User Ursus PiPa 

Ursus PiPa  posted 179 waymarks in 44 different categories within 5 countries and 16 regions, of these were 19 posted-first-in-region and also 6 posted-first-in-country.

In the following list are the countries, the regions in the country and the posted categories listed. For the country and the region the number of posted waymark is shown in parentheses. Please note that archived waymarks are not considered for this list and the data on this page is updated in irregular intervals, thus the counting may differ from the one used on .

A golden star at the beginning of a line indicates the waymark was the first posted for the country, a silver star tells, that the waymark was the first posted for the region. The category icon and the name of the category follows next, clicking on the link leads you to the category list page on this site. The number of posted waymarks for the category in the current country/region is displayed next. If there was a first in country or region, the waymark with its code, title and approval date follows.

  show only first posted in country / region

Czechia (168 waymarks / 42 categories)

Hlavní město Praha (2 waymarks / 1 categories)

  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos2---

Jihomoravský kraj (3 waymarks / 1 categories)

  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos3---

Jihočeský kraj (60 waymarks / 30 categories)

 starsArboretumsArboretums1WMDWBKMestské arboretum Vimperk, CZ2012-03-02
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
  Czech Geodetic PointsCzech Geodetic Points13---
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows3---
  Epic Beings and CreaturesEpic Beings and Creatures1---
  Exceptional TreesExceptional Trees1---
  Hand Operated Water PumpsHand Operated Water Pumps1---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Man-made WaterfallsMan-made Waterfalls1---
  Mountain SummitsMountain Summits1---
 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes1WMDKTZPlešné jezero, Šumava, CZ2012-02-20
  Natural SpringsNatural Springs1---
 starsOutside Wooden Display CarvingsOutside Wooden Display Carvings1WMFDX8Jezevec ( Badger ) - Šumava, Czech Republic2013-01-17
 starsParamedic StationsParamedic Stations2WMCRHXHorská služba Kvilda, CZ2011-10-07
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges1---
  Stained Glass WindowsStained Glass Windows1---
 starsSummit RegistersSummit Registers2WMDFT3Svetlá hora - Šumava, CZ2012-01-20
 starsThemed Homemade MailboxesThemed Homemade Mailboxes1WMDW6YSelská chalupa /// Rural baroque mailbox, Holašovice, CZ2012-03-07
  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos10---
 starsTripoints and MultipointsTripoints and Multipoints1WMDKJFTrojmezí / Dreickenmark, Šumava - CZ, D, A2012-03-12
  Unique Manhole CoversUnique Manhole Covers1---
 starsWagon WheelsWagon Wheels1WMDWG6Lavicka s vozovými koly /// Wagon Bench, Holašovice, CZ2012-03-02
  Weather StationsWeather Stations1---
  Web CamerasWeb Cameras1---

Kraj Vysočina (10 waymarks / 6 categories)

 starsBellsBells1WMCDE3Zvony ZDASU /// Bells of the ZDAS2011-08-25
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows2---
  Natural SpringsNatural Springs1---
  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos4---

Královéhradecký kraj (1)

  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos1---

Liberecký kraj (28 waymarks / 5 categories)

  Czech Geodetic PointsCzech Geodetic Points4---
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows12---
  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos9---
  Water DamsWater Dams1---

Moravskoslezský kraj (2 waymarks / 1 categories)

  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos2---

Plzeňský kraj (20 waymarks / 10 categories)

  Baroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture1---
  Christian CrossesChristian Crosses1---
  Czech Geodetic PointsCzech Geodetic Points7---
  Direction and Distance ArrowsDirection and Distance Arrows2---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Mountain SummitsMountain Summits1---
 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes4WMDKV0Prášilské jezero, Šumava, CZ2012-02-20
 starsOrientation TablesOrientation Tables1WMC7QHHutská hora – Zhurí Orientation Table2011-08-05
  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos1---
  Town ClocksTown Clocks1---

Středočeský kraj (36 waymarks / 12 categories)

  Baroque ArchitectureBaroque Architecture1---
  Bell TowersBell Towers1---
  Czech Geodetic PointsCzech Geodetic Points6---
  Doorways of the WorldDoorways of the World1---
  History MuseumsHistory Museums2---
  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Railroad BridgesRailroad Bridges1---
  Rock and Mineral DisplaysRock and Mineral Displays1---
  Statues of Religious FiguresStatues of Religious Figures1---
 starsTourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos19WMCWHGNo.513, Zámek - Mníšek pod Brdy, CZ2011-10-19
 starsWaterfallsWaterfalls1WMEFNXBubovicke vodopady, CZ2012-05-23

Zlínský kraj (4 waymarks / 2 categories)

  Look-Out TowersLook-Out Towers1---
  Tourist  Stamps PhotosTourist Stamps Photos3---

Ústecký kraj (2)

 starsExceptional TreesExceptional Trees1WMDET7Oldrichuv dub / Oldrich´s Oak, Peruc, CZ2012-01-10
  Megalithic MonumentsMegalithic Monuments1---

France (1)

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (1)

 starsMosaicsMosaics1WMC7R4Fisherman´s love Mosaic2011-08-24

Germany (5 waymarks / 4 categories)

Bayern (5 waymarks / 4 categories)

  German Trigonometric PointsGerman Trigonometric Points1---
  Mountain SummitsMountain Summits1---
 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes2WMDMGXGrosser Arbersee, Bayern, DE2012-02-20
  Pictorial Pub SignsPictorial Pub Signs1---

Slovakia (3 waymarks / 1 categories)

Prešovský kraj (3 waymarks / 1 categories)

 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes3WMDM54Velke Hincovo pleso, SK2012-02-20

United Kingdom (2 waymarks / 1 categories)

North West England (1)

 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes1WMDTAXWindermere, England, UK2012-02-22

Northern Scotland (1)

 starsNatural LakesNatural Lakes1WMDRWRLoch Lomond, Scotland, UK2012-02-20