Stained Glass Windows

See category Stained Glass Windows on .
Last import of category containing 3335 waymarks in 65 different countries with 199 regions was on 2025-01-03, there are 230 waymarks with missing region in this category.

First in
CountryRegionOwnerApproved onWM-CodeTitle
starsAntigua and Barbudaneoc12020-02-06WM121ZBAltar Windows of St. John's Cathedral - St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda
starsArgentinaGURUGU2023-06-18WM1886PParroquia Santa Rosa de Lima - Bragado, Buenos Aires, Argentina
AustraliaNew South WalesQueens Blessing2009-11-09WM7M64St Saviour's Cathedral , Goulburn NSW Australia
starsAustraliaQueenslandMarine Biologist2009-03-09WM5ZBASt. Joseph's Church Window - Queensland, Australia
AustraliaSouth AustraliaCADS112018-01-10WMXGBVScots Church - Adelaide - SA - Australia
AustraliaTasmaniaronjean2017-12-17WMXAJFSt. David's Cathedral Windows - Hobart, AU
AustraliaVictoriaWanderingAus2012-04-18WME8FKWardens Hotel Windows - Beechworth, Victoria, Australia
AustraliaWestern AustraliaWanderingAus2011-12-06WMD8X8Peace Window at Saint Peter's Anglican Church, Bruce Rock Western Australia.
AustriaSalzburgMetro22015-06-09WMP1AHSt. Andrew's Stained Glass - Salzburg, Austria
starsAustriaTirolTante.Hossi2012-04-04WME4XKKirche 'Unsere Liebe Frau Mariae Namen' - Jungholz, Austria, TIR
AustriaVorarlbergSMacB2014-05-27WMKT6RStained Glass Windows, Sts. Philip and James - Schoppernau, Vorarlberg
AustriaWienluzzi-reloaded2012-05-24WMEFXZLuegerkirche - Zentralfriedhof Wien, Austria
starsBahamasdenben2020-06-05WM12JKBStained Glass - St. Andrew's Presbyterian Kirk - Nassau, The Bahamas
starsBarbadosdenben2024-07-12WM1A9Q0Stained Glass Windows - St. John's Parish Church - Barbados
BelgiumAntwerpennaj162013-09-03WMHZWJTongerlo Abbey - Belgium
starsBelgiumBrusselsChimaeraUK2008-11-13WM559DAnglo-Belgian Air Forces Memorial Window
BelgiumHainautpmaupin2018-04-23WMY4XBLa Rosace de la Cathédrale Notre-Dame - Tournai, Belgium
BelgiumLiègefranketmuriel2018-03-08WMXW2KLe vitrail de Lismonde - Jules-Clément Lismonde - Liège - Belgique
BelgiumLimburgIris & Harry2016-07-31WMRRV8Stained Glass Windows at Onze-Lieve-Vrouwebasiliek (Tongern), Limburg - Belgium
BelgiumOost-Vlaanderenlopac442013-03-03WMGG4PSint-Martinus church - Berlare - Oost-vlaanderen - Belgium
BelgiumWest-Vlaanderenlopac442009-06-23WM6MZ3St-godelieve abbey Gistel W-Vlaanderen Belgie
starsBermudaBenchmark Blasterz2015-03-01WMNEK2Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity -- Hamilton BM
starsBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBonairedenben2019-02-02WMZZ17St. Bernard Church - Kralendijk, Bonaire
BrazilDistrito FederalTorgut2024-09-08WM1AMY3Catedral de Brasília - Brasília, Brazil
BrazilRio de Janeirodenben2024-05-18WM19Z5XStained Glass - Cathedral of São Sebastião - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
starsBrazilSão Paulosaopaulo12007-07-30WM1Y1NFarm scene - Mercado Municipal de Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo, Brazil
CanadaAlbertawildwoodke2008-08-03WM4BBWProvince of Alberta Main Entrance to the Legislature - Edmonton, Alberta
CanadaBritish Columbiawildwoodke2009-08-03WM6X97Salt Spring United Church - Ganges, British Columbia
starsCanadaManitobaBarbershopDru2007-08-31WM2414St James Church Outhouse Window, Manitoba, Canada
CanadaNew BrunswickT0SHEA2015-07-20WMP86DChrist Church Cathedral - Fredericton, NB
CanadaNorthwest Territorieswildwoodke2008-01-03WM2X51Notre Dame de Bonne Esperance - Fort Good Hope, Northwest Territories
CanadaNova ScotiaQueens Blessing2012-09-24WMFB90St. John's Anglican Church Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia
CanadaOntarioS5280ft2007-09-23WM28N4St. Paul's Cathedral - London, Ontario, Canada
CanadaPrince Edward IslandT0SHEA2015-05-06WMNVC3Long River United Church - Long River, PEI
CanadaQuébecking.hubi2009-07-21WM6TX9Stained Glass Window "Construction" in Notre-Dame Basilica of Montréal, Quebec - Canada
starsCayman IslandsMetro22016-02-09WMQDEPElmslie Memorial Church Stained Glass - George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
starsChiledenben2019-10-25WM11H6BStained Glass - Iglesia de San Agustín - La Serena, Chile
starsChinaSavoy2008-04-17WM3KNYStained Glass Window in TGI Fridays
starsCosta RicaQueens Blessing2010-01-05WM80M0Iglesia de San Rafael church, Zarcero, Costa Rica
starsCroatiaWindego12013-06-14WMHA1YRosewindow of St. James in Sibenik (Dalmatia - Croatia)
starsCubadenben2017-03-26WMVAY1Hotel Club Tropical - Varadero, Cuba
starsCuraçaodenben2018-12-29WMZRG4Fort Church Windows - Willemstad, Curaçao
starsCzechiaHlavní město PrahaSUp3rFM & Cruella2007-10-17WM2DF2St. Vitus Stained Glass Windows, Prague, Czech Republic
CzechiaJihočeský krajDáin & Olík2009-09-17WM782CStained Glass of Church of Virgin Mary, Stare Mesto pod Landstejnem, Czech Republic
CzechiaJihomoravský krajtorfik2009-07-06WM6PR3Kostel Navštívení Panny Marie / Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
CzechiaKarlovarský kraj*Team Krombaer*2016-01-28WMQB5KMosaic in railway station Cheb / Mozaika na nadrazi Cheb (Czech Republic)
CzechiaKraj VysočinaDrakMrak2018-01-26WMXKH0Rozeta / Rosette
CzechiaKrálovéhradecký krajDáin & Olík2010-11-19WMA58FErb vitraz / Stained Glass CoA, Hradec Kralove, CZ
CzechiaLiberecký krajNoe12012-06-18WMENC0Okno mauzolea rodiny Schmidt / Schmidt Family Mausoleum Window, Ceský Dub, Czech republic
CzechiaMoravskoslezský krajDorcadion Team2016-07-30WMRRN6Chapel of Ss. Cyril and Methodius / Kaple svatého Cyrila a Metodeje - Radhošt (North-East Moravia)
CzechiaOlomoucký krajDorcadion Team2014-05-18WMKQPAKostel Sv. Michala / Church of St. Michael - Olomouc (Central Moravia)
CzechiaPardubický krajvraatja2012-01-13WMDGJQSt. Bartholomew's Church - Pardubice, Czech Republic
CzechiaPlzeňský krajtorfik2009-10-11WM7DQPHorská synagoga / Mountain Synagogue - Hartmanice
CzechiaStředočeský krajDorcadion Team2009-06-15WM6K7MSt. Barbara Cathedral / Chrám Sv. Barbory (Kutná Hora, Czech Republic)
CzechiaZlínský krajOlii052017-11-17WMX2FKVitraz kostela - Nedakonice, Czech Republic
DenmarkRegion HovedstadenChasing Blue Sky2013-09-20WMJ3XKSt. Alban's Church - Copenhagen, Denmark
starsDenmarkRegion Midtjyllandpstidsen2013-07-31WMHMG0Don Quijote - Randers, Denmark
DenmarkRegion Nordjyllandkallehaugerne2014-07-31WMM6HWGlasmosaik Agerø Kirke - Denmark
DenmarkRegion SyddanmarkWalking Boots2020-07-14WM12TPQBlå Legende - Domkirken - Ribe, Danmark
starsEgyptArne12013-07-17WMHJGJMoses and King David - Coptic Orthodox Church, Sharm El Sheikh - Egypt
starsEl SalvadorMetro22013-03-18WMGM53San Salvador Cathedral Stained Glass Windows - San Salvador, El Salvador
starsFaroe IslandsWalking Boots2024-07-25WM1A9T3Stained Glass Window - Götu Church, Faroe Islands
starsFinlandEtelä-PohjanmaaNeofytos2010-02-05WM8624Jeesuksen toinen tuleminen - Main church, Kauhajoki - Finland
FinlandPirkanmaamarcius2022-08-12WM16J9BStained Glass Windows - Tampereen tuomiokirkko - Tampere, Finland
FinlandUusimaasmall oaks2010-03-19WM8DXMThree salmons of Porvoo MLK - Porvoo, Finland
FinlandVarsinais-SuomiSmurffaaja2021-03-02WM13WK6Tavastin Kappeli / Tuomiokirkko - Turku, Finland
FranceAuvergne-Rhône-AlpesRakeInTheCache2007-10-14WM2A75Cathedral Windows - Lyon Cathedral - Lyon, France
FranceBourgogne-Franche-Comtédenben2011-10-21WMCVBVRosace de la Collégiale Notre-Dame - Montréal (Yonne), France
FranceBretagneTromel2017-01-01WMTQGTÉglise de Saint-Briac - Saint-Briac-sur-mer, Bretagne
starsFranceCentre-Val-de-Loiretijgetje2007-08-31WM23Z7Cathedral of "Sainte Croix", Orleans, France
FranceCorseDorcadion Team2009-09-03WM7537L'église Sainte Marie Majeure / Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary (Zonza, Corsica)
FranceGrand-EstRakeInTheCache2009-05-08WM6BE6Les vitraux de Notre Dame de Reims
FranceHauts-de-FranceRakeInTheCache2008-02-20WM36YRLes vitraux de la cathédrale Saint-Pierre - Beauvais - France
FranceÎle-de-FranceRakeInTheCache2008-01-26WM31HWLes Vitraux de Notre Dame de Paris, France
FranceNormandieRakeInTheCache2009-08-02WM6XGAVitraux de l'Église Sainte Jeanne d'Arc, Rouen - France
FranceNouvelle-AquitaineSCALAIRE2012-01-24WMDJQVLa bénédiction,Bazas,France
FranceOccitaniesara et gege2019-09-04WM1183MVitraux Eglise Sacre Coeur - Lourdes, Occitanie, France
FrancePays de la LoireAlfouine2017-02-19WMV3WHLes vitraux de la cathédrale Saint-Julien du Mans - France
FranceProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azurwildwoodke2013-02-20WMGDTYL’Eglise Réformée de Nice - Nice, France
GermanyBaden-WürttembergTante.Hossi2012-04-03WME4X8Krönungskirche - Kloster Liebfrauenhöhe Ergenzingen, Germany, BW
starsGermanyBayernArchived20122008-07-21WM47N1Motherhouse Chapel Windows - Munich, Germany
GermanyHamburgAKirsche2010-11-05WMA237Ritter St. Georg
GermanyHessen4spring2016-12-17WMTMRHPetrusfenster in der Bessunger Kirche, Darmstadt, Germany
GermanyMecklenburg-VorpommernWindego12013-03-06WMGH5ZRose window of Wustrow Church - Das Rosenfenster der Kirche zu Wustrow
GermanyNiedersachsen4spring2016-12-06WMTKH1Petrusfenster in der Christuskirche, Borkum, Germany
GermanyNordrhein-Westfalendenben2012-12-07WMFW99Cologne Cathedral Stained Glass Window - Cologne, Germany
GermanyRheinland-PfalzIris & Harry2016-08-08WMRVN1Windows at Catholic Chapel St. Josef in Walporzheim - RLP / Germany
GermanySaarlanddieSulzer2012-06-26WMEQ8DFenster im Heiligenhäuschen - Bergweiler, Saarland, Germany
GermanySachsenluzzi-reloaded2012-07-05WMETHCBachfenster Thomaskirche - Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany
GermanyThüringenkaschper692016-11-22WMTGJAGlasfenster im Hochchor -Erfurter Dom- Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany
starsGreeceCADS112018-04-12WMY3AXMetropolitan Cathedral of Athens - Greece
starsHungaryBudapestNebel.com2010-09-04WM9MGFGlass portal of the Emergency Hospital - Budapest - Hungary
starsIcelandNorfolk122008-02-15WM35VEStained Glass Window - Reykjavik Cathedral , Iceland
starsIndiadenben2015-12-16WMQ470Stained Glass Windows - Mehrangarh Fort - Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
IrelandConnachtWindsocker2008-12-22WM5CRTSt. Colmans Church - Inishbofin Co Galway
IrelandDublinWindsocker2008-04-22WM3MMXKillossery Church - Rolestown Co Dublin
starsIrelandLeinsterWindsocker2008-01-30WM32KTSt Peter's Church - Drogheda Co Louth Ireland
IrelandMunsterteeoff22009-02-27WM5XRTSt John the Baptist - Ballyvaughan Co. Galway, Ireland
IrelandUlsterWindsocker2008-03-02WM39T7Saint Patrick's (C of I)- Armagh Northern Ireland
starsIsle of ManMike_bjm2017-04-14WMVG0ZStained Glass Windows - Holy Trinity Church, Kirk Patrick -Patrick, Isle of Man
starsIsraeldenben2013-03-08WMGHHBThe Great Synagogue Stained Glass Windows - Jerusalem, Israel
ItalyEmilia–RomagnaT-Team!2022-09-20WM16QYDBasilica di San Petronio - Bologna, Italy
ItalyLaziovraatja2010-11-05WMA29TSanta Maria sopra Minerva - Rome, Italy
ItalyLombardiatmob2011-07-12WMC0YVDuomo di Milano Stained Glass Window - Milan, Italy
ItalyPiemonteT-Team!2024-08-14WM1AFR8Windows in the Cathedral - Acqui Terme, Italy
ItalyPugliaMetro22023-03-20WM17PBNAltamura Cathedral Stained Glass Windows - Altamura, Italy
starsItalyToscanaGT.US2008-09-16WM4PG8The Virgin Mary at the Cathedral of Pisa - Pisa, Italy
ItalyUmbriaWindego12013-01-20WMG6KQRose window of Orvieto Cathedral
ItalyValle d'AostaT-Team!2024-10-24WM1AXFKAosta Cathedral - Aosta, Italy
starsJapanAichiBluegrassCache2007-12-27WM2VQZElvis - Hard Rock Cafe - Nagoya, Japan
JapanAomoriYONEYAMA2009-08-25WM72VFStained glass on Nursery school - Aomori, JAPAN
JapanChibaYONEYAMA2009-03-23WM629TKamihongo Station Stained Glass - Chiba, JAPAN
JapanKanagawaS5280ft2008-02-06WM342JSymphonic Sculpture - Kenagawa-ken, Japan
starsJerseylopac442009-07-31WM6X2TFisherman chapel of st-Brelade- Jersey-Channel Islands.
starsKoreasilverquill2009-09-05WM75G1Jeondong Catholic Church Windows - Jeonju, Korea
starsLatviaMarine Biologist2015-09-15WMPKPPRiga Cathedral Stained Glass Windows - Riga, Latvia
starsLuxembourgT-Team!2023-10-22WM18Y4XCathedral Notre Dame - Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
starsMalaysiasilverquill2014-04-27WMKKFRPenang Chinese Methodist Church Windows - Georgetown, Malaysia
starsMaltaNorfolk122008-12-03WM59XDRose Stained Glass Window - Gozo, Malta
starsMartiniqueBeagle-12008-02-18WM36FMCathédrale Saint-Louis Bishop's Coat of Arms
MexicoBaja California Surneoc12015-04-29WMNT9RVitrofusion Glass Blowing Factory - Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
MexicoDistrito FederalAlfouine2023-03-08WM17KEBIglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Ciudad de México) - Mexico
MexicoJaliscoMetro22011-01-24WMAJVFRing Around the Watermelon Tree - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
starsMexicoNayaritMetro22011-01-13WMAGEQVirgin Mary - Xalisco, Mexico
MexicoYucatánAlfouine2024-09-17WM1AKYVConvento de San Antonio de Padua - Izamal - Mexico
starsMyanmarMetro22017-05-04WMVMBBHoly Trinity Cathedral Stained Glass - Yangon, Myanmar
starsNetherlandsFrieslandhaxepaxe2007-10-10WM2C4BStained Glass Windows School - Heerenveen
NetherlandsGelderlandPetjeOp2023-09-25WM18TMGBijbels afbeeldingen - Remigiuskerk, Duiven - NL
NetherlandsLimburg[DELETED_USER]2014-01-13WMJXGHSt George slaying the dragon - Sint Joris Kapel - Wessem, LB, Netherlands
NetherlandsNoord-Brabantdreamhummie2015-05-14WMNWRHSt. Catharina Church - Eindhoven NL
NetherlandsNoord-Hollandsuperstein2023-08-12WM18JPRPeace and tolerance - Haarlem - The Netherlands
NetherlandsOverijsselFamDa2013-10-30WMJAVCHut Mariaborch -- Mariënberg
NetherlandsUtrechtAndre 612022-03-19WM15XW3het wonder van Woerden - NL
NetherlandsZuid-HollandAxel-F2015-04-28WMNRWRFormer city hall (Nijverheid) - Alphen aan den Rijn (NL)
starsNew ZealandNorth IslandNorfolk122009-03-20WM626QMemorial Windows- Auckland War Museum -
New ZealandSouth IslandDunbar Loop2009-11-12WM7N54New Zealand Railways, Dunedin Train Station — Dunedin, New Zealand
starsNorfolk IslandPunga and Paua2008-07-29WM4AFRSt Barnabas Rose Window. Norfolk Island.
starsNorwayTrøndelagWalking Boots2021-09-23WM150PPNidaros-rosen - Trondheim, Norway
starsPalestineashberry2021-07-31WM14N8YStained glass window above the entrance - Church of St Catherine of Alexandria - Bethlehem, Palestine
starsPolandMałopolskieMetro22015-11-28WMQ19ZSt Barbara’s Stained Glass - Krakow, Poland
PortugalArquipélago da Madeiradenben2024-11-20WM1B2CRStained Glass - Funchal Cathedral - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
starsPortugalBragagod_herodes2010-01-23WM83W7Stained Glass at Sameiro's Church Braga
PortugalFaroRuiJSDuarte2012-07-12WMEW5AScene of Royalty - Igreja da Misericórdia, Alvor, Faro - Portugal
PortugalLeiriah_raky2010-11-08WMA2FRVitral do Mosteiro da Batalha-Leiria- Portugal
PortugalLisboaMarine Biologist2010-09-27WM9RQNIgreja de Santa Maria Maior Sé Patriarcal de Lisboa - Lisbon, Portugal
PortugalSantarémRuiJSDuarte2014-01-22WMJZMZIgreja de São Pedro Stained Glass Windows - Torres Novas, Portugal
starsPuerto Riconeoc12020-02-11WM122QNMetropolitan Cathedral Basilica of Saint John the Baptist - San Juan, Puerto Rico
starsRomaniaPISA-caching2023-07-26WM18FKAStained Glass Windows - St. Michael's Church - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
starsSaint Kitts and Nevisdenben2015-03-05WMNFAVBasseterre Co-Cathedral of Immaculate Conception - St. Kitts
starsSloveniaGT.US2007-09-12WM26H1Religous scene - Celje Cathederal - Celje, Slovenia
SpainAndalucíaRakeInTheCache2007-11-11WM2JBGStained Glass Window in the Mezquita - Cordoba
SpainAragónsara et gege2018-06-09WMYF85Seminario Conciliar Rues - Teruel,Spain
starsSpainCastilla y LeónRakeInTheCache2007-09-17WM27FAAlcazar of Segovia - Stained Glass in the Throne Room
SpainCastilla-La ManchaCADS112019-03-15WM107NEEstación de Toledo - Toledo - Spain
SpainCataluñarazalas2011-05-19WMBG7VStained Glass of the Sagrada Familia - Barcelona, Spain
SpainComunidad de Madridxeocach2023-09-29WM18V7KCúpula vitral del Palacio de Longoria - Madrid, España
SpainComunidad ValencianaGURUGU2023-08-01WM18GQ2Ermita Cristo de la Buena Muerte - Bellús, Valencia, Espña
SpainGaliciaAriberna2020-08-27WM131RJSantuario Nuestra Señora de los remedios - Castro Caldelas, Ourense, Galicia, España
SpainIslas Balearesneoc12017-02-16WMV35GRose Windows of the Cathedral of Santa Maria of Palma - Palma de Mallorca, Spain
SpainPrincipado de AsturiasAriberna2021-11-01WM157HHGlass in Santo Tomás - Avilés, Asturias, España
SpainRegión de Murciadenben2024-12-08WM1B59MEl Pellizco Building Stained Glass - Cartagena, Spain
starsSwedenBlekingeWalking Boots2022-03-17WM15XGFHeliga kors kyrka - Ronneby, Sweden
SwedenSkånedvddragon2022-08-13WM16JDEStained Glass Windows - Västra Karup, Sweden
SwitzerlandBasel Stadtfi672011-02-10WMAQ32Chancel Windows of Elisabethenkirche - Basel, Switzerland
SwitzerlandFribourgToRo612015-07-20WMP8EZThe Cathedral of St. Nicholas - Fribourg, Switzerland
SwitzerlandGenèveToRo612015-07-20WMP86QCathedrale Saint-Pierre - Geneva, Switzerland
starsSwitzerlandGlarussuperstein2009-10-25WM7GX4St. Fridolinskirche, Glarus - Switzerland
SwitzerlandValaisfi672016-10-08WMT6DHStained Glass Windows at Wehrmannskapelle - Brig, VS, Switzerland
SwitzerlandVaudToRo612015-07-20WMP88ACathedral of Notre Dame - Lausanne, Switzerland
starsTanzaniaAriberna2024-09-17WM1ABF4Glasses of church - Zanzibar, Tanzania
starsTunisiadenben2023-02-07WM17E8RStained Glass - St. Vincent de Paul Cathedral - Tunis, Tunisia
starsUnited Arab EmiratesAriberna2022-10-30WM16YCFStained glass mosque - Abu Dabhi, UAE
United KingdomEast MidlandsV70PDB2007-08-13WM2069Glass in St Michaels Church, Cotham, Nottinghamshire, UK
United KingdomEastern EnglandDragontree2008-01-10WM2YC9Crucifixion Window - St Mary's Church, Keysoe, Bedfordshire, UK
United KingdomLondonNorfolk122010-08-31WM9K45St James Church, Piccadilly. London
United KingdomNorth East EnglandSir Lose-a-lot2008-07-29WM4A73Stained glass windows in St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle.
United KingdomNorth WalesNorfolk122010-12-06WMA95WWiggenhall St Mary Magdalen, Norfolk
United KingdomNorth West Englandmartlakes2008-02-04WM33M4East Window, Helsington Church, Kendal, Cumbria UK
United KingdomNorthern Scotlandteeoff22009-02-21WM5WNQWilliam Wallace Memorial - Stirling Scotland
United KingdomSouth East EnglandNorfolk122008-01-27WM31WGRose Window Holy Trinity Church Old Wolverton Bucks
United KingdomSouth WalesDdraig Ddu2011-03-13WMAYR6The Holy Chalice, St Mihagels, Llandre, Ceredigion, Wales, UK
starsUnited KingdomSouth West EnglandBrentorboxer2007-07-31WM1Y2NBrentor Church, Devon UK
United KingdomSouthern EnglandDragontree2008-01-30WM32JRSt Lawrence Church Windows - Chicheley, Buckinghamshire, UK
United KingdomSouthern Scotlandpmaupin2024-04-21WM19VWMThe stained glass windows of Dunblane Cathedral - Dunblane, Scotland, UK
United KingdomWest MidlandsV70PDB2007-08-12WM1ZZ7Baptistry window at Coventry cathedral
United KingdomYorkshireSir Lose-a-lot2008-07-25WM496HWindows in St Mary's Church, Staindrop, County Durham
United StatesAlabamahummerstation2010-02-28WM8AGZSanctuary Windows - Deatsville Chapel, Deatsville, Alabama USA
United StatesArizonaDopeyDuck2009-01-24WM5HCYFCC Stained Glass WIndow - Flagstaff, AZ
United StatesArkansasGEO*Trailblazer 12007-09-22WM28FKJASPER Stained Glass
United StatesCaliforniaucdvicky2007-10-10WM2CAE"Good Shepard" in St. Justin's Church - Santa Clara, CA
United StatesColoradoronjean2008-12-22WM592TPrince of Peace Lutheran Church Windows, Colorado Springs, CO
United StatesConnecticutchrissyml2012-06-10WMEKPTRussell Library
United StatesDelawarebluesnote2021-12-05WM15C94Immanuel United Methodist Church - Townsend, DE
United StatesDistrict of ColumbiaHikenutty2008-07-29WM4AEFLibrary of Congress Great Hall Skylights, Jefferson Building - Washington, D.C.
United StatesFloridaGT.US2007-12-27WM2VR8Miami Community Church - South Miami Beach - Florida
United StatesGeorgiaGatoRx2008-01-30WM32FGFaith Chapel - Jekyll Island, GA
United StatesHawaiiJake392008-01-06WM2XE7"KILAUEA MILITARY CAMP BUILDING" - Stained glass window
United StatesIdahosilverquill2007-11-20WM2MDPCapitol City Christian Church Windows - Boise, ID
United StatesIllinoisHikenutty2007-08-03WM1Y9XUnity Temple - Oak Park, IL
United StatesIndianaonfire4jesus2008-08-10WM4DYCChrist Church Cathedral - Indianapolis, IN
United StatesIowaNevaP2007-08-04WM1YKERubin Memorial Window - National Balloon Museum, Indianola, Iowa, USA
United StatesKansasBruceS2007-08-10WM1ZPRSt. Fidelis Catholic Church Stained Glass - Victoria, Kansas
United StatesKentuckyBluegrassCache2007-08-18WM211YJoe Bologna's Stained Glass Window
United StatesLouisianaAngel&Richie2008-09-10WM4N62St Jane De Chantal Church - Abita Springs, LA. USA
United StatesMaineT0SHEA2015-06-22WMP31NCox Memorial Methodist Church - Hallowell, ME
United StatesMarylandpseudoprime2009-01-04WM5GEWAbstract Pattern - Beans in the Belfry - Brunswick, MD - USA
United StatesMassachusettssilverquill2008-01-17WM2ZVMSt. Mary Star of the Sea Bavarian Windows - Beverly, MA
United StatesMichiganTeam Farkle 72007-08-11WM1ZR7Jesus & the Apostles - ST. Rita Parish - Holly, MI - USA
United StatesMinnesotaFSU*Noles2008-08-01WM4B5PResurrection Window - Cathedral of Saint Paul, St. Paul MN - USA
United StatesMississippiCommander X2009-11-30WM7T6DJustice - Danforth Chapel - Hattiesburg, MS
United StatesMissouriBruceS2007-08-06WM1Z0RBusch Mausoleum Stained Glass - St. Louis, Missouri
United StatesMontanaT0SHEA2014-04-29WMKKZ1Deer Lodge County Courthouse Dome Skylight - Anaconda, MT
United StatesNebraskaBruceS2007-08-06WM1Z2GOld Main - Nebraska Wesleyan University - Lincoln, Nebraska
United StatesNevadaGT.US2010-05-04WM8QVZSilver Legacy Casino Stained Glass Ceiling - Reno, NV
United StatesNew Hampshiresilverquill2007-12-12WM2R88Tiffany Window St. Andrew's By-The-Sea - Rye Beach, NH
United StatesNew JerseyMath Teacher2008-07-08WM4500First Presbyterian Church Tiffany Windows - Haddonfield, NJ
United StatesNew Mexicokameniev2010-10-15WM9Y2XRio Grande Zoo - Albuquerque, New Mexico
United StatesNew YorkPTCrazy2007-08-26WM230QRiverside Cemetery - Funeral Services Bldg. - Oswego, NY
United StatesNorth CarolinaBluegrassCache2007-08-13WM205GPatroness of Captive Nations - Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, Cherokee, NC - USA
United StatesNorth DakotaPeterNoG2010-03-24WM8F1VSt Joseph's Chapel Windows - Walsh County ND
United StatesOhioBluegrassCache2007-11-08WM2HVJFirst English Lutheran Church 1971 Window - Mansfield, OH
United StatesOklahomagparkes2010-01-21WM83MM45th Infantry Museum - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
United StatesOregonTheBeanTeam2007-12-13WM2RC7Noah-Bethesda Lutheran Church, Eugene, Oregon-USA
United StatesPennsylvaniaJimmyEv2007-08-03WM1YHJBethany Reformed Church - Butler, Pennsylvania
United StatesRhode IslandBruceS2008-10-20WM4ZXBSt. Charles Borromeo Church Windows - Woonsocket, Rhode Island
United StatesSouth CarolinaHawaiian Ninja2008-01-29WM32C1First Baptist Church of Landrum - Landrum, SC - USA
United StatesSouth DakotaNGComets2011-04-17WMB6WTCornerstone United Methodist Church, Watertown, South Dakota
United StatesTennesseeBackBrakeBilly2007-09-03WM24KPThe Dove - Dividing Ridge Baptist Church - Hixson, Tennessee
starsUnited StatesTexasggmorton2007-07-30WM1XZBFirst Doctor Lykes 1900 - Rosenberg Library - Galveston, TX, USA
United StatesUtahbrwhiz2010-09-13WM9P6HReligious Design - First Presbyterian Church, Salt Lake City
United StatesVermontVermontish2008-08-08WM4D6WUnited Methodist Church - Richford, Vermont
United StatesVirginiaHikenutty2008-07-31WM4AN0Mount Vernon Orientation Center Stained Glass - Mount Vernon, VA
United StatesWashingtonHikenutty2007-10-28WM2G39Church of St. Patrick's Windows - Tacoma, WA
United StatesWest Virginiasilverquill2009-01-29WM5P8DFirst Presbyterian Church Windows - New Cumberland, WV
United StatesWisconsinonfire4jesus2008-05-16WM3TFPThe Creation Window - Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Center, Green Bay, WI - USA
United StatesWyomingVolcanoguy2012-03-15WMDZXRChapel of The Transfiguration Windows - Moose, Wyoming
starsVatican City StateMetro22016-02-05WMQCETHoly Tunic - Vatican City State
starsVietnamdenben2012-03-23WME21PSaigon Notre-Dame Cathedral Windows - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam