User LadyKarine 

LadyKarine  posted 702 waymarks in 570 different categories within 6 countries and 28 regions, of these were 39 posted-first-in-region and also 6 posted-first-in-country.

Here is a list of categories, that LadyKarine currently has not posted in.

Category name
1866 Austro-Prussian War  Memorials 1866 Austro-Prussian War Memorials
3 Dimensional Art 3 Dimensional Art
3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond 3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond
A.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting Stations A.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting Stations
Abandoned Air Force Radar Sites Abandoned Air Force Radar Sites
Abandoned Cemeteries Abandoned Cemeteries
Abandoned Train Tunnels Abandoned Train Tunnels
Abbeys, Convents and Monasteries Abbeys, Convents and Monasteries
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
Active Rail Locations Active Rail Locations
Agricultural Fairgrounds Agricultural Fairgrounds
Alabama Historical Markers Alabama Historical Markers
Alaska Historic Markers Alaska Historic Markers
Alberta Heritage Markers Alberta Heritage Markers
Amateur Radio Repeaters Amateur Radio Repeaters
American Revolution Patriot Graves American Revolution Patriot Graves
American Revolutionary War Veteran Graves American Revolutionary War Veteran Graves
Anamorphous Street Art Anamorphous Street Art
Ancient Aqueducts Ancient Aqueducts
Ancient Roman Civilization Ancient Roman Civilization
Ancient Traces and Roads Ancient Traces and Roads
Angel of Hope Statues Angel of Hope Statues
Ansel Adams Photo Hunt Ansel Adams Photo Hunt
Antarctic Points of Interest Antarctic Points of Interest
Antique and Classic Car Dealerships Antique and Classic Car Dealerships
Antique Hotels Antique Hotels
ANWB Paddenstoelen ANWB Paddenstoelen
Appalachian Trail Appalachian Trail
Arch Bridges Arch Bridges
Architecture Prizes Architecture Prizes
Arizona Historical Markers Arizona Historical Markers
Arkansas Historical Markers Arkansas Historical Markers
Art Museums Art Museums
Art Studios Art Studios
Art Vehicles Art Vehicles
Art*o*mats Art*o*mats
Artesian Well Artesian Well
Artistic Bus Shelters Artistic Bus Shelters
Artistic Neon Lights Artistic Neon Lights
Astronomical Observatories Astronomical Observatories
Atlantic Canada Heritage Properties Atlantic Canada Heritage Properties
Atlas Statues Atlas Statues
Australia Post Offices Australia Post Offices
Australia/NZ Benchmarks Australia/NZ Benchmarks
Australian Heritage Sites Australian Heritage Sites
Australian Historical Markers Australian Historical Markers
Australian Trig Points Australian Trig Points
Austrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites Austrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites
Automobile Association Signs Automobile Association Signs
Aviaries Aviaries
Aviation Museums Aviation Museums
Azimuth Benchmarks Azimuth Benchmarks
Bait Shops Bait Shops
Bandshells Bandshells
Barns Barns
Baroque Architecture Baroque Architecture
Bartram Trail Historical Markers Bartram Trail Historical Markers
Battery Powered Personal Transport Rentals Battery Powered Personal Transport Rentals
Battlefields Battlefields
Beach Huts Beach Huts
Beatlemania! Beatlemania!
Belgium Benchmarks Belgium Benchmarks
Belgium Monument Registers Belgium Monument Registers
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin
Big Brothers Big Sisters Big Brothers Big Sisters
Bismarck Towers Bismarck Towers
Bloggers Bloggers
Blues Legends Blues Legends
Bobsleigh Chutes and Mountain Slides Bobsleigh Chutes and Mountain Slides
Boer Wars Memorials and Monuments Boer Wars Memorials and Monuments
Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens
Bottle Sculptures Bottle Sculptures
Breweries Breweries
Brewpubs Brewpubs
Bridge Date Stones and Plaques Bridge Date Stones and Plaques
Bridgeless Water Crossings Bridgeless Water Crossings
Bungee Jump Sites Bungee Jump Sites
Burger Chef (Former Locations) Burger Chef (Former Locations)
Bus Stations Bus Stations
Butterfield Overland Despatch Markers Butterfield Overland Despatch Markers
Butterfly Gardens Butterfly Gardens
Bygone Toll Houses Bygone Toll Houses
Cable Skiing and Wakeboarding Cable Skiing and Wakeboarding
California Historical Markers California Historical Markers
Californian Bells of El Camino Real Californian Bells of El Camino Real
Canal Tunnels Canal Tunnels
Capitol Buildings Capitol Buildings
Car Part Sculptures Car Part Sculptures
Carillon Carillon
Caritas Internationalis Caritas Internationalis
Carl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants Carl's Jr./Hardee's Restaurants
Carnegie Library Buildings Carnegie Library Buildings
Carnivorous Plant Localities Carnivorous Plant Localities
Castles Castles
Cave Entrances (Natural) Cave Entrances (Natural)
Cemetery Chapels Cemetery Chapels
Century Farms Century Farms
Childhood Homes Childhood Homes
Children's Gardens Children's Gardens
Chinese Restaurants Chinese Restaurants
Chronograms Chronograms
Church of Christ Scientist Church of Christ Scientist
Cityscapes Cityscapes
Civilian Conservation Corps Civilian Conservation Corps
Classic BBQ and Sandwich Joints Classic BBQ and Sandwich Joints
Closed Drive-In Theatres Closed Drive-In Theatres
Cobblestone Buildings Cobblestone Buildings
Coffee Shops - Regional Chains Coffee Shops - Regional Chains
College Football Stadiums College Football Stadiums
Colorado Historical Markers Colorado Historical Markers
Comic Book Shops Comic Book Shops
Commercial Fishing Ports Commercial Fishing Ports
Community Commemoration Community Commemoration
Confluence Spots Confluence Spots
Continental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites Continental Reformed and Congregational Church Sites
Convention Centers Convention Centers
Converted Bank Buildings Converted Bank Buildings
Converted Factories Converted Factories
Converted Firehouses Converted Firehouses
Coordinate Palindromes Coordinate Palindromes
Country Churches Country Churches
Covered Wagons Covered Wagons
Cross Country Ski Trailheads Cross Country Ski Trailheads
Cruise Ship Ports Cruise Ship Ports
Current and Former Exchanges Current and Former Exchanges
Czech Geodetic Points Czech Geodetic Points
D.U.P. Historic Markers D.U.P. Historic Markers
Daniel Boone Trail Markers Daniel Boone Trail Markers
Danish Benchmarks Danish Benchmarks
Dartmoor Granite Dartmoor Granite
Dated Architectural Structures Multifarious Dated Architectural Structures Multifarious
Daughters of the American Revolution Daughters of the American Revolution
Defunct Amusement Parks Defunct Amusement Parks
Delaware Historical Markers Delaware Historical Markers
Demonstration Gardens Demonstration Gardens
Denny's Restaurants Denny's Restaurants
Deutsche Denkmallisten - German Monument Registers Deutsche Denkmallisten - German Monument Registers
Devilish Locations Devilish Locations
Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives
Dining Car Restaurants Dining Car Restaurants
Disguised Cell Towers Disguised Cell Towers
Disneyland/DCA Benchmarks Disneyland/DCA Benchmarks
Dive Shops Dive Shops
Dive Sites Dive Sites
Dixie Highway Dixie Highway
Dockside Restaurants Dockside Restaurants
Dog-Friendly Restaurants Dog-Friendly Restaurants
Dovecotes Dovecotes
Draw Wells Draw Wells
Drawing Waymarks Drawing Waymarks
Dutch Benchmarks / RD meetpunten Dutch Benchmarks / RD meetpunten
E Clampus Vitus Historical Markers E Clampus Vitus Historical Markers
E85 Fuel Pumps E85 Fuel Pumps
Earth Homes Earth Homes
Electric Bike Charging Stations Electric Bike Charging Stations
Elevated Buildings Elevated Buildings
Elevation Signs Elevation Signs
Elvis Elvis
Engineering Landmarks Engineering Landmarks
English Heritage - Cadw - Historic Scotland English Heritage - Cadw - Historic Scotland
Engrish Signs Engrish Signs
Entertainment Awards Entertainment Awards
Established Rock Climbing Areas Established Rock Climbing Areas
European Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and Benchmarks European Historic Survey Stones, Monuments and Benchmarks
European Post Offices European Post Offices
Exceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays Exceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays
Exceptional Trees Exceptional Trees
Extraterrestrial Locations Extraterrestrial Locations
Factory Tours Factory Tours
Ferris Wheels Ferris Wheels
Festivals Festivals
Field Hospitals Field Hospitals
FIFA World Cup Venues FIFA World Cup Venues
Fireworks Displays Fireworks Displays
Fireworks Trees Fireworks Trees
Fish Hatcheries Fish Hatcheries
Flags of Organizations Flags of Organizations
Flatirons Flatirons
Flea Markets Flea Markets
Flower Fields Flower Fields
Foucault Pendulums Foucault Pendulums
Frank Lloyd Wright Designed Buildings Frank Lloyd Wright Designed Buildings
Fraternity and Sorority Houses Fraternity and Sorority Houses
Free Campsites Free Campsites
Free Overnight RV Parking Locations Free Overnight RV Parking Locations
French Benchmarks French Benchmarks
Funerary Art Funerary Art
Gender Separated Entrances Gender Separated Entrances
Geocaching Tour Guides Geocaching Tour Guides
Geographic High Points Geographic High Points
Geographical Centers Geographical Centers
German Benchmarks German Benchmarks
German Trigonometric Points German Trigonometric Points
Ghost Towns Ghost Towns
Giant 24 h Vending Machines Giant 24 h Vending Machines
Girl Scout Gold Award Project Sites Girl Scout Gold Award Project Sites
Glacial Lake Missoula Flood Features Glacial Lake Missoula Flood Features
Glaciers Glaciers
Gothic Architecture Gothic Architecture
GPS Tracklog Art GPS Tracklog Art
Grand Opening Grand Opening
Grange Halls Grange Halls
Graves of the Unknown Graves of the Unknown
Great Buildings of the World Great Buildings of the World
Great Lines of Earth Great Lines of Earth
Greenwich Meridian Markers Greenwich Meridian Markers
Hard Rock Cafe Hard Rock Cafe
Hawaiian Historical Markers Hawaiian Historical Markers
Herbaria Herbaria
Hidden Mickeys Hidden Mickeys
Hiking and walking trailheads Hiking and walking trailheads
Hiking Path Footbridges Hiking Path Footbridges
Hindu Temples Hindu Temples
Histoires de France (French historical markers) Histoires de France (French historical markers)
Historic Hand Operated Sluice Gates Historic Hand Operated Sluice Gates
Historic Preservation Awards Historic Preservation Awards
Historic Reenactments Historic Reenactments
Historic Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings Historic Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings
Historic Trees Historic Trees
Historic United Methodist Sites Historic United Methodist Sites
Historic Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage Blocks Historic Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage Blocks
Holy Wells Holy Wells
Homesteads Homesteads
Horse Racing Tracks Horse Racing Tracks
Hostels Hostels
Hot Air Balloon Festivals Hot Air Balloon Festivals
Hot Springs Hot Springs
Household Appliances and Presses Household Appliances and Presses
Human Error Human Error
Humming Stones Humming Stones
Humorous Combination Businesses Humorous Combination Businesses
Ice Age Trail Ice Age Trail
Idaho Historical Markers Idaho Historical Markers
Illinois Historical Markers Illinois Historical Markers
IMAX Theaters IMAX Theaters
Impact Craters Impact Craters
Improved Order of Red Men Improved Order of Red Men
In Search of the Celts In Search of the Celts
Independent Artist Supply Stores Independent Artist Supply Stores
Independent Bookstores Independent Bookstores
Independent Breakfast Spots Independent Breakfast Spots
Independent Cigar Shops Independent Cigar Shops
Independent Coffee Shops Independent Coffee Shops
Independent Fish Houses Independent Fish Houses
Independent Hot Dog Restaurants Independent Hot Dog Restaurants
Indiana Historical Markers Indiana Historical Markers
International Space Station Sightings International Space Station Sightings
Internet Cafes Internet Cafes
Iowa Historical Markers Iowa Historical Markers
Irish-American Historic Places Irish-American Historic Places
Iron Furnace Ruins Iron Furnace Ruins
Italian Cultural Heritage Italian Cultural Heritage
Jack In The Box Jack In The Box
James Bond - 007 James Bond - 007
Japanese Restaurants Japanese Restaurants
John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy
Johnny Rockets Johnny Rockets
Kansas Historical Markers Kansas Historical Markers
Karaoke Bars Karaoke Bars
Kentucky Historical Markers Kentucky Historical Markers
Kilroy Was Here Kilroy Was Here
Kissmobile and Co. Sightings Kissmobile and Co. Sightings
Knights of Pythias Knights of Pythias
Korean Historic Sites Korean Historic Sites
Kroger Supermarkets Kroger Supermarkets
La Famille Bonaparte La Famille Bonaparte
Landlocked Lighthouses Landlocked Lighthouses
Latvian Benchmarks Latvian Benchmarks
Lavoir (wash houses) Lavoir (wash houses)
LDS Church History Sites LDS Church History Sites
Legacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors Legacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors
Letters on Hills Letters on Hills
Lewis and Clark Trail Lewis and Clark Trail
Lifeboats and Rescue Stations Lifeboats and Rescue Stations
Lighthouse Bed and Breakfasts Lighthouse Bed and Breakfasts
Lighthouse Passport Stamps Lighthouse Passport Stamps
Lincoln Highway Lincoln Highway
Lincoln Highway Markers Lincoln Highway Markers
Literary Sites Literary Sites
Live Stage Theaters Live Stage Theaters
Locomotives Locomotives
Lodge-Style Accommodations Lodge-Style Accommodations
London Coal Tax Posts London Coal Tax Posts
Long Distance Hiking Trails Long Distance Hiking Trails
Louisiana Historical Markers Louisiana Historical Markers
Luftwaffe Radar Ruins Luftwaffe Radar Ruins
Lustron Homes Lustron Homes
Lutheran Churches Lutheran Churches
Lychgates and Depositories Lychgates and Depositories
Made for the Millennium Made for the Millennium
Magic Shops Magic Shops
Man-made Animal Bridges and Crossings Man-made Animal Bridges and Crossings
Man-made Waterfalls Man-made Waterfalls
Manitoba Historical Markers Manitoba Historical Markers
Maori Historic Sites Maori Historic Sites
Maritime Museums Maritime Museums
'Marry Me' Markers 'Marry Me' Markers
Martello Towers Martello Towers
Martial Arts Martial Arts
Maryland Historical Markers Maryland Historical Markers
Master Architects - Deconstructivism Master Architects - Deconstructivism
Master Architects - International Style Master Architects - International Style
Medal Of Honor Resting Places Medal Of Honor Resting Places
Medieval Churches Medieval Churches
Megalithic Monuments Megalithic Monuments
Michigan Centennial Farms Michigan Centennial Farms
Milestones Milestones
Military Installations Military Installations
Military Ships and Submarines (Decommissioned) Military Ships and Submarines (Decommissioned)
Military Surplus Stores Military Surplus Stores
Milk Platforms - Maitolaiturit Milk Platforms - Maitolaiturit
Millennium Trees Millennium Trees
Mills and Gins Mills and Gins
Miniature Railroads Miniature Railroads
Minnesota Historical Markers Minnesota Historical Markers
Minor League Baseball Stadiums Minor League Baseball Stadiums
Mississippi Historical Markers Mississippi Historical Markers
Missouri Historical Markers Missouri Historical Markers
Model Railroads Model Railroads
Mold-a-Rama Machines Mold-a-Rama Machines
Mom and Pop Rock Shops Mom and Pop Rock Shops
Monopoly in the Real World Monopoly in the Real World
Montana Historical Markers Montana Historical Markers
Monuments Historiques Français Monuments Historiques Français
Moomins Moomins
Moon Trees Moon Trees
Mormon Temples Mormon Temples
Motor Vehicle Museums Motor Vehicle Museums
Mountain Bike Trailheads Mountain Bike Trailheads
Mountain Summits Mountain Summits
Movie Theater Meals Movie Theater Meals
Moving Bridges Moving Bridges
Municipal Parks and Plazas Municipal Parks and Plazas
Named Mountain Gaps Named Mountain Gaps
Names From the Bible Names From the Bible
National Parks (U.S.) National Parks (U.S.)
National Public Lands Passport Locations National Public Lands Passport Locations
National Trust U.K. National Trust U.K.
National Wild and Scenic Rivers National Wild and Scenic Rivers
National Wildlife Refuges National Wildlife Refuges
Nations Within Nations Nations Within Nations
Native American Trail Trees Native American Trail Trees
Natural Arches Natural Arches
Natural Lakes Natural Lakes
Natural Sinkholes Natural Sinkholes
Nature's Balanced Rocks Nature's Balanced Rocks
Nebraska Historical Markers Nebraska Historical Markers
Nevada Historical Markers Nevada Historical Markers
New Apostolic Churches New Apostolic Churches
New Hampshire Historical Markers New Hampshire Historical Markers
New Mexico Historical Markers New Mexico Historical Markers
New World Ancient Evidence New World Ancient Evidence
New Zealand Historic Places New Zealand Historic Places
Newstands / Newsagencies Newstands / Newsagencies
Nike Missile Sites Nike Missile Sites
Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates
Nordic Heritage Nordic Heritage
Norske postkontor (Norwegian Post Offices) Norske postkontor (Norwegian Post Offices)
North Carolina Historical Markers North Carolina Historical Markers
North Country Trail North Country Trail
North Dakota Historical Markers North Dakota Historical Markers
Norway Historical Sites Norway Historical Sites
NPS Passport Cancellation Stations NPS Passport Cancellation Stations
Nuclear Power Plants Nuclear Power Plants
Nude Beaches Nude Beaches
Offroad Trails Offroad Trails
Oklahoma Historical Markers Oklahoma Historical Markers
Old Spanish Trail Auto Route Old Spanish Trail Auto Route
Old World Originals Old World Originals
Olmsted Designed Parks Olmsted Designed Parks
Olympic Memorabilia Olympic Memorabilia
Oregon Historical Markers Oregon Historical Markers
Orphaned Bridges Orphaned Bridges
Outdoor Amphitheaters Outdoor Amphitheaters
Outdoor Interactive Science Displays Outdoor Interactive Science Displays
Outdoor Wind Harps Outdoor Wind Harps
Painted Hydrants Painted Hydrants
Painted Mailboxes Painted Mailboxes
Paintings Then and Now Paintings Then and Now
Património Português (Portuguese Heritage) Património Português (Portuguese Heritage)
Peace Memorials Peace Memorials
Peanuts Characters Peanuts Characters
Permanent Orienteering Courses Permanent Orienteering Courses
Permanent World Fair and Expo Structures Permanent World Fair and Expo Structures
Persian Gulf War Memorials Persian Gulf War Memorials
Pet Cemeteries Pet Cemeteries
Pet Stores Pet Stores
Pictorial Pub Signs Pictorial Pub Signs
Picture Perfect Postcards Picture Perfect Postcards
Pirates Pirates
Pizza Hut Restaurants Pizza Hut Restaurants
Places of Geologic Significance Places of Geologic Significance
Plane Crash Sites Plane Crash Sites
Planetariums Planetariums
Police Memorials Police Memorials
Ponce de León Ponce de León
Pony Express Monuments Pony Express Monuments
Population Signs Population Signs
Portugal Geodetic Points Portugal Geodetic Points
Portuguese Historical Markers Portuguese Historical Markers
Portuguese Inventory of Architectural Patrimony Portuguese Inventory of Architectural Patrimony
Pre-Victorian Historic Homes Pre-Victorian Historic Homes
Preserved Machines on Public Display Preserved Machines on Public Display
Presidential Birthplaces Presidential Birthplaces
Public Access Lands Public Access Lands
Public Aquariums Public Aquariums
Public Funiculars and Incline Railways Public Funiculars and Incline Railways
Public Land Survey Marks Public Land Survey Marks
Pubs and Inns Pubs and Inns
Punishment and Disciplinary Devices Punishment and Disciplinary Devices
Pyramids Pyramids
Quadrivia Quadrivia
Quaker Meeting Houses Quaker Meeting Houses
Quiznos Quiznos
Radio and Television Transmitter Towers Radio and Television Transmitter Towers
Railroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment Railroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment
Railroad Museums Railroad Museums
Railway Disaster Sites Railway Disaster Sites
Railway Roundhouses Railway Roundhouses
Ranger Stations Ranger Stations
Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Red Telephone Boxes Red Telephone Boxes
Religious Freedom Religious Freedom
Remains of Settlements Remains of Settlements
Remembering FEPOW Remembering FEPOW
Remote Backcountry Shelters Remote Backcountry Shelters
Renaissance Architecture Renaissance Architecture
Renaissance Fairs Renaissance Fairs
Retired Prisons Retired Prisons
Revolving Restaurants Revolving Restaurants
Rhode Island Historical Markers Rhode Island Historical Markers
Rijksmonumenten - Dutch National Monuments Rijksmonumenten - Dutch National Monuments
River Origins, Destinations and Confluences River Origins, Destinations and Confluences
Rock-Hounding Rock-Hounding
Roller Skating Rinks Roller Skating Rinks
Romanesque Architecture Romanesque Architecture
Ronald McDonald Houses Ronald McDonald Houses
Rose Gardens Rose Gardens
Route 66 - The Mother Road Route 66 - The Mother Road
Runestones Worldwide Runestones Worldwide
Safe Place Havens Safe Place Havens
Salt Pans and Mines Salt Pans and Mines
Saskatchewan Historical Markers Saskatchewan Historical Markers
Scenic Hikes Scenic Hikes
Scenic Railroads Scenic Railroads
School Mascots School Mascots
Scouts Monuments and Memorials Scouts Monuments and Memorials
Sequoioideae Trees Sequoioideae Trees
Ship Screws and Aircraft Props Ship Screws and Aircraft Props
Shipwrecks Shipwrecks
Shoe Trees Shoe Trees
Shot Towers Shot Towers
Simulacra Simulacra
Ski Jumps Ski Jumps
Sokol Centers Sokol Centers
Solar System Models Solar System Models
Soroptimist International Markers Soroptimist International Markers
South Carolina Historical Markers South Carolina Historical Markers
South Dakota Historical Markers South Dakota Historical Markers
Southern African Trig Beacons Southern African Trig Beacons
Space Invaders Art Space Invaders Art
Spanish Heritage Spanish Heritage
Specific Wars Monuments and Memorials Specific Wars Monuments and Memorials
Spirit of '76 Spirit of '76
Star Trek Star Trek
State Park Passport Locations State Park Passport Locations
State/Provincial Parks State/Provincial Parks
Static Aircraft Displays Static Aircraft Displays
Statues of Liberty Statues of Liberty
Stolpersteine Stolpersteine
Stone Bridges Stone Bridges
Stone Church Artefacts Stone Church Artefacts
Summit Registers Summit Registers
Super Fund Sites Super Fund Sites
Swimming Holes Swimming Holes
Synagogues Synagogues
Taffy Pulling Machines Taffy Pulling Machines
Takeout / Delivery Menus Takeout / Delivery Menus
Texas Historical Markers Texas Historical Markers
Thatch Cottages Thatch Cottages
The Great Florida Birding Trail The Great Florida Birding Trail
The Holocaust The Holocaust
There's a Book About It There's a Book About It
Time Signals Time Signals
Tourist  Stamps Photos Tourist Stamps Photos
Town and Village Pounds Town and Village Pounds
Toynbee Tiles Toynbee Tiles
Traffic Parks Traffic Parks
Trail of Tears Trail of Tears
Trail Registers Trail Registers
Treehouses Treehouses
Tripoints and Multipoints Tripoints and Multipoints
Trophies, Medals and Cups Trophies, Medals and Cups
Truck Stops Truck Stops
Truss Bridges Truss Bridges
Turtle Crossings Turtle Crossings
U.K. and Ireland Trigpoints U.K. and Ireland Trigpoints
U.S. 40 - The National Road U.S. 40 - The National Road
U.S. Civil War General Statues U.S. Civil War General Statues
U.S. Civil War Sites U.S. Civil War Sites
U.S. Historic Survey Stones and Monuments U.S. Historic Survey Stones and Monuments
U.S. National Natural Landmarks U.S. National Natural Landmarks
U.S. Route 99 - The Pacific Highway U.S. Route 99 - The Pacific Highway
UK Historical Markers UK Historical Markers
UK Post Offices UK Post Offices
Unintentionally Funny Signs Unintentionally Funny Signs
Unique Artistic Door Handles and Knockers Unique Artistic Door Handles and Knockers
Unique Bird Houses Unique Bird Houses
Unique Chimneys and Chimney Pots Unique Chimneys and Chimney Pots
Unoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins Unoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins
Urban Legends and Superstitions Urban Legends and Superstitions
Utah Historical Markers Utah Historical Markers
Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama
Vértices Geodésicos Vértices Geodésicos
Vegetarian Eateries Vegetarian Eateries
Velodromes Velodromes
Vertical Lift Bridges Vertical Lift Bridges
Veteran Cemeteries Veteran Cemeteries
Victorian Post Boxes Victorian Post Boxes
Vintage Ad Locations Vintage Ad Locations
Vintage Gas Stations Vintage Gas Stations
Volcano Watching Volcano Watching
Vortexes, Mystery Spots, and Gravity Hills Vortexes, Mystery Spots, and Gravity Hills
Wagon Roads and Trails Wagon Roads and Trails
Walt Disney World Benchmarks Walt Disney World Benchmarks
War and Military Museums War and Military Museums
Washington Historical Markers Washington Historical Markers
Watershed Markers and Monuments Watershed Markers and Monuments
Waterway Locks, Planes and Lifts Waterway Locks, Planes and Lifts
Wavy Places Wavy Places
Wax Museums Wax Museums
Way of St. James Way of St. James
Waychapels Waychapels
Waymark Tours (WayTours) Waymark Tours (WayTours)
Wayside shrines Wayside shrines
Weather Radars Weather Radars
Weather Stations Weather Stations
Web Cameras Web Cameras
Wedding Chapels Wedding Chapels
Weird Story Locations Weird Story Locations
West Virginia Historical Markers West Virginia Historical Markers
Western Canadian Heritage Western Canadian Heritage
Where's In A Name? Where's In A Name?
Whispering Galleries Whispering Galleries
Whispering Giant Sculptures Whispering Giant Sculptures
White Castle White Castle
Whitewater Rafting Trips Whitewater Rafting Trips
Wineries Wineries
Wisconsin Historical Markers Wisconsin Historical Markers
Wooden Church Artefacts Wooden Church Artefacts
Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments
World Heritage Sites World Heritage Sites
World War I Sites World War I Sites
World War II Sites World War II Sites
WPA Projects WPA Projects
WWII Prisoner of War Camps WWII Prisoner of War Camps
Wyoming Historical Markers Wyoming Historical Markers
Yellow Arrow Lookup Yellow Arrow Lookup
'Z' Welcome Signs 'Z' Welcome Signs
Zippy the Pinhead Locations Zippy the Pinhead Locations