User MTBpointer 

MTBpointer  posted 57 waymarks in 57 different categories within 2 countries and 7 regions, of these were 12 posted-first-in-region and also 4 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has one waymark with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Singapore (3)

 starsElevation SignsElevation Signs1WM12B2MBukit Timah - Singapore. 163.63m2020-04-17
 starsGeographic High PointsGeographic High Points1WM12B5DThe Highest Point in Singapore (Bukit Timah)2020-05-19
 starsPermanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1WM12B2FN 1 21 16.85 E103 46 34.95 - Bukit Timah, Singapore2020-04-17

United Kingdom (54)

Northern Scotland (1)

 starsPlane Crash SitesPlane Crash Sites1WM129JMOxford PH404 Plane Crash Site, Stob an t-Sluichd, Carngorms, Scotland2020-04-07

South East England (2)

  Megalithic MonumentsMegalithic Monuments1---
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---

South West England (2)

  Hiking and walking trailheadsHiking and walking trailheads1---
  Military Ground Equipment DisplaysMilitary Ground Equipment Displays1---

Southern England (4)

 starsIn Search of the CeltsIn Search of the Celts1WM13RYXUffington Castle Hillfort- Oxfordshire, UK2021-02-14
  Lawn BowlingLawn Bowling1---
  Red Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes1---

Southern Scotland (1)

 starsWeird Story LocationsWeird Story Locations1WM13T23St George and the Dragon, Uffington, Oxfordshire, UK2021-02-14

West Midlands (44)

  Active Rail LocationsActive Rail Locations1---
 starsAncient Traces and RoadsAncient Traces and Roads1WM13TFEAkeman Street - Oxfordshire, UK2021-02-27
  Baptist ChurchesBaptist Churches1---
 starsBaroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture1WM13NXWHeythrop Park Hall - Oxfordshire, UK2021-01-24
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
  Blue PlaquesBlue Plaques1---
  Bridgeless Water CrossingsBridgeless Water Crossings1---
  Churchyard CemeteriesChurchyard Cemeteries1---
 starsCoordinate PalindromesCoordinate Palindromes1WM13R0EN51 53.210 W001 23.515 Crow Lane - Glympton - Oxfordshire - UK2021-02-08
  Dated Architectural Structures MultifariousDated Architectural Structures Multifarious1---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
  Dedicated TreesDedicated Trees1---
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows1---
  Electric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1---
  Hiking Path FootbridgesHiking Path Footbridges1---
  Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses1---
  Long Distance Hiking TrailsLong Distance Hiking Trails1---
  Lucky 7Lucky 71---
  Lychgates and DepositoriesLychgates and Depositories1---
  Man-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1---
  Medieval ChurchesMedieval Churches1---
 starsNatural SpringsNatural Springs1WM13T4EThorsbrook Spring, Taston, Oxforshire - UK2021-02-15
  Public Access LandsPublic Access Lands1---
  Public and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1---
  Pubs and InnsPubs and Inns1---
 starsQuadriviaQuadrivia1WM13PM7Cross Road in Charlbury, Oxfordshire, UK2021-02-20
  Retired PrisonsRetired Prisons1---
  Scouting HeadquartersScouting Headquarters1---
  Tennis FacilitiesTennis Facilities1---
  The Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1---
  There's a Book About ItThere's a Book About It1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
 starsTripoints and MultipointsTripoints and Multipoints1WM13CJXFour Shire Stone, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, and Worcestershire2020-11-24
  U.K. and Ireland TrigpointsU.K. and Ireland Trigpoints1---
  UK Historical MarkersUK Historical Markers1---
  Unique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes1---
  Water DamsWater Dams1---
  Water TowersWater Towers1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---