Category listing for region Distrito Federal in Brazil

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35 Waymarks have been posted in 19 categories for the Distrito Federal region in Brazil.

Categories with Waymarks posted for Distrito Federal appear in the alphabetical list below.
Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.

#Entries PercentageCategory name Department Percentage
1028.57 Master Architects - International StyleBuildings62.50
720.00 Signs of HistoryHistory87.50
25.71 Live Stage TheatersEntertainment50.00
12.86 AirportsBuildings6.25
12.86 Art MuseumsEntertainment25.00
12.86 Capitol BuildingsBuildings6.25
12.86 CathedralsBuildings6.25
12.86 CourthousesBuildings6.25
12.86 DovecotesStructures100.00
12.86 History MuseumsEntertainment25.00
12.86 Indoor MallsBusiness50.00
12.86 Inside AirportsBuildings6.25
12.86 Roman Catholic ChurchesBuildings6.25
12.86 Stained Glass WindowsCulture100.00
12.86 Statues of Religious FiguresMonuments100.00
12.86 SuperlativesOddities100.00
12.86 Television and Cable Broadcasting StationsBusiness50.00
12.86 WaterfallsNature100.00
12.86 World Heritage SitesHistory12.50