User petendot 

petendot  posted 111 waymarks in 86 different categories within 3 countries and 16 regions, of these were 16 posted-first-in-region and also 2 posted-first-in-country.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Canada (70 waymarks / 51 categories)

British Columbia (9)

  Bicycle ShopsBicycle Shops1---
  Bicycle TendersBicycle Tenders1---
  Candy StoresCandy Stores1---
  Coffee Shops - Regional ChainsCoffee Shops - Regional Chains1---
 starsCurrent and Former ExchangesCurrent and Former Exchanges1WMGTRXOld Stock Exchange - Vancouver, British Columbia Canada2013-04-09
  Free Community Book ExchangesFree Community Book Exchanges1---
  Off-Leash Dog AreasOff-Leash Dog Areas1---
  Outside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1---
  Ship Screws and Aircraft PropsShip Screws and Aircraft Props1---

Manitoba (1)

 starsButterfly GardensButterfly Gardens1WMHFZ2Shirley Richardson Butterfly Garden - Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg2013-07-07

New Brunswick (3)

 starsBarber PolesBarber Poles1WMHWRZFox's Barber Shop - Fredericton, NB2013-08-22
  Canada Post OfficesCanada Post Offices1---
 starsPeace PolesPeace Poles1WMHKGVPeace Pole - Fredericton, N.B.2013-08-05

Ontario (52 waymarks / 39 categories)

  'You Are Here' Maps'You Are Here' Maps2---
  A + W  RestaurantsA + W Restaurants1---
  Apple StoresApple Stores1---
  Barber PolesBarber Poles1---
  Bicycle Repair StationsBicycle Repair Stations1---
  Canada Post OfficesCanada Post Offices4---
  Dated Buildings and CornerstonesDated Buildings and Cornerstones1---
  Disguised Cell TowersDisguised Cell Towers1---
  Elevated Everyday ObjectsElevated Everyday Objects1---
  Fiberglass HorsesFiberglass Horses1---
  First of its KindFirst of its Kind2---
  Grave of a Famous PersonGrave of a Famous Person3---
  Guinness World RecordsGuinness World Records1---
  Hard Rock CafeHard Rock Cafe1---
  Headstones of CentenariansHeadstones of Centenarians1---
 starsHistoric TreesHistoric Trees2WMBFQ5Ceremonial Trees - Nelson Mandela2011-05-16
  History MuseumsHistory Museums1---
  Lions Clubs International MarkersLions Clubs International Markers1---
  Moving BridgesMoving Bridges1---
  Ontario Provincial PlaquesOntario Provincial Plaques2---
  Painted Barn QuiltsPainted Barn Quilts1---
 starsPeanuts CharactersPeanuts Characters4WMFN8WSNOOPY - Canada's Wonderland, Vaughan, Ontario2012-11-07
 starsPictorial Village SignsPictorial Village Signs1WMBCGZVILLAGE OF NAVAN, ONTARIO2011-05-05
  Realistic Object SculpturesRealistic Object Sculptures1---
  Sit-by-me StatuesSit-by-me Statues1---
  Starbucks StoresStarbucks Stores1---
  Static Aircraft DisplaysStatic Aircraft Displays1---
  The Disney StoreThe Disney Store1---
  Time CapsulesTime Capsules1---
  Train CaboosesTrain Cabooses1---
  Train Stations/DepotsTrain Stations/Depots1---
  Water TowersWater Towers1---
  Waymark Sticker and Pin SeekersWaymark Sticker and Pin Seekers1---
  Zinc HeadstonesZinc Headstones1---

Prince Edward Island (2)

  Canada Post OfficesCanada Post Offices1---
 starsInteractive Wing DisplaysInteractive Wing Displays1WM1AJYCBeach Glass Wings - Saint Peters Bay, Prince Edward Island2024-08-29

Québec (3 waymarks / 1 categories)

  Canada Post OfficesCanada Post Offices3---

Curaçao (1)

 starsLove PadlocksLove Padlocks1WMXR5GLove Padlocks Heart - Willemstad, Curacao2018-02-18

United States (40 waymarks / 35 categories)

Alabama (2)

  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations1---
 starsWelcome SignsWelcome Signs1WMBWV5Welcome to Alabama2011-06-28

Florida (18 waymarks / 14 categories)

  3 Dimensional Art3 Dimensional Art1---
  Auto ClubsAuto Clubs1---
  Bait ShopsBait Shops1---
  Elks LodgesElks Lodges1---
  Florida Historical MarkersFlorida Historical Markers2---
  Historic United Methodist SitesHistoric United Methodist Sites1---
  NPS Passport Cancellation StationsNPS Passport Cancellation Stations1---
  National Public Lands Passport LocationsNational Public Lands Passport Locations1---
  Neon SignsNeon Signs1---
  Oddball MuseumsOddball Museums1---
  Public AquariumsPublic Aquariums1---
  Publix SupermarketsPublix Supermarkets1---
  Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/MonumentsWoodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments4---

Georgia (1)


Maine (2)

 stars9/11 Memorial Sites9/11 Memorial Sites1WMJ1CN9/11 Memorial, Portland, Maine2013-09-11
 starsLove PadlocksLove Padlocks1WMJ1C2Love Padlocks, Portland, Maine USA2013-09-08

Massachusetts (3)

  Fraternal Order of EaglesFraternal Order of Eagles1---
  Taffy Pulling MachinesTaffy Pulling Machines1---
 starsWee Folk Fairy DoorsWee Folk Fairy Doors1WMXR6RThe Toy Boat Fairy Door & Fairy Garden - Nantucket, Massachusetts2018-02-21

New York (8)

 starsAngel of Hope StatuesAngel of Hope Statues1WMEWYGAdirondack Angel of Hope - Saranac Lake, New York2012-07-15
  Donated Engraved Bricks and PaversDonated Engraved Bricks and Pavers1---
  Hot Air Balloon FestivalsHot Air Balloon Festivals1---
  New York Historical MarkersNew York Historical Markers1---
  Panera Bread RestaurantsPanera Bread Restaurants1---
 starsSki JumpsSki Jumps1WMFJQBOlympic Jumping Complex - Lake Placid, New York2012-10-27
  U.S. Post OfficesU.S. Post Offices1---

Ohio (1)


Pennsylvania (4)

 starsBattery Powered Personal Transport RentalsBattery Powered Personal Transport Rentals1WMRQGHPresque Isle Touring Co. - Erie, Pennsylvania2016-07-27
  Bear StatuesBear Statues1---
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
  Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)Watercraft Rentals (Human Powered)1---

Washington (1)

  Ferris WheelsFerris Wheels1---