User Der Wald-Pirat 

Der Wald-Pirat  posted 52 waymarks in 29 different categories within 2 countries and 5 regions, of these were 18 posted-first-in-region.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Germany (51 waymarks / 28 categories)

Brandenburg (1)

 starsConfluence SpotsConfluence Spots1WMJ7K7N 52° E 13° - Altes Lager, Brandenburg2013-10-07

Sachsen (48 waymarks / 26 categories)

  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures2---

Sachsen-Anhalt (1)

 starsMillstonesMillstones1WMH0EAMahlsteine der Muldensteiner Papierfabrik (1907 - 1943)2013-05-02

Sachsen (48 waymarks / 26 categories)

  Art Deco - Art NouveauArt Deco - Art Nouveau1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials2---
 starsCoordinate PalindromesCoordinate Palindromes1WM9HWAKoordinaten-Palindrom: Feld bei Liebertwolkwitz2010-08-24
 starsDated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones3WMGG8A1882 - Villa Schröder, Goldschmidtstr. 31, Leipzig2013-03-08
 starsDiplomatic MissionsDiplomatic Missions2WMGFTJKonsulat von Rußland in Leipzig2016-04-29
 starsDoorways of the WorldDoorways of the World4WMGFT3Blaue Mütze - Leipzig, Sachsen2013-03-06
  Exceptional TreesExceptional Trees1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---
 starsHistory MuseumsHistory Museums1WM9ERQStasi-Museum Runde Ecke Leipzig2010-08-13
 starsIndependent Coffee ShopsIndependent Coffee Shops1WMGCGZCoffe Baum - Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany2013-02-20
 starsInsect SculpturesInsect Sculptures1WMGFT0Spinne am Naturkundemuseum Leipzig2013-02-28
 starsLibrariesLibraries1WMGHF2Leipziger Stadtbibliothek2016-04-30
 starsMasonic TemplesMasonic Temples1WMGNFTMinerva zu den drei Palmen2016-05-01
 starsMusical InstrumentsMusical Instruments1WMAYPWKlangschale und Laser-Uhr im Hansa-Haus in Specks Hof2011-03-13
 starsPermanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1WMGW7QGradnetzstein für N 51°, E 13°2013-04-15
 starsPlaces for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling1WMGMXDWertstoffhof Lößniger Str. 7 - Leipzig, Sachsen2013-03-24
  Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsPreserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins1---
 starsResearch InstitutesResearch Institutes2WMGG8FMax-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften - Leipzig, Sachsen2016-04-29
  Rock and Mineral DisplaysRock and Mineral Displays1---
 starsSpecific Wars Monuments and MemorialsSpecific Wars Monuments and Memorials1WMGG19Napoleonstein, Völkerschlacht 1813, Leipzig, Sachsen, Deutschland2013-03-01
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures7---

Thüringen (1)

 starsConfluence SpotsConfluence Spots1WMJQT6N 51° E 11° - Erfurt, Thüringen2013-12-20

Poland (1)

Lubuskie (1)

 starsRelief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1WMH3ATPückler-Stein - Bad Muskau, Poland2016-04-24