User Lucky_Al 

Lucky_Al  posted 303 waymarks in 221 different categories within 6 countries and 10 regions, of these were 13 posted-first-in-region and also 12 posted-first-in-country.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Canada (283 waymarks / 208 categories)

Nova Scotia (1)

  Canadian National Historic SitesCanadian National Historic Sites1---

Ontario (2)

  Ontario Provincial PlaquesOntario Provincial Plaques1---
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers1---

Prince Edward Island (2)

  Coastal LighthousesCoastal Lighthouses1---
  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches1---

Québec (278 waymarks / 204 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps1---
  Abandoned CemeteriesAbandoned Cemeteries1---
  Abstract Public SculpturesAbstract Public Sculptures1---
  Active Rail LocationsActive Rail Locations1---
  Advertising ColumnsAdvertising Columns1---
  Alpaca and Llama FarmsAlpaca and Llama Farms1---
  Art VehiclesArt Vehicles1---
  Artistically Decorated Utility BoxesArtistically Decorated Utility Boxes1---
  Astronomical ObservatoriesAstronomical Observatories1---
  Auction HousesAuction Houses1---
  Barber PolesBarber Poles1---
  Bear StatuesBear Statues1---
  Bicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1---
  Boat RampsBoat Ramps1---
  Bowling CentresBowling Centres1---
  Bridge Date Stones and PlaquesBridge Date Stones and Plaques1---
  Building BuildingsBuilding Buildings1---
  Bus StationsBus Stations1---
  Canada Post OfficesCanada Post Offices3---
  Canadian BenchmarksCanadian Benchmarks6---
  Canadian National Historic SitesCanadian National Historic Sites4---
  Car Part SculpturesCar Part Sculptures1---
  Cave Entrances (Natural)Cave Entrances (Natural)1---
  Childhood HomesChildhood Homes1---
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
  Church of the NazareneChurch of the Nazarene1---
  Citizen MemorialsCitizen Memorials3---
  Classic BBQ and Sandwich JointsClassic BBQ and Sandwich Joints1---
  Coats of ArmsCoats of Arms1---
  Coin-Op BinocularsCoin-Op Binoculars1---
  Community GardensCommunity Gardens1---
  Concert HallsConcert Halls1---
  Converted FirehousesConverted Firehouses1---
  Covered BridgesCovered Bridges2---
  Curling ClubsCurling Clubs1---
  Dairy CreameriesDairy Creameries1---
  Dairy Queen RestaurantsDairy Queen Restaurants1---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones5---
  Death Mask GravestonesDeath Mask Gravestones1---
  Demonstration GardensDemonstration Gardens1---
  Disaster MemorialsDisaster Memorials1---
  Disc Golf CoursesDisc Golf Courses1---
  Dockside RestaurantsDockside Restaurants1---
  Dog StatuesDog Statues1---
  Dog-Friendly RestaurantsDog-Friendly Restaurants1---
  Earth GlobesEarth Globes2---
  Electric Car Charging StationsElectric Car Charging Stations3---
  Electric Palm TreesElectric Palm Trees1---
  Elevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects1---
  Elevation SignsElevation Signs1---
  Exceptional TreesExceptional Trees1---
  Farmers' MarketsFarmers' Markets1---
  Ferries and Ferry LandingsFerries and Ferry Landings1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind1---
  Fish LaddersFish Ladders1---
  Fish and Chips RestaurantsFish and Chips Restaurants1---
  Fitness TrailsFitness Trails1---
  Flora and Fauna Information SignsFlora and Fauna Information Signs1---
  Former SchoolsFormer Schools1---
  Free Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1---
  Freestanding ArchesFreestanding Arches1---
  GPS Tracklog ArtGPS Tracklog Art1---
  Garage Door ArtGarage Door Art1---
  Ghost SignsGhost Signs1---
  Ghosts and HauntingsGhosts and Hauntings1---
  Giants of CommerceGiants of Commerce1---
  Ginormous Everyday ObjectsGinormous Everyday Objects1---
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person2---
  Graves Mentioning a Cause of DeathGraves Mentioning a Cause of Death1---
  Guest BooksGuest Books1---
  Histoire du Quebec (Quebec Historical Markers)Histoire du Quebec (Quebec Historical Markers)16---
  Homemade TombstonesHomemade Tombstones1---
  Human Migration MonumentsHuman Migration Monuments1---
  Hydroelectric Power StationsHydroelectric Power Stations1---
  Ice Skating RinksIce Skating Rinks2---
  Iconic FactoriesIconic Factories1---
  Independent Movie Rental ShopsIndependent Movie Rental Shops1---
  Independent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacies1---
  Insect HotelsInsect Hotels1---
  Interesting Intersection NamesInteresting Intersection Names1---
  It's All About TintinIt's All About Tintin1---
  Japanese RestaurantsJapanese Restaurants1---
  Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC RestaurantsKentucky Fried Chicken/KFC Restaurants1---
  Knights of Columbus CouncilsKnights of Columbus Councils4---
  Korean War MemorialsKorean War Memorials1---
  Laser Tag FacilitiesLaser Tag Facilities1---
  Legion Posts and BranchesLegion Posts and Branches3---
  Lion StatuesLion Statues1---
  Lions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers7---
  Lonely ChimneysLonely Chimneys2---
  Love PadlocksLove Padlocks2---
  Lucky 7Lucky 72---
  Martial ArtsMartial Arts1---
  McDonald's RestaurantsMcDonald's Restaurants1---
  Mexican RestaurantsMexican Restaurants1---
  Military Surplus StoresMilitary Surplus Stores1---
  Miniature GolfMiniature Golf1---
  Modern Olympic VenuesModern Olympic Venues1---
  Moose Lodges and CentersMoose Lodges and Centers1---
  Motor Vehicle MuseumsMotor Vehicle Museums1---
  Mountain SummitsMountain Summits1---
  Moving BridgesMoving Bridges1---
  Municipal FlagsMunicipal Flags2---
  Musical Instrument RetailersMusical Instrument Retailers1---
  Natural SpringsNatural Springs1---
  Neon SignsNeon Signs1---
  Newspaper HeadquartersNewspaper Headquarters1---
  Non-Coastal BoardwalksNon-Coastal Boardwalks1---
  Occupational/Hobby Grave StonesOccupational/Hobby Grave Stones2---
  Octagon BuildingsOctagon Buildings1---
  Off-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas1---
  Old TractorsOld Tractors2---
  Omnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees2---
  One-Room SchoolhousesOne-Room Schoolhouses1---
  Outdoor AltarsOutdoor Altars1---
  Outdoor AmphitheatersOutdoor Amphitheaters1---
  Outdoor Basketball CourtsOutdoor Basketball Courts1---
  Outdoor MazesOutdoor Mazes1---
  Outdoor Recreation StoresOutdoor Recreation Stores1---
  Outdoor Stations of the CrossOutdoor Stations of the Cross1---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1---
  Ovens and KilnsOvens and Kilns1---
  People-Named PlacesPeople-Named Places1---
  Permanent Charity Donation LocationsPermanent Charity Donation Locations1---
  Permanent Geographic CoordinatesPermanent Geographic Coordinates1---
  Philatelic PhotographsPhilatelic Photographs1---
  Photos Then and NowPhotos Then and Now1---
  Pizza Shops - Regional ChainsPizza Shops - Regional Chains1---
  Pre-Victorian Historic HomesPre-Victorian Historic Homes1---
  Preserved Machines on Public DisplayPreserved Machines on Public Display1---
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges1---
  Readable From AboveReadable From Above1---
  River GaugesRiver Gauges2---
  River Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesRiver Origins, Destinations and Confluences1---
  Roadside AttractionsRoadside Attractions1---
  Roman Catholic ChurchesRoman Catholic Churches2---
  Rotary International MarkersRotary International Markers1---
  Scenic Roadside Look-OutsScenic Roadside Look-Outs1---
  Scouting HeadquartersScouting Headquarters1---
  Signs of HistorySigns of History1---
  Sister City MonumentsSister City Monuments1---
  Solar PowerSolar Power1---
  Solitary SilosSolitary Silos1---
  Spas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and SaunasSpas, Hammams, Mineral Baths and Saunas1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Static Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1---
  Static Artillery DisplaysStatic Artillery Displays4---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures2---
  Subway RestaurantsSubway Restaurants1---
  Television and Cable Broadcasting StationsTelevision and Cable Broadcasting Stations1---
  Tim Horton's RestaurantsTim Horton's Restaurants2---
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules2---
  Time and Temperature SignsTime and Temperature Signs1---
  Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks2---
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses1---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots2---
  Truss BridgesTruss Bridges1---
 starsUNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere ReservesUNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere Reserves1WMP6A6Mont Saint Hilaire Biosphere Reserve - Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada2015-07-11
  Unique WeathervanesUnique Weathervanes1---
  Universities and CollegesUniversities and Colleges1---
  Unoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and CabinsUnoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins1---
  Unusual  SignsUnusual Signs1---
  Urban Legends and SuperstitionsUrban Legends and Superstitions1---
  Used Book StoresUsed Book Stores1---
  Used Video-Game StoresUsed Video-Game Stores1---
  Vintage Gasoline PumpsVintage Gasoline Pumps1---
  WAL*MART StoresWAL*MART Stores1---
  Water DamsWater Dams2---
  Water MillsWater Mills1---
  Water TowersWater Towers1---
  Watershed Markers and MonumentsWatershed Markers and Monuments1---
  Waterway Locks, Planes and LiftsWaterway Locks, Planes and Lifts1---
  Web CamerasWeb Cameras1---
  Welcome SignsWelcome Signs1---
  Wi-Fi HotspotsWi-Fi Hotspots2---
  Wikipedia EntriesWikipedia Entries2---
  William F. William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody1---
  Woman's ClubsWoman's Clubs1---
  World War I Memorials and MonumentsWorld War I Memorials and Monuments1---
  Your Name HereYour Name Here1---
  Zinc HeadstonesZinc Headstones1---

Cuba (3)

 starsCity Names in Giant LettersCity Names in Giant Letters1WM17VT3Varadero - Matanzas, Cuba2023-04-10
 starsCoastal BoardwalksCoastal Boardwalks1WMNVJ7Beach Boardwalk, Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba2015-05-19
  Giant Board GamesGiant Board Games1---

Dominican Republic (8)

 starsFigurative Public SculptureFigurative Public Sculpture1WMGN0BCabello Blanco - Samana, Dominican Republic2013-03-22
 starsFountainsFountains1WMGMKJPlace Jean De La Fontaine, Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic2013-03-20
 starsIndependent Pizza RestaurantsIndependent Pizza Restaurants1WMGJA0Pizza Coco, Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic2013-03-11
  Omnivorous TreesOmnivorous Trees1---
 starsPetrosomatoglyphsPetrosomatoglyphs1WMGNW1Dog traces, Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic2013-03-26
 starsPolice StationsPolice Stations1WMGK3CPolicia Nacional, Republica Dominica at Las Terrenas, Samana area2013-03-15
 starsTourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersTourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers1WMGK3JCentro de Informacion Turistica al Visitante, Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic2013-03-14
 starsUnusual  SignsUnusual Signs1WMGK3RBumb sign smiley, Las Terrenas, Samana, Dominican Republic2013-03-14

Jamaica (2)

 starsDomino's PizzaDomino's Pizza1WMV6QVDOMINO'S - Sangster International Airport, Jamaica2017-03-05
 starsFramed ViewsFramed Views1WMV7E3Rick's Café, Negril, Jamaica2017-03-08

Panama (1)

 starsHot SpringsHot Springs1WMY0QPEl Valle's Hot Springs, El Valle de Anton, Panama2018-03-29

United States (6 waymarks / 4 categories)

Illinois (3 waymarks / 2 categories)

  Dedicated BenchesDedicated Benches1---
  Statues of Historic FiguresStatues of Historic Figures2---

New York (3 waymarks / 2 categories)

  Gargoyles and ChimerasGargoyles and Chimeras1---
  New York Historical MarkersNew York Historical Markers2---