Category listing for region Podkarpackie in Poland
9 Waymarks have been posted in 9 categories for the Podkarpackie region in Poland.
Categories with Waymarks posted for Podkarpackie appear in the alphabetical list below.Clicking on the link will bring you to the corresponding list page with the first waymarks in country and region of this category.
#Entries | Percentage | Category name | Department | Percentage |
1 | 11.11 | Abandoned Cemeteries | Monuments | 100.00 |
1 | 11.11 | Carnivorous Plant Localities | Nature | 100.00 |
1 | 11.11 | Famous Fictional Figures | Culture | 50.00 |
1 | 11.11 | Historic Forts | History | 50.00 |
1 | 11.11 | Names From the Bible | History | 50.00 |
1 | 11.11 | Photos Then and Now | Waymarking Multifarious | 50.00 |
1 | 11.11 | Sit-by-me Statues | Culture | 50.00 |
1 | 11.11 | Train Stations/Depots | Buildings | 100.00 |
1 | 11.11 | Your Name Here | Waymarking Multifarious | 50.00 |