User the federation 

the federation  posted 668 waymarks in 331 different categories within one country and 6 regions, of these were 32 posted-first-in-region.

In the following list are the categories listed where the federation is or was an officer. The star denotes an active officer role, if it is golden then the federation is also the current leader of the category.

activeCategory# Approvals
 'You Are Here' Maps1436
 3 Dimensional Art66
 Alpaca and Llama Farms34
stars Anchors157
 Artistically Decorated Utility Boxes766
stars Baptist Churches386
 Bridgeless Water Crossings74
 Broken Column Headstones84
 Coca Cola Memorabilia109
 College Football Stadiums3
 Converted Bank Buildings172
stars Daniel Boone Trail Markers12
stars Defunct Amusement Parks39
 Electric Palm Trees6
stars Ferris Wheels21
stars Fish Hatcheries15
stars Florida Historical Markers528
stars Foucault Pendulums10
stars Ghost Bikes80
 Gifts from Other Countries68
 Jimmy Buffett29
stars Maritime Museums51
 Mom and Pop Rock Shops29
 Natural Sinkholes58
stars Natural Springs43
stars Old Spanish Trail Auto Route53
stars Out of Place Graves262
 Outdoor Altars38
 Peace Memorials29
stars Planetariums25
 Ponce de León18
 Specific Veteran Memorials46
 Star Trek14
stars State Park Passport Locations61
 WAL*MART Stores22