Open Regions List (Elevation Signs)

On this page are the waymarks of the category 'Elevation Signs' with an empty region (or missing country) entry at, that were corrected by the import program. Clicking on the WM code leads you to the waymarks page in a new window, so that officers and waymark owners can correct the data. Corrected waymarks will be updated by the next full run of the import program.


WM-CodeCountry and region as found by the import programWM-OwnerWM-Title
WM27PTBrazil, São Paulosaopaulo1Franco da Rocha, Brazil - 723 m
WM2GN8Brazil, São Paulosaopaulo1Maua, Brazil - 764.68 meters
WM3981Brazil, São Paulosaopaulo1Monte Serrat -175 meter - Santos, Brazil
WM3J58Brazil, São Paulosaopaulo1Jundiai CPTM station - 707 meters Jundiai, Brazil
WMR6D1Czechia, Moravskoslezský kraj[DELETED_USER]Štramberk 445m, Czech Republic
WMRCE0Czechia, Zlínský kraj[DELETED_USER]Troják 680m, Czech Republic
WMRCG0Czechia, Zlínský kraj[DELETED_USER]Bojkovice 270m, Czech Republic
WM13W5BFrance, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'AzurYvesProvence1050 m - Carrefour de Tanaron - La Robine sur Glabe, France
WM18Z7TFrance, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'AzurYvesProvence1545 m - Carrefour entre les D139A & D39T - Crévoux, Hautes Alpes, France
WM12PVMGermany, Baden-WürttembergTante.Hossi376m - Katzenbachtal - Bad Niedernau, Germany, BW
WMW8R5Germany, Baden-WürttembergBiglailo498m - Parkplatz Talhof, Heidenheim, BW, Germany
WM4HJQNew Zealand, North IslandPunga and PauaDesert Road Summit. Central North Island. New Zealand.
WMR6F9Slovakia, Trenčiansky kraj[DELETED_USER]Zabudišová 440m, Slovakia
WM17GE9Spain, Castilla y LeónCavernario738,1m - Palencia, España