User Ulit7 

Ulit7  posted 56 waymarks in 30 different categories within 4 countries and 8 regions, of these were 18 posted-first-in-region and also 1 posted-first-in-country.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Norway (1)

Finnmark (1)

  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries1---

Portugal (1)

Braga (1)

  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---

Spain (53 waymarks / 28 categories)

Cantabria (5 waymarks / 1 categories)

 starsPermanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates5WMYWX643º 13´35.7´´N 4º18´5,3´´O Cabuérniga, Cantabria, Spain2018-08-04

Castilla y León (44 waymarks / 27 categories)

 starsArch BridgesArch Bridges1WMXWDZEl Puente Colgante-Valladolid-Spain2018-03-10
 starsArt MuseumsArt Museums1WMXZM4Museo Nacional de Escultura-Valladolid,Spain2018-03-25
 starsBurger King RestaurantsBurger King Restaurants2WMZW9GBurguer King-Recoletos.-Valladolid(Spain).2019-01-13
 starsCity and Town HallsCity and Town Halls1WMXXKMAyuntamiento de Valladolid-Valladolid-Spain2018-03-14
 starsDead Poets' Society MemorialsDead Poets' Society Memorials3WMXZAWMiguel de Cervantes-Valladolid,Spain2018-03-22
 starsDomino's PizzaDomino's Pizza1WM1056WDomino´s Pizza- Puente Colgante-Valladolid(Spain)2019-02-28
 starsElectric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations1WMZX4HEstación de Recarga Eléctrica de Puente Colgante-Valladolid(Spain)2019-01-16
  Equestrian StatuesEquestrian Statues1---
  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture3---
  Historic Hand Operated Sluice GatesHistoric Hand Operated Sluice Gates1---
 starsInsect HotelsInsect Hotels1WM106BVHotel de Insectos-Covarrubias(Burgos)-Spain2019-03-07
 starsLavoir (wash houses)Lavoir (wash houses)1WM107DELavadero Tradicional-Santo Domingo de Silos(Burgos)-Spain2019-03-14
 starsMegalithic MonumentsMegalithic Monuments1WMXYZ3Sepulcro Megalitico de los Zumacales-Simancas,Valladolid,Spain2018-03-20
  Monarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World3---
 starsMovie LocationsMovie Locations1WM1073JCementerio de Sand Hill-The Good,The Bad and the Ugly-Santo Domingo de Silos(Burgos)-Spain2019-03-15
 starsPonce de LeónPonce de León1WMXWHWColegio Ponce de León-Valladolid-Spain2018-03-15
 starsProfessional Sports VenuesProfessional Sports Venues1WMXZ5YEstadio José Zorrilla-Valladolid,Spain2018-03-24
  Sit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues1---
 starsStatues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures3WMXZRMConde Ansúrez-Valladolid,Spain2018-03-25
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1---
  This Old ChurchThis Old Church2---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers2---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---

Castilla-La Mancha (1)

 starsMonarchs of the WorldMonarchs of the World1WMYB2YAlfonso VIII-Cuenca,Spain2018-06-02

Comunidad de Madrid (1)

  Figurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1---

Extremadura (2)

 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WM104FQCerezas del Valle del Jerte - Jerte, Cáceres, Spain2019-02-24
 starsTourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1WM103M6Oficina de Información Turistica de Jerte, Cáceres(Spain)2019-02-20

Switzerland (1)

Valais (1)

  Pedestrian Suspension BridgesPedestrian Suspension Bridges1---