Open Regions List (Carnegie Library Buildings)
On this page are the waymarks of the category 'Carnegie Library Buildings' with an empty region (or missing country) entry at, that were corrected by the import program. Clicking on the WM code leads you to the waymarks page in a new window, so that officers and waymark owners can correct the data. Corrected waymarks will be updated by the next full run of the import program.
WM-Code | Country and region as found by the import program | WM-Owner | WM-Title |
WMWJ43 | Australia, Victoria | bucketeer | Former Northcote (Carnegie) Free Library - Victoria |
WM319E | Ireland, Dublin | Windsocker | Carnegie Free Library - Malahide Co Dublin, Ireland |
WM33MD | Ireland, Dublin | Windsocker | Carnegie Free Library - Skerries Co, Dublin, Ireland |
WM4MA3 | United Kingdom, London | JuliaMC | Carnegie Library - Erith, London Borough of Bexley |
WM6BMC | United Kingdom, North East England | klucas | Carnegie Building, Hartlepool, England |
WM310Y | United Kingdom, North West England | martlakes | Kendal Library, Cumbria, UK |
WM4W3H | United Kingdom, South East England | JuliaMC | Gravesend Carnegie Library, UK |
WM4W49 | United Kingdom, South East England | JuliaMC | Dartford Carnegie Library |
WM4GDC | United Kingdom, South Wales | Superted | Whitchurch Public Library - Cardiff, Wales |
WM4JGX | United Kingdom, Southern England | JuliaMC | Carnegie Library, Battle, Reading, UK |
WM4JH0 | United Kingdom, Southern England | JuliaMC | Carnegie Library, Caversham, Reading, UK |
WM6BKV | United Kingdom, Yorkshire | JuliaMC | Walkley Carnegie Library, Sheffield, UK |
WM6BKY | United Kingdom, Yorkshire | JuliaMC | Tinsley former Carnegie library, Sheffield |
WM212M | United States, Kentucky | BluegrassCache | Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning - Lexington, KY |