First of its Kind

See category First of its Kind on .
Last import of category containing 6420 waymarks in 58 different countries with 172 regions was on 2025-01-03, there are 47 waymarks with missing region in this category.

First in
CountryRegionOwnerApproved onWM-CodeTitle
starsAlbaniaNoe12016-12-17WMTNAEFIRST School in Albanian language - Korçe, Albania
starsAntigua and Barbudaneoc12013-02-22WMGEGAFIRST - Premier of Antigua and Barbuda - V.C. Bird - St. John's, Antigua
starsArgentinamodel122010-09-20WM9QNYFIRST Captain of Ports - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
AustraliaAustralian Capital TerritoryCADS112017-04-02WMVCPFFIRST Old Parliament House - Canberra - ACT - Australia
starsAustraliaNew South WalesMarine Biologist2009-03-06WM5ZD0FIRST - Australia's First Hospital - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
AustraliaNorthern Territorydenben2014-12-30WMN5N5FIRST - Hospital in Central Australia, Alice Springs, NT, Australia
AustraliaQueenslandTuena2015-06-01WMP012First Australian Soldier to Die in Imperial Service - Mount Morgan, QLD
AustraliaSouth AustraliaCADS112017-12-16WMX9PTFIRST - St Michael's Cemetery - Hahndorf - SA - Australia
AustraliaVictoriabucketeer2009-05-01WM6A82First Settlement in Victoria
AustraliaWestern AustraliaIanatlarge2010-02-07WM86MVFirst settlers—Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia.
AustriaOberösterreichPISA-caching2018-08-28WMZ1KXFIRST - Austrian Christmas Museum - Steyr, Austria
starsAustriaTirolDNS822012-07-10WMEP77L2 - The first double loop-the-loop water flume in the world, Wörgl, Tirol, Austria
AustriaWienMetro22014-02-12WMK4VAFirst Social Democratic Mayor of Vienna - Vienna, Austria
starsBahamasChapterhouseInc2011-11-20WMD577The first Governor of the independent nation is featured in a bust on the parlament square - Nassau, Bahamas
starsBarbadosBeagle-12008-02-21WM378AFirst Church in Barbados
starsBelgiumHainautlulu_et_compagnie2017-01-15WMTWMDPremiere ville Belge libérée. Tournai. Belgium
BelgiumLiègeMichaelfiles2017-11-30WMX5GPFIRST – Conseil des enfants de Belgique
starsBelizedenben2023-05-20WM18304FIRST - Catholic Secondary School in Belize - Belize City, Belize
starsBermudaneoc12014-10-22WMMPY1FIRST - Bermuda Postage Stamp - Hamilton, Bermuda
BrazilBahiadenben2024-06-10WM1A34NFIRST - Urbain Elevator in the World - Salvador, Brazil
BrazilRio de Janeirodenben2024-05-15WM19Z19FIRST - Cable Car in Brazil - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
starsBrazilSão Paulosaopaulo12007-06-06WM1N3BFIRST - Archbishop of Sao Paulo
starsCambodiaIanatlarge2010-08-23WM9HFMFirst Wat in Siem Reap—Siem Reap, Cambodia.
CanadaAlbertawildwoodke2007-05-04WM1GEAFirst Archaeolgical Dig in Alberta - Head Smashed In - Fort Macleod, Alberta
CanadaBritish Columbiabcrockcrawler, xstitcher, & BMXer2007-11-28WM2NX2FIRST - Commercial coal mine in British Columbia, Canada
CanadaManitobaBarbershopDru2007-09-09WM25P5First A&W in Canada
CanadaNew BrunswickPeterNoG2010-05-29WM8XWXFIRST - Woman Sea Captain in North America
CanadaNewfoundland and LabradorTrail Blaisers2013-01-07WMG394First Transatlantic Wireless Signal - St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
CanadaNorthwest Territoriesentogeek2011-08-07WMC860FIRST - Canadian Prime Minister to visit any part of Canada north of the Arctic Circle - Inuvik, NT
CanadaNova ScotiaTucats2006-08-09WMKKQFIRST - Canadian Geocache Monument
starsCanadaOntarioHard Oiler2006-04-20WMAX8FIRST - Commercial Oil Well in North America
CanadaPrince Edward IslandT0SHEA2015-06-28WMP45WFIRST Credit Union style Bank in Canada - South Rustico, PEI
CanadaQuébecjkozik2008-01-29WM32F2First Montreal Skyscraper - New York Life building
CanadaSaskatchewanBruceS2007-11-20WM2MC8FIRST - District Courthouse in Province of Saskatchewan - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
CanadaYukon TerritoryWeathervane2020-07-03WM12QP5FIRST - American Military in Whitehorse - Whitehorse, Yukon Territory
starsCayman Islandsneoc12022-04-19WM162C4FIRST - Neem Tree Planted in the Cayman Islands - George Town, Cayman Islands
starsCuraçaoneoc12018-02-25WMXTJ4FIRST - Admiral of Gran Colombia - Willemstad, Curacao
CzechiaHlavní město PrahaDáin & Olík2010-11-15WMA4D7Prvni betonovy silnicni most / First concrete road bridge, Praha, CZ
CzechiaJihočeský krajDorcadion Team2010-04-12WM8K44The first sugar cube... / První kostka cukru... (Dacice - South Bohemia)
starsCzechiaJihomoravský krajJarda3152009-09-16WM77Z0FIRST Trigonometric point on the Czech lands - Brno, Czech Republic, EU
CzechiaKraj VysočinaJarda3152009-09-16WM77Z5The FIRST Scout Camp 1912 - Orlovy, Czech Republic, EU
CzechiaMoravskoslezský krajToRo612011-09-01WMCFF9First Families went to Texas from here, Frenstat p. Radhostem, Czech Republic
CzechiaPardubický krajToRo612019-03-04WM105YDFIRST - Czech aviator - Pardubice, Czech Republic
CzechiaStředočeský krajDorcadion Team2015-04-22WMNR27First Czech volunteer fire department / První ceský sbor dobrovolných hasicu - Velvary (Central Bohemia)
starsDenmarkRegion Midtjyllandkallehaugerne2012-11-09WMFNJ1Houmeden
DenmarkRegion SjællandNoe12017-01-22WMTY5VFIRST brick cathedral in Denmark - Roskilde, Denmark
DenmarkRegion Syddanmarkbluesnote2013-04-21WMGXV2FIRST -- Legoland - Billund, Denmark
starsDominican RepublicTorgut2022-03-01WM15V9HFIRST Hospital in the Americas - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
starsEstoniasmall oaks2010-06-21WM8VFKFIRST Movie Theatre in Estonia
starsFaroe IslandsPetjeOp2024-08-18WM1AGXEFIRST car in Faroe island - Thorshavn, Faroe island
FinlandEtelä-PohjanmaaNeofytos2010-04-09WM8J4PPerttilä suspension bridge - Isokyrö, Finland
FinlandLappiNeofytos2010-04-27WM8PEYOLDIEST - Tree in Saariselkä area - Inari, Finland
starsFinlandPirkanmaaHarjus2010-04-05WM8HJCFIRST - Electric Light in Northern Europe
FinlandPohjois-SavoRymyhomie2013-08-02WMHPYHFIRST - Military Academy in Finland
FinlandUusimaasmall oaks2010-06-14WM91HAThe OLDEST Home Museum in Finland - J.L. Runeberg's Home
FinlandVarsinais-SuomiSmurffaaja2021-10-01WM1528XSuomen ENSIMMÄINEN kirjasto maaseudulla - Laitila, Finland
FranceBourgogne-Franche-Comtépmaupin2018-07-24WMYTP1FIRST - Forge de l'Abbaye de Fontenay - Marmagne, France
FranceBretagnesara et gege2020-09-01WM1322CPremier roi des provinces de Bretagne Nominae - Dol de Bretagne, France
FranceCentre-Val-de-LoireAlfouine2018-11-05WMZFYMPremière orangerie de France - Amboise - France
starsFranceGrand-EstsTeamTraen2007-09-20WM2831World's first oil well
FranceHauts-de-Francepmaupin2024-07-01WM1A72WFIRST -- Crossing of the strait, from Dover to Calais - Calais, France
FranceÎle-de-Francetmob2011-07-25WMC4WBFIRST - Radio Broadcast in France -
FranceNormandieRakeInTheCache2016-11-13WMTEX8FIRST - French House Liberated On D-day
FranceNouvelle-AquitaineRakeInTheCache2014-10-16WMMMX4FIRST - Naval Medical School - Rochefort, France
FranceOccitanieAlfouine2017-05-01WMVKN8Le jardin des plantes de Montpellier - France
FranceProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azursara et gege2017-05-29WMVV4YFirst - découvre l Amerique - Christophe Colomb - Antibes,France
GermanyBaden-WürttembergDieCacherGirls2013-01-11WMG4CAFIRST - Car filling station
GermanyBayernlumbricus2013-04-02WMGQWJFIRST - Transmission of electrical energy over a large distance - Miesbach, Baayern, Germany
GermanyBerlindtrebilc2018-10-30WMZEPCFIRST - Set Theory Clock - Berlin, Germany
starsGermanyHessenprussel2011-12-13WMD9ANGordon Bennett Trophy 1904 — bei Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany
GermanyNiedersachsenAndré de Montbard2016-01-31WMQBTHFirst electromagnetic telegraph in the world, Göttingen, Germany
GermanyNordrhein-Westfalen00M2013-05-04WMGZDWFirst Langstrecken Segelflug
GermanyRheinland-PfalzDieCacherGirls2014-09-10WMMEVQFirst educational trail across the vineyards - Schweigen-Rechtenbach, Germany
GermanySachsenkaschper692016-11-21WMTG6JFIRST baroque building "Alte Handelsbörse" - Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
GermanySachsen-Anhaltdie_sonnenkoeppe2016-08-02WMRT85FIRST fly of Junkers F13
GermanySchleswig-HolsteinWindschattenwanderer2017-07-27WMW90KFIRST - Baum mit Postanschrift auf der Welt
starsGreeceCADS112018-04-29WMY64DOLDEST - The House of Aghia Filothei - Athens - Greece
starsGreenlandPetjeOp2024-09-08WM1AMGXFIRST - sheep in Greenland - Nanortalik, Greenland
starsIcelandMetro22015-02-24WMNDW4First Formally-Planned Park in Reykjavik - Reukjavik, Iceland
starsIrelandConnachtJarda3152009-09-14WM77KRFIRST Commercial Transatlantic Wireless Station - Derrygimla, Ireland, EU
IrelandDublinMaster Mariner2016-04-17WMQZ2JFIRST - Perfromance of Handel's Messiah - Fishamble Street, Dublin, Ireland
IrelandMunsterJarda3152009-09-15WM77T3First non-stop transatlantic flight - Clifden, Ireland, EU
IrelandUlsterMaster Mariner2019-09-30WM11CZBFIRST - US Consul in Belfast - Queen's Square, Belfast, UK
starsIsle of ManMike_bjm2017-03-29WMVBPWFIRST - Municipal Power Station on the Isle of Man - Douglas, Isle of Man
starsIsraelMetro22015-05-25WMNYPQFIRST Jewish house outside the Jaffa Walls - Tel Aviv, Israel
starsItalyToscananeoc12017-02-21WMV3WWFIRST: Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo I de' Medici - Florence, Italy
JapanAomoriYONEYAMA2009-08-25WM72X9FIRST - Non Stop Trans Pacific Flight - Misawa, JAPAN
starsJapanHiroshimaS5280ft2008-02-15WM35Y5First use of a nuclear weapon - Hiroshima, Japan
JapanTokyoYONEYAMA2009-05-07WM6B1YFirst COFFEE SHOP in JAPAN
starsKoreasilverquill2009-09-05WM75FXFIRST - Korean Martyrs, Yun Chi'-ch'ung and Kwon Sang-yon, - Jeonju, Korea
starsLatviaEdgars Laicāns2011-12-05WMD617The First New Year tree in Riga in 1510
starsMalaysiaIanatlarge2012-11-14WMFPN1Oldest, Sri Mahamariamman Temple—Penang City, Malaysia
starsMaltadtrebilc2018-06-02WMYDD3FIRST - Bishop of Gozo - Qala, Gozo, Malta
starsMexicoNayaritMetro22011-03-06WMAX7KFirst 20th Century Strike in Mexico - Bellavista, Nayarit, Mexico
MexicoSinaloaMetro22012-11-28WMFTBZFirst Movies Shown in Sinaloa - Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico
MexicoYucatánAlfouine2023-12-05WM195PWFIRST - Capital Americana de la Cultura - Merida- Mexico
starsMonaconeoc12017-01-26WMTZ09FIRST: Grimaldi to Reign Over Monaco - Monaco-Ville, Monaco
NetherlandsDrenthedreamhummie2011-07-19WMC2AJFirst Cycling Routes Waymark 01 - Beilen - NL - Fietsroute Drenthe
NetherlandsFrieslandT-Team!2022-09-23WM16RABFirst Dutch Mormons - Broeksterwâld, The Netherlands
NetherlandsGelderlandAxel-F2019-12-28WM11WD1First Dutch pilot to complete a flight in Dutch airspace - Ede (NL)
NetherlandsLimburgT-Team!2021-08-21WM14TB9FIRST - A++++ building in the Netherlands - Stein, NL
NetherlandsNoord-BrabantBecktracker2021-01-08WM13M97FIRST permanent sandhotel in the world - Herpen, NL
starsNetherlandsNoord-HollandAladdin2007-03-14WM1ADJFirst ANWB Mushroom signpost for cyclists
NetherlandsUtrechtAxel-F2012-12-29WMG0P6First Dutch Locomotive
NetherlandsZuid-Hollandnaj162013-03-23WMGN6WFirst tenniscourt in the Netherlands
starsNew ZealandNorth IslandPunga and Paua2009-07-21WM6V4NWorld's First Vertigraph. Whakatane. New Zealand.
New ZealandSouth IslandDunbar Loop2009-09-02WM7517FIRST — Business premises — Invercargill, New Zealand
starsNorth MacedoniaPISA-caching2020-01-13WM11YTHFIRST - Rotary Club of Skopje - Skopje, North Macedonia
NorwayAkershusPISA-caching2017-10-03WMWQMCFIRST - Cast-iron bridge in Norway - Sandvika, Norway
starsNorwayOsloToRo612012-07-10WMEVN7First Steel Ski Jump, Oslo, Norway
NorwayTelemarkWalking Boots2020-05-18WM12FW2FIRST mountaineering - Gaustatoppen - Rjukan, Norway
starsPhilippinessilverquill2011-03-09WMAY13FIRST - Prime Minister of the Philippines, Apolinario Mabini
starsPolandMałopolskieNoe12017-01-21WMTXPHFIRST university in Poland - Krakow, Poland
PolandWielkopolskiesernikk2021-02-20WM13V2ZFIRST Public City Library - Poznan, Poland
PortugalArquipélago da Madeiradenben2024-12-04WM1B4NQFIRST - Victoria Cross Annonced in the London Gazette - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
starsPortugalBragarazalas2010-05-31WM8YMM1º dia de Portugal / 1st day of Portugal
PortugalLeiriatofixe2011-09-22WMCMQXFIRST paper mill in Portugal
PortugalPortodieSulzer2013-01-03WMG1R8OLDEST Port Wine House - Porto, Portugal
PortugalViana do Castelorazalas2011-01-22WMAJMRPrimeira sede dos B. V. Ponte de Lima - Ponte de lima, Portugal
starsPuerto RicoTCOMGUY2006-05-12WMCDRFIRST - Pina Colada Made
starsRomaniaPISA-caching2023-07-28WM18FV1FIRST - Fotographer in Romania - Bistrita, Romania
starsSaint Luciadenben2015-03-10WMNG8NFIRST - Saint Lucia Prime Minister - Castries, Saint Lucia
starsSao Tome and PrincipeTorgut2012-10-29WMFKCRFirst settlement in Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome and Principe
starsSingaporeIanatlarge2010-03-07WM8BDCFirst visit of a Thai monarch to another country—Singapore.
starsSlovakiaBratislavský krajRikitan2011-02-21WMAT68FIRST - steam train arrival to Slovakia
SlovakiaKošický krajNoe12017-01-21WMTXHDFIRST publicly accessible cave in Slovakia - Jasová, Slovakia
SpainAndalucíarazalas2020-12-18WM13HFYFIRST - City Hall of Granada - Granada, ES
SpainCataluñaneoc12017-02-07WMV1CCFIRST: Submarine in the Port of Barcelona - Barcelona, Spain
SpainCeutaxeocach2024-12-30WM1B9A2FIRST Gobernador de Ceuta - España
SpainComunidad de Madridxeocach2023-09-04WM18P5WFIRST - Europa Nostra medal awarded in Spain - San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, España
SpainComunidad ValencianaGURUGU2023-08-17WM18JX3FIRST - Monasterio de las Agustinas Descalzas en el mundo - Alcoy, Alicante, España
starsSpainGaliciarazalas2015-01-07WMN6WYFIRST - first electric lighthouse in Spain - Camariñas, SP
SwedenBlekingeWalking Boots2022-02-07WM15Q2CFIRST - Swedish pilot who died in an air battle over Swedish territory - Sölvesborg, Sweden
SwedenKronobergdreamhummie2018-01-29WMXM6DFIRST - IKEA Store - Älmhult, Sweden
starsSwedenStockholmMarine Biologist2017-06-19WMW03BFIRST - Equestrian Statue in Sweden
starsSwitzerlandAargaufi672013-12-16WMJQ18First Hospital in Switzerland - Valetudinarium - Windisch, AG, Switzerland
SwitzerlandBasel Stadtfi672014-05-03WMKMNQFirst American Diplomatic Representative to Switzerland - Basel, Switzerland
starsThailandIanatlarge2010-07-31WM9C8TOldest Kymer Prasat in Thailand—Surin Province, Thailand.
starsTürkiyepuczmeloun2012-10-26WMFJH5World’s OLDEST extant mosaic pavement - Gordion Mosaics - Yassihüyük, Turkey
United KingdomEast MidlandsV70PDB2007-04-14WM1DM7Memorial to the Pilgrim fathers first attempt to leave England
starsUnited KingdomEastern EnglandHard Oiler2006-05-13WMCFKFIRST – Discovery of the Electron
United KingdomLondonHard Oiler2006-11-15WMYQ8FIRST – Day School in Mitcham
United KingdomNorth East EnglandMaster Mariner2011-05-05WMBCGMFIRST - Passenger Carrying Locomotive - Stockton-on-Tees, UK
United KingdomNorth WalesDdraig Ddu2011-06-17WMBRH5First Football Superstar: Billy Meredith, Chirk Park, Chirk, Wrexham, Wales, UK
United KingdomNorth West EnglandHard Oiler2006-05-19WMD02FIRST - 100 Years of the National Trust
United KingdomNorthern Scotlandneoc12023-05-17WM182HCFIRST - Meeting of the Commissioners of the Burgh of Invergordon, Scotland, UK
United KingdomSouth East EnglandV70PDB2007-04-27WM1FD6First Families went to Australia from here
United KingdomSouth WalesDdraig Ddu2011-04-04WMB4DCFirst - Bank in Aberystwyth, Bridge Street, Wales, UK
United KingdomSouth West EnglandBenchmark Blasterz2016-10-19WMT9AWFIRST -- Crowning of a King of All England, Bath, Somerset, UK
United KingdomSouthern EnglandBruceS2010-10-21WM9ZBBFIRST - Methodist Meeting House - Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK
United KingdomSouthern Scotlandflipflopnick2010-08-16WM9G50FIRST - Savings Bank, Ruthwell, Dumfries and Galloway
United KingdomWest MidlandsBrentorboxer2007-10-13WM2CM9FIRST - Iron Bridge in the World
United KingdomYorkshiredtrebilc2013-08-13WMHTMRFIRST spinning Jenny In Bradford - Bradford, UK
United StatesAlabamaScooter Bill2007-07-27WM1XG5FIRST - Veteran's Day Observance - Birmingham, Alabama
United StatesAlaskaMegadrile2008-02-26WM38JZFIRST -- President of University of Alaska
United StatesArizonaGEO*Trailblazer 12006-12-23WM129PFIRST - HIGHWAY OLDEST - FORD DEALERSHIP
United StatesArkansasGEO*Trailblazer 12006-11-20WMZ6AFIRST - 100 YEARS OF EUREKA SPRINGS
United StatesCaliforniaBernd das Brot Team2006-05-30WMDW9FIRST - non-indian grave in California
United StatesColoradoOutspoken12006-10-16WMVFMFIRST - Gold Discovered in Colorado - Denver, CO
United StatesConnecticutHikenutty2006-11-30WM10AZFIRST - Baptist Church in America - Providence, Rhode Island
United StatesDelawarebluesnote2010-09-03WM9M23FIRST -- Camp Brandywine in the Civl War - Wilmington, DE
United StatesDistrict of Columbiageobwong2k2009-05-18WM6DHMFIRST - Privately developed, piloted vehicle to reach space - Washington DC
United StatesFloridaTeam Min Dawg2006-12-16WM11PGFIRST - Schoolhouse - Lake Worth, FL
United StatesGeorgiaYcart812006-05-14WMCKKFIRST - Methodist Sermon in America
United StatesHawaiiJake392006-11-05WMXP7"Mokuaikaua Church" - Hawaii's First Church
United StatesIdahoBernd das Brot Team2006-07-19WMHQVFIRST - Nuclear Power Plant
United StatesIllinois8Nuts MotherGoose2006-07-09WMGWEFIRST - Home in Fulton - Fulton, IL
United StatesIndianaMuirwoody2006-06-24WMFHKFIRST - Automatic Traffic Light In the U.S. - Carmel, Indiana
United StatesIowaKG19602006-10-17WMVJBFIRST - Steel Water Tower west of the Mississippi River
United StatesKansasGEO*Trailblazer 12008-05-05WM3PCZFIRST - Home Russell County, Kansas
United StatesKentuckyChapterhouseInc2006-04-25WMBA9Western Kentucky's First Iron Furnace
United StatesLouisiana8Nuts MotherGoose2007-05-05WM1GMTFIRST - "Over Water" Oil Well
United StatesMaineTeam Smokey2008-08-18WM4FHWFirst Permanent Settlement of Wells, ME
United StatesMarylandpilot211222007-04-10WM1D7RFirst Homestead Allegany County Maryland
United StatesMassachusettscache_test_dummies2006-06-10WMEJ5FIRST - Woman Licensed to Drive in America
United StatesMichiganHard Oiler2006-04-21WMAZMFIRST - International Tunnel
United StatesMinnesotalenron2010-07-02WM95JVFirst Iron Mine Shipment - Tower, MN
United StatesMississippiBruceS2008-02-17WM366TFIRST - Legal Liquor Store in Mississippi - Greenville, Mississippi
United StatesMissouriBruceS2006-04-25WMB9JFIRST - American Viticultural Area - Augusta, MO
United StatesMontanaZenPanda2007-08-21WM20YDFIRST- "Ace in the hole" Montana
United StatesNebraskaBruceS2006-12-24WM12BPFIRST - Mercy Secondary School in the Midlands - Omaha, Nebraska
United StatesNevadaMarine Biologist2008-04-12WM3JHMFIRST - State Park in Nevada
United StatesNew Hampshiresilverquill2006-04-25WMBB9FIRST - Episcopal Church in New Hampshire
United StatesNew Jerseytiki-42006-06-16WMF1CFIRST - Concrete Highway
United StatesNew Mexicorilekyle2006-11-18WMZ0CFIRST - Nuclear Device Explosion - Trinity Site, White Sands Proving Grounds
United StatesNew YorkRayman2006-04-24WMB80FIRST - Grain Elevator
United StatesNorth Carolinashowbizkid2006-04-21WMAZ6FIRST - Free Public Library in North Carolina - Durham County Public Library
United StatesNorth DakotaTripCyclone2013-02-23WMGEPXFirst - North Dakota Prestressed Concrete Bridge Deck
United StatesOhioFallenFaery2006-07-05WMGFRFirst - County Library in the U.S - Van Wert, Ohio
United StatesOklahomaGEO*Trailblazer 12006-11-12WMYHXFIRST - COMMERCIAL TELEPHONE OKLAHOMA
starsUnited StatesOregonVolcanoguy2006-04-20WMAXEFIRST - School - Bend, Oregon
United StatesPennsylvaniasubsystem2006-10-28WMWM6FIRST - Settler of Mifflin County Landed Nearby
United StatesRhode IslandMarine Biologist2009-04-25WM690GFIRST - Successful Cotton Mill in America
United StatesSouth CarolinaMvillian2006-04-22WMB22FIRST - Superspeedway in NASCAR
United StatesSouth DakotaGPX Navigators2006-05-07WMC4QFIRST - Newspaper in SD
United StatesTennesseeChapterhouseInc2006-08-14WMM5RFirst Passenger train departing Cincinnati for Chattanooga
United StatesTexasQuesterMark2006-09-27WMRKMFIRST - Television Station in Texas - Fort Worth
United StatesUtahfisherhead12006-09-04WMPJTFIRST - Transcontinental Railroad - Promontory, Utah
United StatesVermontsilverquill2006-05-31WME02FIRST - Ski Tow in the United States
United StatesVirginiarobert2006-10-26WMWG0FIRST - Fairfax Public School - Fairfax, VA
United StatesWashingtonRose Red2006-05-04WMBZ4FIRST - Fort Vancouver, Vancouver, Washington
United StatesWest VirginiaMarine Biologist2008-08-23WM4G3EFIRST - Rural Free Delivery in America - Charles Town, WV
United StatesWisconsinonfire4jesus2007-07-25WM1X8BSparta's FIRST building devoted entirely to a social organization
United StatesWyomingRose Red2007-07-07WM1TD9FIRST - Masonic Lodge in Wyoming
starsUS Virgin IslandskJfishman2008-10-17WM4ZB9First Banana Daiquiri _ St. Thomas USVI