User kJfishman 

kJfishman  posted 2323 waymarks in 519 different categories within 22 countries and 56 regions, of these were 268 posted-first-in-region and also 81 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has 8 waymarks with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the categories listed where kJfishman is or was an officer. The star denotes an active officer role, if it is golden then kJfishman is also the current leader of the category.

activeCategory# Approvals# Missings
stars Abandoned Air Force Radar Sites662
stars Antique and Classic Car Dealerships39-
stars Bicycle Tenders2189
stars Canoe/Kayak Trips662
stars Cruise Ship Ports1582
 First of its Kind14347
stars Fish Hatcheries592
stars Fishing Holes23411
stars Habitat ReStores75-
stars Hot Rod Hangouts and Car Shows512
stars Last of its Kind4586
stars Model Aircraft Fields154