User hacze_losy 

hacze_losy  posted 299 waymarks in 181 different categories within 9 countries and 21 regions, of these were 108 posted-first-in-region and also 43 posted-first-in-country.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Czechia (1)

Moravskoslezský kraj (1)

  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---

Germany (3 waymarks / 2 categories)

Berlin (2 waymarks / 1 categories)


Niedersachsen (1)


Hungary (1)

Veszprém (1)

 starsMonarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1WM1ADB9King András I - Tihany, Hungary2024-08-01

Italy (1)

Marche (1)

 starsAncient Roman CivilizationAncient Roman Civilization1WM1ACT2The Arch of Trajan - Ancona, Italy2024-07-29

Lithuania (1)

  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms1---

Netherlands (1)

Noord-Holland (1)

  Relief Art SculpturesRelief Art Sculptures1---

Poland (289 waymarks / 175 categories)

Dolnośląskie (1)

 starsUnusual  SignsUnusual Signs1WM19VC0Beware of ghosts - Olesnica, Poland2024-09-25

Kujawsko-Pomorskie (8 waymarks / 6 categories)

 starsCoats of ArmsCoats of Arms2WM1AVECThe Coat of Arms of Swiekatowo district - Jania Góra, Poland2024-10-11
 starsFire Fighting VehiclesFire Fighting Vehicles2WM1ARC4Horse-drawn fire truck Louis Tidov - Stopka, Poland2024-09-29
 starsGreat Lines of EarthGreat Lines of Earth1WM1AVDT18th east meridian - Byslaw, Poland2024-11-24
 starsMillstonesMillstones1WM1AR7DThe millstone near museum in Stopka, Poland2024-09-28
 starsOld Agricultural EquipmentOld Agricultural Equipment1WM1AR7KPortable steam engine - Stopka, Poland2024-09-28
 starsWorking Water WheelsWorking Water Wheels1WM1B0WBWater mill near Wapionka - Górzno, Poland2024-11-13

Mazowieckie (212 waymarks / 133 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps3---
 stars'Z' Welcome Signs'Z' Welcome Signs1WM19W6VZgorzala, Poland2024-04-23
 stars9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites1WM1AJV6September 11 terrorism memorial - Warsaw, Poland2024-08-28
  ALDI StoresALDI Stores1---
  Advertising ColumnsAdvertising Columns3---
 starsAncient Traces and RoadsAncient Traces and Roads1WM1AA4MTrakt Warecki - Piaseczno, Poland2024-07-17
 starsAnglican and Episcopal ChurchesAnglican and Episcopal Churches1WM1AB8CAnglican church office - Warsaw, Poland2024-07-19
 starsAnimal HospitalsAnimal Hospitals1WM1A530I Zoliborska Przychodnia Weterynaryjna - Warsaw, Poland2024-06-23
  Artistic Neon LightsArtistic Neon Lights1---
  Assembly of God ChurchesAssembly of God Churches1---
 starsAviariesAviaries1WM1B0WFExotic birds Aviary - Opinogóra Górna, Poland2024-11-12
 starsBaptist ChurchesBaptist Churches1WM19WKWThe Chapel of Baptist Church - Warsaw, Poland2024-04-27
  Barber PolesBarber Poles1---
 starsBattlefieldsBattlefields1WM1AMD3Battle of Raszyn (1809) - Raszyn, Poland2024-09-06
  Best Burgers in TownBest Burgers in Town1---
  Bicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1---
 starsBicycle ShopsBicycle Shops1WM19T8VAlltheway - Warsaw, Poland2024-04-08
 starsBirdwatching LocationsBirdwatching Locations1WM1AMCYRaszyn ponds - Raszyn, Poland2024-09-05
 starsBreweriesBreweries1WM1AG07Browar Ciechan - Ciechanów, Poland2024-08-14
 starsBroken Column HeadstonesBroken Column Headstones2WM1ANANLetowscy grave in Powazki - Warsaw, Poland2024-09-10
 starsBuddhist Temples and Public ShrinesBuddhist Temples and Public Shrines1WM19W2MBuddhist Meditation Center - Warsaw, Poland2024-04-23
  Burger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants1---
 starsBurger Shops - Regional ChainsBurger Shops - Regional Chains1WM1A4HNMAX Burgers - Westfield Arkadia - Warsaw, Poland2024-07-18
  Bus StationsBus Stations1---
 starsCable Skiing and WakeboardingCable Skiing and Wakeboarding1WM1A32DWake Love wakeboarding - Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland2024-06-11
 starsCaritas InternationalisCaritas Internationalis1WM1A5VKCaritas Polska, centrum Okopowa - Warsaw, Poland2024-06-26
 starsChildhood HomesChildhood Homes1WM1B69WMaria Sklodowska-Curie childhood home - Warsaw, Poland2024-12-14
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
  City and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms36---
 starsContinental Reformed and Congregational Church SitesContinental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites1WM19WJCEvangelical-Reformed Church - Warsaw, Poland2024-04-29
  Coordinate PalindromesCoordinate Palindromes1---
 starsCourthousesCourthouses1WM1AJFEDistrict Court in Warsaw - Poland2024-08-27
  Dedicated TreesDedicated Trees1---
  Dinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1---
 starsDog StatuesDog Statues1WM1AB0WPsie zycie - Piaseczno, Poland2024-07-20
  Domino's PizzaDomino's Pizza1---
  Earth GlobesEarth Globes1---
  Electric Bike Charging StationsElectric Bike Charging Stations1---
  Electric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1---
  European Post OfficesEuropean Post Offices1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---
  Fishing HolesFishing Holes1---
  Fitness TrailsFitness Trails1---
  Flora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs8---
  Free Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1---
 starsFrieze ArtFrieze Art1WM1AC11Kamienica Pianki - Ciechanów, Poland2024-07-25
 starsFuneral HomesFuneral Homes1WM1A3M5Dom pogrzebowy Sluzew - Warsaw, Poland2024-06-19
 starsFunerary ArtFunerary Art1WM1APMYChronos from Powazki (Kolanowscy) - Warsaw, Poland2024-09-26
 starsGates of DistinctionGates of Distinction1WM1AGV2The gate to the blacksmith shop - Krasnosielc, Poland2024-08-26
 starsGeorge WashingtonGeorge Washington1WM1AJV9George Washington's memorial - Warsaw, Poland2024-08-28
  Giant 24 h Vending MachinesGiant 24 h Vending Machines1---
 starsGiant Board GamesGiant Board Games1WM19VH8Giant chess in the Ciechanów Castle, Poland2024-07-17
 starsGiants of CommerceGiants of Commerce1WM1AE3FDinosaur near Dzielnica Filmowa - Zalesie Górne, Poland2024-08-04
 starsGrain ElevatorsGrain Elevators1WM19RCTZaklady Zbozowe Bialoleka - Warsaw, Poland2024-04-04
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person1---
 starsHindu TemplesHindu Temples1WM19TVEHare Krishna temple - Mysiadlo, Poland2024-04-12
  Holiday DisplaysHoliday Displays1---
 starsIKEAIKEA1WM1ACKCIKEA - Janki, Poland2024-08-04
 starsIce Cream ParlorsIce Cream Parlors1WM1A4R7Gelatoitalia - Nowa Iwiczna, Poland2024-06-19
  Ice Skating RinksIce Skating Rinks1---
 starsIndependent BookstoresIndependent Bookstores1WM19T98Najlepsza ksiegarnia - Warsaw, Poland2024-04-10
 starsIndependent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies1WM19WRQApteka Paticarius - Nowa Wola, Poland2024-04-29
 starsIndependent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants1WM19XGWZakrecona pizza - Nowa Iwiczna, Poland2024-05-04
  Indoor MallsIndoor Malls1---
  Insect HotelsInsect Hotels2---
 starsJunk Design HousesJunk Design Houses1WM1B84CVillage garden in the city - Warszawa, Poland2024-12-23
 starsKingdom Halls of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses1WM19R5WKingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses - Warsaw, Poland2024-04-08
 starsKnights of Columbus CouncilsKnights of Columbus Councils1WM1A5VGK of C Council 17050 - Warsaw, Poland2024-06-27
  LEED BuildingsLEED Buildings1---
  Lawn BowlingLawn Bowling1---
  Lion StatuesLion Statues1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
 starsMexican RestaurantsMexican Restaurants1WM1AJFMTaco Loco - Warsaw, Poland2024-08-26
 starsMountain Bike TrailheadsMountain Bike Trailheads1WM1AE38Super Mario XC Singletrack - Zalesie Górne, Poland2024-09-17
 starsMovie LocationsMovie - Nowa Iwiczna, Poland2024-05-08
  Municipal Community CentersMunicipal Community Centers1---
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags9WM19Y93The flag of the Piaseczno county - Piaseczno, Poland2024-05-12
  Municipal Parks and PlazasMunicipal Parks and Plazas1---
  Occupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones1---
  Oddball MuseumsOddball Museums1---
 starsOld TractorsOld Tractors1WM19MP7Tractor URSUS in Zielona, Poland2024-03-20
 starsOrthodox ChurchesOrthodox Churches1WM19X8PChurch of St. Sophia of the Wisdom of God - Warsaw, Poland2024-05-02
  Out of Place GravesOut of Place Graves1---
  Outdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts1---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1---
 starsPainted HydrantsPainted Hydrants1WM19Y5WPreschooler - Góra Kalwaria, Poland2024-05-12
 starsPeace PolesPeace Poles1WM19MY1Peace Pole near the Peace Bell2024-03-20
  Permanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations1---
 starsPiratesPirates2WM1A3NAKazimierz Lux, the Polish pirate's grave - Warsaw, Poland2024-06-16
  Pizza Hut RestaurantsPizza Hut Restaurants1---
  Places for RecyclingPlaces for Recycling1---
  Police StationsPolice Stations1---
 starsPresidential BirthplacesPresidential Birthplaces1WM1A107Lech Kaczynski, Warsaw, Poland2024-06-01
  Public PlaygroundsPublic Playgrounds1---
  Public Swimming PoolsPublic Swimming Pools1---
 starsRed Telephone BoxesRed Telephone Boxes1WM1APAGRed phone box in the Museum - Otrebusy, Poland2024-09-17
 starsRelocated StructuresRelocated Structures1WM1A3Q2Palac Lubomirskich - Warsaw, Poland2024-06-24
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches1---
 starsRonald McDonald HousesRonald McDonald Houses1WM19VDNDom Ronalda McDonalda - Warsaw, Poland2024-04-18
 starsSalvation Army LocationsSalvation Army Locations1WM1AJV3Salvation Army HQ in Poland - Warsaw, Poland2024-08-30
  Satellite Imagery OdditiesSatellite Imagery Oddities1---
  Sculpture GardensSculpture Gardens1---
 starsSelf Serve Pet WashSelf Serve Pet Wash1WM1B1KFWash Dog Express Ursynów - Warsaw, Poland2024-11-16
 starsSeventh-day Adventist ChurchesSeventh-day Adventist Churches1WM1B28FZbór Warszawa Centrum - Warsaw, Poland2024-11-19
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
 starsSynagoguesSynagogues1WM19ZQZChabad Lubawicz center in Warsaw - Poland2024-05-22
  The Local Neighborhood GrocerThe Local Neighborhood Grocer1---
  The UndergroundThe Underground1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church1---
  Time and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks2---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
 starsU.S. Revolutionary War MemorialsU.S. Revolutionary War Memorials1WM1A1DRTadeusz Kosciuszko - Warsaw, Poland2024-06-02
  Unique Artistic Door Handles and KnockersUnique Artistic Door Handles and Knockers1---
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers1---
 starsWagon WheelsWagon Wheels1WM1ADX5Wagon wheel - Kolonia Lesznowola, Poland2024-08-03
  Water DamsWater Dams1---
  Web CamerasWeb Cameras1---
  Wedding ChapelsWedding Chapels1---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---
  Worldwide CemeteriesWorldwide Cemeteries1---
  Ye Olde Butcher ShoppeYe Olde Butcher Shoppe1---

Małopolskie (19 waymarks / 16 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms2---
 starsDinosaur StatuesDinosaur Statues1WM1A86BDino from AGH - Kraków, Poland2024-07-06
 starsFlags of the WorldFlags of the World1WM1A8PFArt Garden Restaurant - Cracow, Poland2024-07-08
 starsFlora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs1WM1AAKBHow to feed birds? - Cracow, Poland2024-07-17
  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1---
 starsGhost SignsGhost Signs1WM1A8WXPiwo butelkowe - Cracow, Poland2024-07-09
  Hand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1---
 starsLibrariesLibraries3WM1A86EThe library of AGH - Kraków, Poland2024-07-06
 starsLocomotivesLocomotives1WM1AAKCTy2-559 Zyleta - Cracow, Poland2024-07-17
 starsMartial ArtsMartial Arts1WM1A94YKrakowski Klub Karate Tradycyjnego - Cracow, Poland2024-07-11
 starsReadable From AboveReadable From Above1WM19RCEJPII - Bukowno, Poland2024-04-04
 starsWesleyan ChurchesWesleyan Churches1WM1AAAFEvangelical Methodist Church - Cracow, Poland2024-07-15
 starsYMCA / YWCAYMCA / YWCA1WM1A88NBasen YMCA - Cracow, Poland2024-07-07
 starsYour Name HereYour Name Here1WM19MNXMichala Wójcickiego street - Kraków, Poland2024-04-08

Opolskie (1)

 starsAbandoned CemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries1WM1AJ66Forgotten Jewish cemetery - Niezdrowice, Poland2024-08-25

Podkarpackie (2)

 starsNames From the BibleNames From the Bible1WM19WEANil - Kolbuszowa, Poland2024-04-29
 starsYour Name HereYour Name Here1WM19WEEHaczów - Poland2024-04-29

Podlaskie (8 waymarks / 5 categories)

  Advertising ColumnsAdvertising Columns1---
 starsCoats of ArmsCoats of Arms3WM1AF14The Coat of Arms of Suwalki - Poland2024-08-10
 starsFountainsFountains1WM1AF7AFountain from the May the 3rd Constitution Park - Suwalki, Poland2024-08-10
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags2WM1AF6PThe flag of Suwalki - Suwalki, Poland2024-08-12

Pomorskie (1)

 starsRiver Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1WM1A4QNDESTINATION - Vistula river to the Baltic sea - Poland2024-06-20

Warmińsko-Mazurskie (18 waymarks / 12 categories)

 stars'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1WM1A757"Tu jestes" on Jedwabno community sign - Jedwabno, Poland2024-07-01
 starsCity Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters2WM1A6V2Jedwabno, Poland2024-06-30
 starsCoats of ArmsCoats of Arms4WM1A9PQThe Coat of Arms of the Jedwabno district - Jedwabno, Poland2024-07-13
 starsElevation SignsElevation Signs1WM1AG8XGoldap 163 m n.p.m. - Poland2024-08-18
 starsLook-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1WM1AFT7Tower near Stanczyki bridges - Poland2024-08-14
 starsMiniature GolfMiniature Golf1WM1AEVXMinigolf near salt graduation tower - Goldap, Poland2024-08-09
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags2WM1AEG4The flag of Goldap - Poland2024-08-12
 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes2WM1AAP5Jezioro Swietajno - Mazury, Poland2024-07-17
 starsOrientation TablesOrientation Tables1WM1AG76Orientation table in Stanczyki - Poland2024-08-15
 starsRoadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1WM1AFT4Two railbrigdes in Stanczyki - Poland2024-08-15
 starsSigns of ZodiacSigns of Zodiac1WM1AEN3Signs of zodiac in sundial - Goldap z Poland2024-08-25
 starsSit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues1WM1AFCVJanusz Panasewicz bench - Olecko, Poland2024-08-12

Wielkopolskie (2)

  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants1---

Zachodniopomorskie (14 waymarks / 8 categories)

 starsCoats of ArmsCoats of Arms7WM1ARF6The Coat of Arms of the Ustronie Morskie district - Ustronie Morskie, Poland2024-09-29
 starsDrawing WaymarksDrawing Waymarks1WM1B9NDBaltic Sea shore in Ustronie Morskie - Poland2025-01-22
 starsGothic ArchitectureGothic Architecture1WM1AX71Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Sucha Koszalinska - Poland2024-10-22
 starsKugel BallsKugel Balls1WM1ARK8Kugel ball near town hall - Kolobrzeg, Poland2024-09-30
 starsLandlocked BoatsLandlocked Boats1WM1ARKNFishing cutter - Ustronie Morskie, Poland2024-10-05
 starsMunicipal FlagsMunicipal Flags1WM1B2HJThe flag of Ustronie Morskie - Ustronie Morskie, Poland2024-11-24
 starsOutdoor StairwaysOutdoor Stairways1WM1AW23Upstairs to the Chelmska hill sanctuary - Koszalin, Poland2024-10-16
 starsWay of St. JamesWay of St. James1WM1AXD0Pomorska droga sw. Jakuba, Góra Chelmska - Koszalin, Poland2024-10-24

Łódzkie (3)

 starsAstronomical ObservatoriesAstronomical Observatories1WM19MPGRadio telescope RT13 in Cieszecin, Poland2024-03-19
 starsWi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots1WM19XNRWi-Fi in Pilsudski Park - Lódz, Poland2024-05-04
 starsZoosZoos1WM19XNMZoo and Orientarium in Lódz, Poland2024-05-04

Sweden (1)

Stockholm (1)

 starsPublic and Private Golf CoursesPublic and Private Golf Courses1WM1ADHFBro Hof Slott Golf Club - Brofjärden, Sweden2024-08-01

Switzerland (1)

St. Gallen (1)

 starsSuperlativesSuperlatives1WM1A251LONGEST - wooden bridge in Switzerland - Rapperswil, Switzerland2024-06-05