Open Regions List (Helicopter Landing Pads)
On this page are the waymarks of the category 'Helicopter Landing Pads' with an empty region (or missing country) entry at, that were corrected by the import program. Clicking on the WM code leads you to the waymarks page in a new window, so that officers and waymark owners can correct the data. Corrected waymarks will be updated by the next full run of the import program.
WM-Code | Country and region as found by the import program | WM-Owner | WM-Title |
WM3NRH | Brazil, Rio de Janeiro | saopaulo1 | Pao de Acucar helipad - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
WM3NR6 | Brazil, São Paulo | saopaulo1 | Memorial da America Latina helipad - Sao Paulo, Brazil |
WM3NRE | Brazil, São Paulo | saopaulo1 | Hospital Osvaldo Cruz heliport - Sao Paulo, Brazil |
WM3NRN | Brazil, São Paulo | saopaulo1 | Butanta helipad - Sao Paulo, Brazil |
WM3PFY | Brazil, São Paulo | saopaulo1 | Condomínio Parque Paulista rooftop helicopter pad - Sao Paulo, Brazil |
WM3Q60 | Brazil, São Paulo | saopaulo1 | Emiliano Hotel - Sao Paulo, Brazil |
WM3R25 | Brazil, São Paulo | saopaulo1 | Federacao Paulista de Futbol helipad - Sao Paulo, Brazil |
WMX761 | Denmark, Region Midtjylland | kallehaugerne | Helikopter landingsplads Anholt, Denmark |
WM145RC | Finland, Varsinais-Suomi | Smurffaaja | TYKS helipad - Turku, Finland |
WM3PZ1 | United Kingdom, North West England | martlakes | Furness General Hospital - Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria UK |
WM3V2X | United Kingdom, South East England | Norfolk12 | Milton Keynes - Bowl Landing Pad |
WM3VR9 | United Kingdom, South East England | Norfolk12 | Milton Keynes General Hospital Helipad |
WM40X8 | United Kingdom, South East England | Norfolk12 | Milton Keynes - Pineham - Helipad |