Open Regions List (Former Schools)

On this page are the waymarks of the category 'Former Schools' with an empty region (or missing country) entry at, that were corrected by the import program. Clicking on the WM code leads you to the waymarks page in a new window, so that officers and waymark owners can correct the data. Corrected waymarks will be updated by the next full run of the import program.


WM-CodeCountry and region as found by the import programWM-OwnerWM-Title
WM16XDBrazil, São Paulosaopaulo1Chapel School,Sao Paulo, Brazil
WM1NA4Brazil, São Paulosaopaulo1Antigo Grupo Escolar - Paranapiacaba, Brazil
WMH62NDenmark, Region MidtjyllandpstidsenDen Bay-Kirketerpske Borgerskole - Randers, Denmark
WM90BDDenmark, Region SyddanmarkdarkMSToftum Gamle Skole --- Rømø, Denmark
WM145Q0Finland, Varsinais-SuomiSmurffaajaTeollisuuskoulu - Turku, Finland
WM15HVFFinland, Varsinais-SuomiSmurffaajaTurun Kuuromykkäinkoulu - Turku, Finland
WM17051Finland, Varsinais-SuomiSmurffaajaElon koulu - Laitila, Finland
WM17C4GFinland, Varsinais-SuomiSmurffaajaCygnaeus skola - Turku, Finland
WM11XZ2France, Nouvelle-Aquitainesara et gegeEcole - Voissay, France
WM3B37Ireland, LeinsterWindsockerGreenore National School - Greenore Co Louth Ireland
WMPG9WPortugal, ÉvoraAlexCatarinaEscola Maria Amélia - Casa Branca, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal
WM4ACFPortugal, SetúbalSUp3rFM & CruellaEscola de Cachopos, Comporta, Portugal
WM343MUnited Kingdom, North West EnglandmartlakesBlue Coat School - Kendal, Cumbria UK
WM35DKUnited Kingdom, North West EnglandmartlakesWarton School - Carnforth, Lancashire UK
WM35DPUnited Kingdom, North West EnglandmartlakesWarton Infants School - Carnforth, Lancashire UK
WM3BVCUnited Kingdom, North West EnglandmartlakesTebay School - Tebay, Cumbria, UK
WM5C6ZUnited Kingdom, South East EnglandSupertedGreat Linford Almhouses - Milton Keynes, UK
WM2J7NUnited Kingdom, South West EnglandBrentorboxerThe Old School, Horrabridge, Devon
WM1XM4United Kingdom, South West EnglandBrentorboxerAbbey Surgery, Tavistock Devon UK
WM1R69United Kingdom, South West EnglandBrentorboxerGrammar School, Tavistock
WM1QYRUnited Kingdom, South West EnglandBrentorboxerAlexander Centre, Tavistock
WMAHBNUnited Kingdom, YorkshiredtrebilcSt John’s Church school – Bierley – Bradford, UK