Category listing for Sao Tome and Principe

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96 Waymarks have been posted in 49 categories in Sao Tome and Principe.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Sao Tome and Principe appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
11.04 AirportsBuildings5.88
11.04 Artistic SeatingCulture16.67
2020.83 BeachesRecreation90.91
11.04 Berry PickingRecreation4.55
11.04 Bridgeless Water CrossingsNature16.67
11.04 CathedralsBuildings5.88
11.04 Cemetery ChapelsBuildings5.88
11.04 Chalet, Cottage, and Cabin Style LodgingBusiness6.67
22.08 Coastal LighthousesBuildings11.76
11.04 Devilish LocationsOddities50.00
11.04 Diplomatic MissionsBuildings5.88
11.04 DovecotesStructures20.00
22.08 Farmers' MarketsBusiness13.33
11.04 First of its KindHistory12.50
11.04 Fitness TrailsRecreation4.55
11.04 Freestanding ColumnsTechnology50.00
11.04 GazebosStructures20.00
11.04 Giant Board GamesEntertainment33.33
11.04 Great Lines of EarthMeasurement Standards100.00
11.04 Headstones of CentenariansMonuments20.00
11.04 Historic FortsHistory12.50
22.08 Independent BakeriesBusiness13.33
22.08 Independent DinersBusiness13.33
33.13 Independent Fish HousesBusiness20.00
22.08 Independent PharmaciesBusiness13.33
11.04 Literary SitesEntertainment33.33
11.04 Lonely ChimneysStructures20.00
33.13 MilestonesSigns100.00
11.04 MillstonesTechnology50.00
44.17 MuralsCulture66.67
22.08 Named Farms and RanchesBusiness13.33
11.04 Numismatic PhotographsWaymarking Multifarious100.00
11.04 Outside Wooden Display CarvingsCulture16.67
22.08 PiersStructures40.00
11.04 Political RevolutionsMonuments20.00
33.13 Portuguese Inventory of Architectural PatrimonyHistory37.50
11.04 Recommended AccommodationBusiness6.67
22.08 Red Cross and Red Crescent MovementBuildings11.76
22.08 Remains of SettlementsHistory25.00
11.04 Research InstitutesBuildings5.88
77.29 Roman Catholic ChurchesBuildings41.18
11.04 ShipwrecksHistory12.50
11.04 Statues of Historic FiguresMonuments20.00
11.04 Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersBuildings5.88
11.04 UNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere ReservesNature16.67
11.04 Vintage Movie TheatersEntertainment33.33
11.04 Vortexes, Mystery Spots, and Gravity HillsOddities50.00
44.17 WaterfallsNature66.67
22.08 Worldwide CemeteriesMonuments40.00