Open Regions List (Bridge Date Stones and Plaques)

On this page are the waymarks of the category 'Bridge Date Stones and Plaques' with an empty region (or missing country) entry at, that were corrected by the import program. Clicking on the WM code leads you to the waymarks page in a new window, so that officers and waymark owners can correct the data. Corrected waymarks will be updated by the next full run of the import program.


WM-CodeCountry and region as found by the import programWM-OwnerWM-Title
WMBNGTFinland, Etelä-PohjanmaaNeofytosPäntäneen kivisilta - 1908 - Kauhajoki, Finland
WM121FHFinland, PirkanmaamarciusHämeensilta - 1929 - Tampere, Finland
WMB2TCFinland, Pirkanmaasmall oaksSatakunnansilta - 1900 - Tampere, Finland
WMBHZ2Finland, PirkanmaaNeofytosWolanderinkosken Silta - 1971 - Virrat, Finland
WMYHEDFinland, UusimaaSMacBPitkäsilta - 1912 - Helsinki, Finland
WM13DKYFinland, Varsinais-SuomiSmurffaajaKirjastosilta Biblioteksbron 2013 - Turku, Finland
WM13G1AFinland, Varsinais-SuomiSmurffaajaAuransilta Aurabron 1907 - Turku, Finland
WM13V9JFinland, Varsinais-SuomiSmurffaajaHuhkon kävelysilta - 2020 - Raisio, Finland