
 starsHoly WellsHoly Wells1WMN2HMLa Fontaine Sainte-Marie - Avon-les-Roches, Centre, France2014-12-14
 starsHourglassHourglass3WMVAHGInconnu - Cimetière de La Salle - Tours, France2017-03-24
 starsHuman Migration MonumentsHuman Migration Monuments1WMTT24Claude Sauvageau - Marcé-sur-Esves, France2017-01-06
 starsIce Skating RinksIce Skating Rinks1WMN3WMLa Patinoire de Tours - Centre, France2014-12-21
 starsIndependent Artist Supply StoresIndependent Artist Supply Stores1WMPV7XCadres et Papiers - Tours, Centre, France2015-10-22
 starsInfamous Crime ScenesInfamous Crime Scenes2WMJ2TJTuerie de Tours - Tours, France2013-09-17
  Insect HotelsInsect Hotels1---
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WMJ6VBL'Insecte d'Osier, Villaines-les-Rochers, Centre, France2013-10-03
 starsInteresting Intersection NamesInteresting Intersection Names1WMPV8ZChistophe Colomb / Vasco de Gamma - Chambray-lès-Tours, Centre, France2015-10-28
 starsIt's All About TintinIt's All About Tintin2WMQMB1Le Château de Cheverny - Centre, France2016-03-02
 starsJapanese RestaurantsJapanese Restaurants1WMJ8FGSakura - Tours, France2013-10-10
 starsJazz ClubsJazz Clubs1WMHNZYLe Petit Faucheux - Tours, France2013-07-29
 starsJohn F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy1WMJ6VJLa stèle de JFK - Saint-Benoît-la-Forêt, France2013-10-04
 starsKaraoke BarsKaraoke Bars2WMN0TYRoyal Buffet - Tours, Centre, France2014-12-11
 starsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants1WMJ28BKFC - Chambray-lès-Tours, France2013-09-12
  Kinetic Sculpture and ArtKinetic Sculpture and Art1---
  Lavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)23---
 starsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual WarriorsLegacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors2WMV35FArmure de Samouraï - Musée Maurice Dufresne - Azay-le-Rideau, France2017-02-21
  Lion StatuesLion Statues1---
  Lucky 7Lucky 72---
 starsMasonic TemplesMasonic Temples1WMN0TKLoge des Demophiles - Tours, Centre, France2014-12-12
 starsMexican RestaurantsMexican Restaurants1WMJ29HLe Cheyenne - Tours, France2013-09-11
 starsMilitary InstallationsMilitary Installations1WMJ72BBase Aérienne 705 - Tours, France2013-10-05
 starsMillstonesMillstones1WMN2Z8Pierre de meule des Aigremonts - Bléré, Centre, France2014-12-15
 starsMinor League Baseball StadiumsMinor League Baseball Stadiums1WMN2DCStade de Baseball de Beaulieu - Joué-lès-Tours, Centre, France2014-12-17
 starsMotor Vehicle MuseumsMotor Vehicle Museums1WMJ23FMusée Maurice Dufresne - Azay-le-Rideau, France2013-09-18
 starsMunicipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas2WMV1W4Place Plumereau - Tours, France2017-02-10
 starsMusical Instrument RetailersMusical Instrument Retailers3WMJ71NMusicstock - Tours, France, FR.2013-10-04
 starsMusical InstrumentsMusical Instruments2WMJ1FMSaxophone - Avoine, Centre, France2013-09-09
 starsNatural SinkholesNatural Sinkholes1WMPRZQLes dolines de Limère - Centre, France2015-10-19
 starsNatural SpringsNatural Springs1WMFDJ2La source de la fontaine Sainte-Marie2012-11-05
  Neon SignsNeon Signs1---
  News Article LocationsNews Article Locations2---
 starsOccupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones2WMK8X2Dany Simon - Cimetière Tours Sud - Centre - France2014-03-02
 starsOld Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1WMKM7QLe Musée Agricole de Truyes, Centre, France2014-05-06
 starsOld TractorsOld Tractors1WMHN70Deering 10-20 - Musée Maurice Dufresne, Azay-le-Rideau, France2013-09-11
 starsOmnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees1WMKQBPChêne à Saint-Etienne-de-Chigny2014-05-16
 starsOrientation TablesOrientation Tables1WMFMR6Le belvédère de Saint-Michel-sur-Loire (Centre, France)2012-11-05
 starsOut of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1WMKPJZYul Brynner's Tombstone2014-05-13
 starsOutdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts2WMJ2XETerrain de basket - Chambray-lès-Tours, France2013-09-23
 starsOutdoor Interactive Science DisplaysOutdoor Interactive Science Displays2WMPT0GLa Sphère Armillaire de Tauxigny - Centre, France2015-10-17
 starsOutdoor Warning SirensOutdoor Warning Sirens1WMJ03MSiren at Chambray-lès-Tours, Centre, France2013-09-08
 starsOutdoor Wind HarpsOutdoor Wind Harps1WMV1A6La Harpe de la Médiathèque - Avoine, France2017-02-07
 starsPaintball Outdoor and Indoor FieldsPaintball Outdoor and Indoor Fields1WMN2EDPaintball Biky Concept - La-Ville-aux-Dames, Centre, France2014-12-15
 starsPaleontology and FossilsPaleontology and Fossils1WMN2P3Carrière de Channay-sur-Lathan, Centre, France2014-12-14
 starsPayphonesPayphones4WMJ0P0[DISPARU] Cabine téléphonique n°1, Boulevard Heurteloup, Tours2013-09-06
 starsPeople-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1WMV19AWilson Bridge - Tours, France2017-02-08
 starsPet CemeteriesPet Cemeteries1WMN15ECimetière Animalier de l'Ecomard - Vernou-sur-Brenne, Centre, France2014-12-09
 starsPet StoresPet Stores1WMN43TMédor et Compagnie - Chambray-lès-Tours, Centre, France2014-12-23
 starsPetrosomatoglyphsPetrosomatoglyphs1WMQEC03 hands / 3 mains - Tours, France2016-02-16
  Philatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs1---
 starsPhotos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now1WMJ1BTChâteau de Candé - Monts, France2013-09-08
 starsPictorial Pub SignsPictorial Pub Signs1WMV2PFAcadémie de la Bière - Tours, France2017-02-14
 starsPikachu SightingsPikachu Sightings1WMKQ88Toys "R" Us Pikachu - Tours, Centre, France2014-05-15
 starsPizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants1WMJ28M[DESTROYED] Pizza Hut - Rue Nationale, Tours, France2013-09-12
 starsPlane Crash SitesPlane Crash Sites1WMHCKDB17G Sequatchiee Crash Memorial, Montlouis-sur-Loire, France2013-06-24
 starsPolice StationsPolice Stations1WMJ0VGHôtel de Police de Tours2013-09-29
 starsPopulation SignsPopulation Signs1WMNK9PMonnaie, Centre, France - Population 1 6222015-03-30
 starsPreserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display1WMJ2E8Télégraphe Chappe - Chambray-lès-Tours, France2013-09-12
 starsPublic Land Survey MarksPublic Land Survey Marks1WMQE11Centre/Pays de Loire/Poitou-Charentes Intersection point - France2016-02-13
 starsPublic PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds2WMHZRWLe Parc Municipal des Rives - Saint-Avertin, Centre, France2014-05-01
  Public and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1---
 starsPubs and InnsPubs and Inns1WMN1PVMC Cool's Irish Pub, Tours, Centre, France2014-12-08
 starsPunishment and Disciplinary DevicesPunishment and Disciplinary Devices1WMKPJRGuillotine de la Révolution Française - Musée Maurice Dufresne - Azay-le-Rideau, Centre, France2014-05-12
 starsRacetracksRacetracks1WMH54AKarting Tours, La Ville aux Dames, Centre2013-05-25
 starsRealistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1WMN2F6Le Robinet - Salbris, Centre, France2014-12-15
 starsRed Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes1WMGMR0[DISPARU] Red Telephone Box - Saint-Cyr-sur Loire - France2013-03-22
  Relief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures2---
 starsRiver GaugesRiver Gauges1WMJ71VLoire Gauge - Tours, France2013-10-04
 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1WMN0V5Le Héron Cendré de l'A10 - Dambron, Centre, France2014-12-04
 starsRock and Mineral DisplaysRock and Mineral Displays1WMN42VLa Pierre Aux Joncs - Villandry, Centre, France2015-01-07
 starsRock-HoundingRock-Hounding1WMN0W9La Carrière-Musée de Channay-sur-Lathan, Centre, France2014-12-20
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities1---
 starsShip Screws and Aircraft PropsShip Screws and Aircraft Props1WMJ6Y1Propeller of a D-Day ship - Musée Maurice Dufresne - Azay-le-Rideau, France2013-10-04
 starsShot TowersShot Towers1WMKVQYCharlemagne Shot Tower - Tours, Centre, France2014-06-01
 starsSilhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1WMN41YLe Général de Gaulle - Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, Centre, France2014-12-22
 starsSimulacraSimulacra1WMN3CCL'Arbre Bélier - Ballan-Miré, Centre, France2014-12-20
 starsSister City MonumentsSister City Monuments2WMN36VChambray-lès-Tours - Centre, France2014-12-23
  Solar PowerSolar Power3---
 starsSpace Invaders ArtSpace Invaders Art8WMR3PZSI - 47 rue du Sergent Leclerc - Tours - France2016-05-09
  Spring HousesSpring Houses1---
 starsStatic Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1WMKNGTBeechcraft 99 Airliner, Tours - France2014-05-12
 starsStatic Train CarsStatic Train Cars1WMJ70YWaggons Theater - Saint-Branchs, France2013-10-05
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1---
  Stone Church ArtefactsStone Church Artefacts1---
 starsSushi RestaurantsSushi Restaurants1WMJ28WPlanet Sushi - Tours, France2013-09-11
 starsSuspension BridgesSuspension Bridges1WMHN71Le Pont de Langeais, Centre, France2013-09-12
 starsSwimming HolesSwimming Holes1WMKQEWPlan d'Eau de Hommes, Centre, France2014-05-16
 starsTearooms and TeahousesTearooms and Teahouses1WMJ8FMBrunch et Goût Thé - Tours, France2013-10-11
 starsThai RestaurantsThai Restaurants1WMJ0V7Restaurant Mai Tai - Tours, France2013-09-06
 starsThemed Homemade MailboxesThemed Homemade Mailboxes2WMFPMGLe Moulin Doré de Luynes, Centre, France2012-11-14
 starsThere's a Book About ItThere's a Book About It1WMV2EZCathédrale Saint-Gatien - Tours, France2017-02-19
 starsTime and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1WMJ1GXLe Vinci de Tours Time and Temperature2013-09-11
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
 starsTripoints and MultipointsTripoints and Multipoints1WMPT29La Cippe des 3 Évêchés - Centre, Pays de Loire, Poitou-Charentes, France2015-10-16
  Unique Bird HousesUnique Bird Houses1---
 starsUnique SteeplesUnique Steeples1WMNQZYSt. Pie X Church - Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, Centre, France2015-05-07
 starsUnique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes1WMKT8AL'Arbre à Girouettes de Saint-Avertin - Centre, France2014-05-26
 starsUnusual  SignsUnusual Signs1WMFV5E[DISPARU] Mauvais sens giratoire à Joué-lès-Tours (37)2012-12-02
 starsVintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps1WMJ277Gasoline pump - Musée Maurice Dufresne - Azay-le-Rideau, France2013-09-14
 starsWater MillsWater Mills13WMFW4ALe Grand Moulin de Cormery (37)2012-12-06
 starsWater TowersWater Towers1WMHN6WWater Tower - Chambray-lès-Tours, France2013-09-04
  Way of St. JamesWay of St. James1---
 starsWaychapelsWaychapels1WMHZRRChapelle Notre Dame de Beauchêne2013-09-10
 starsWaymark Sticker and Pin SeekersWaymark Sticker and Pin Seekers1WMNGARChickilim's Waymark Sticker2015-03-11
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments1---
  World War II Memorials / MonumentsWorld War II Memorials / Monuments1---
 starsYe Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1WMN44EAu Palais des Viandes - Nogent-le-Rotrou, Centre, France2014-12-24
 starsZoosZoos1WMHZ8KZooParc de Beauval, Centre, France2013-09-03

Nouvelle-Aquitaine (5)

  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries1---
  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses1---
  Hand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1---
  Lavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)1---

Pays de la Loire (9)

 starsArtistic Welcome SignsArtistic Welcome Signs1WMX2Z6Saumur, Pays de Loire, France2017-12-12
 starsFiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses1WMT7K7Les 3 Chevaux du McDonald's - Saumur - France2016-10-12
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---
 starsGreenwich Meridian MarkersGreenwich Meridian Markers1WMKPY0Meridian Marker, Saumur, Pays de Loire, France2014-05-14
  Megalithic MonumentsMegalithic Monuments1---
 starsOctagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1WMNGDMLe Colombier de Saumur - France2015-03-16
 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1WMXFD9Artcheval - Saumur, France2018-01-07
  Silhouette Public Art SculpturesSilhouette Public Art Sculptures1---
 starsWar and Military MuseumsWar and Military Museums1WMN3VFMusée des Blindés de Saumur - Pays de la Loire, France2014-12-22

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (1)

 starsFactory ToursFactory Tours1WMN26BLa Verrerie de Biot - Biot, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France2014-12-13

Île-de-France (14 waymarks / 9 categories)

  Diplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions2---
 starsDisc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses1WMN0FGJablines-Annet - Ile-de-France, France2014-12-03
 starsFamous FiresFamous Fires1WMNMKEThe Fire of the Bazar de la Charité - Paris, France2015-04-06
  Freestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches1---
  French BenchmarksFrench Benchmarks5---
 starsLandlocked LighthousesLandlocked Lighthouses1WMK8N7[DESTROYED] Le Phare de la Criée, Paris, France2014-03-01
 starsOff-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas1WMKM8RLe Square Jacques Antoine - Paris, FR2014-05-01
  Space Invaders ArtSpace Invaders Art1---
 starsYellow Arrow LookupYellow Arrow Lookup1WMHCMPMusée Du Louvre Paris FR2013-09-14

United States (16)

Arkansas (10)

  9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites1---
  Afghanistan-Iraq War MemorialsAfghanistan-Iraq War Memorials1---
  Arkansas Historical MarkersArkansas Historical Markers1---
  Korean War MemorialsKorean War Memorials1---
  Persian Gulf War MemorialsPersian Gulf War Memorials1---
  Remembering FEPOWRemembering FEPOW1---
  Spanish-American War MemorialsSpanish-American War Memorials1---
  U.S. BenchmarksU.S. Benchmarks1---
  Vietnam POW/MIA MonumentsVietnam POW/MIA Monuments1---
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments1---

Mississippi (2)

  Mississippi Historical MarkersMississippi Historical Markers1---
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules1---

Texas (3)

  Classic BBQ and Sandwich JointsClassic BBQ and Sandwich Joints1---
  Jack In The BoxJack In The Box1---

Washington (1)

 starsSpace Invaders ArtSpace Invaders Art1WMWAJ6SI - Groundspeak HQ - Seattle - WA2017-08-03

Vatican City State (2)

  Official Local Tourism AttractionsOfficial Local Tourism Attractions1---
  Stone Church ArtefactsStone Church Artefacts1---