User S5280ft 

S5280ft  posted 1816 waymarks in 391 different categories within 6 countries and 32 regions, of these were 166 posted-first-in-region and also 25 posted-first-in-country.
Unfortunatly the user also has 29 waymarks with a missing region in the database.

In the following list are the categories listed where S5280ft is or was an officer. The star denotes an active officer role, if it is golden then S5280ft is also the current leader of the category.

activeCategory# Approvals# Missings
 Arch Bridges58165
 Art Deco - Art Nouveau3346
 Capitol Buildings13
 Dixie Highway41-
 Elevated Everyday Objects196
 Engineering Landmarks29-
 Geographic High Points313
 Giants of Commerce82
 Googie Architecture23-
 Great Buildings of the World219
 Knights of Pythias1-
 Michigan Centennial Farms3-
 Michigan Historical Markers88-
 Nautical Flag Poles1017
 Neon Signs220110
 Nike Missile Sites235
 NRHP Historic Districts - Contributing Buildings16-
 Octagon Buildings623
 Orphaned Bridges2827
 Preserved Architectural Remnants and Ruins1245
 Retired Prisons42-
 River Gauges662
 Roadside Attractions76
 Shot Towers1-
 Small Town, Big Name45-
 Specific Veteran Memorials8627
 U.S. National Register of Historic Places150-
 Unintentionally Funny Signs11-
 Veteran Cemeteries276
 WPA Projects29-