Open Regions List (Art Museums)

On this page are the waymarks of the category 'Art Museums' with an empty region (or missing country) entry at, that were corrected by the import program. Clicking on the WM code leads you to the waymarks page in a new window, so that officers and waymark owners can correct the data. Corrected waymarks will be updated by the next full run of the import program.


WM-CodeCountry and region as found by the import programWM-OwnerWM-Title
WMJ3NYDenmark, Region HovedstadenChasing Blue SkyNy Carlsberg Glyptotek - Copenhagen, Denmark
WMJ3QGDenmark, Region HovedstadenChasing Blue SkyThorvaldsen Museum - Copenhagen, Denmark
WMPCXPDenmark, Region HovedstadenMarine BiologistNational Gallery of Denmark - Copenhagen, Denmark
WMHXB1Denmark, Region MidtjyllandpstidsenARoS - Aarhus Kunstmuseum - Aarhus, Denmark
WMHZGEDenmark, Region MidtjyllandkallehaugerneVestjyllands Kunstpavillon - Videbæk - Denmark
WM13ZTCDenmark, Region SyddanmarkKlabautermandenKunstmuseum Brandts - Odense, Denmark
WM44WAFinland, UusimaaMirtilliAinola (the home of Jean Sibelius) - Järvenpää, Finland
WMAH87Finland, UusimaaNeofytosNykytaiteen museo Kiasma - Helsinki, Finland
WMAHGMFinland, UusimaaNeofytosSinebrychoffin taidemuseo - Helsinki, Finland
WMANZRFinland, UusimaaNeofytosEspoo Museuam of Modern Art - Espoo, Finland
WMYGZVFinland, UusimaaSMacBAteneum - Helsinki, Finland
WMYKJ2Finland, UusimaaSMacBDesign Museum - Helsinki, Finland
WM132PKFinland, Varsinais-SuomiSmurffaajaWäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art - Turku, Finland