Category listing for region Pohjois-Savo in Finland

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23 Waymarks have been posted in 21 categories for the Pohjois-Savo region in Finland.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Pohjois-Savo appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
14.35 AnchorsTechnology50.00
14.35 Boat RampsRecreation50.00
14.35 Disc Golf CoursesRecreation50.00
14.35 First of its KindHistory50.00
14.35 IKEABusiness25.00
14.35 Iron Furnace RuinsStructures25.00
14.35 LocomotivesTechnology50.00
14.35 Lonely ChimneysStructures25.00
14.35 Lutheran ChurchesBuildings33.33
28.70 McDonald's RestaurantsBusiness50.00
14.35 Orphaned BridgesStructures25.00
28.70 Orthodox ChurchesBuildings66.67
14.35 Pet CemeteriesMonuments33.33
14.35 Pizza Shops - Regional ChainsBusiness25.00
14.35 Statues of Historic FiguresMonuments33.33
14.35 Time CapsulesHistory50.00
14.35 Unusual Speed LimitsSigns100.00
14.35 Veteran CemeteriesMonuments33.33
14.35 Vintage Movie TheatersEntertainment50.00
14.35 War and Military MuseumsEntertainment50.00
14.35 Water TowersStructures25.00