Category listing for region Kronoberg in Sweden

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63 Waymarks have been posted in 58 categories for the Kronoberg region in Sweden.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Kronoberg appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
11.59 A.M./F.M. Radio Broadcasting StationsBusiness16.67
11.59 Abandoned Dead VehiclesTechnology20.00
11.59 Abstract Public SculpturesCulture11.11
11.59 Advertising ColumnsStructures25.00
11.59 ArboretumsNature33.33
11.59 Arch BridgesStructures25.00
11.59 Artistic Welcome SignsSigns33.33
23.17 Artistically Decorated Utility BoxesCulture22.22
11.59 Bus StationsBuildings11.11
11.59 CarillonCulture11.11
23.17 Carl Linnaeus and His ApostlesHistory40.00
11.59 CathedralsBuildings11.11
11.59 Chinese RestaurantsBusiness16.67
11.59 Citizen MemorialsMonuments10.00
11.59 Dead Poets' Society MemorialsMonuments10.00
11.59 Doves of peaceCulture11.11
11.59 Electric Car Charging StationsBusiness16.67
11.59 Famous Fictional FiguresCulture11.11
11.59 Figurative Public SculptureCulture11.11
11.59 FirehousesBuildings11.11
11.59 First of its KindHistory20.00
11.59 Fishing HolesRecreation20.00
11.59 Garage Door ArtCulture11.11
11.59 Giants of CommerceOddities100.00
11.59 Googie ArchitectureBuildings11.11
11.59 Grave of a Famous PersonMonuments10.00
11.59 History MuseumsEntertainment100.00
11.59 IKEABusiness16.67
11.59 Impact CratersNature33.33
11.59 Independent BakeriesBusiness16.67
11.59 Insect HotelsAnimals100.00
11.59 Lawn BowlingRecreation20.00
11.59 MilestonesSigns33.33
11.59 MuralsCulture11.11
11.59 Natural LakesNature33.33
11.59 Non-Specific Veteran MemorialsMonuments10.00
23.17 ObelisksMonuments20.00
11.59 Occupational MonumentsMonuments10.00
11.59 Orphaned BridgesStructures25.00
11.59 Pikachu SightingsWaymarking Multifarious100.00
11.59 Police StationsBuildings11.11
11.59 Preserved Architectural Remnants and RuinsHistory20.00
11.59 Public PlaygroundsRecreation20.00
11.59 Rails to TrailsRecreation20.00
11.59 Recommended AccommodationBusiness16.67
23.17 Runestones WorldwideMonuments20.00
11.59 Statues of Historic FiguresMonuments10.00
11.59 Stone BridgesStructures25.00
11.59 Swimming HolesRecreation20.00
11.59 This Old ChurchBuildings11.11
11.59 TimelinesHistory20.00
23.17 Town ClocksTechnology40.00
11.59 Train Stations/DepotsBuildings11.11
11.59 Truck StopsBuildings11.11
11.59 Unique Artistic Door Handles and KnockersBuildings11.11
11.59 Unique Manhole CoversTechnology20.00
11.59 Wikipedia EntriesTechnology20.00
11.59 'You Are Here' MapsSigns33.33