Category listing for region Vestfold og Telemark in Norway

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14 Waymarks have been posted in 13 categories for the Vestfold og Telemark region in Norway.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Vestfold og Telemark appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
17.14 Aerial LiftsTechnology50.00
17.14 Antique HotelsBusiness100.00
17.14 Country ChurchesBuildings25.00
17.14 Elevation SignsSigns100.00
17.14 First of its KindHistory50.00
17.14 Geographic High PointsNature50.00
17.14 Mountain SummitsNature50.00
17.14 Nordic HeritageHistory50.00
214.29 This Old ChurchBuildings50.00
17.14 Train Stations/DepotsBuildings25.00
17.14 Waterway Locks, Planes and LiftsStructures50.00
17.14 Weather StationsStructures50.00
17.14 Web CamerasTechnology50.00